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1821: Eliminating The Capital Gains Tax
Eliminating The Capital Gains Tax One of the major obstacles facing all entrepreneurs in the United States when starting a new business or expanding an existing one is raising capital. Here capital refers to money that people invest in a business. Investment and entrepreneurship are the heart and soul of a lively economy. There is no other economic task more important than investing one's capital into new ideas and new enterprises. Therefore capital raised from one person or a group of professional investors remains a crucial source of funding for these type of enterprises. In the type of economic world which is present today ...
1822: Andrew Jackson
... agony as his political/outside life did. With those factors understood, Jackson's life and the times he lived in, will become clear to all. The important point to understand about most things in this world is the nature of their origins, Andrew Jackson is no different. Born with no idea as to what his father looks like, Andrew Jackson Jr., third son from Elizabeth and Andrew Jackson Sr., will be ... he finally got admitted to the state bar, he began drifting about the local courts, taking a case here and there. It wasn't until an old friend made him the public prosecutor of the new Western District of North Carolina that he got his first major break as a lawyer. Now in his twenties, Jackson finally gains wealth and becomes a indispensable lawyer to the speculators in Nashville, N. Carolina ... Rachel Donelson was from, she helped provide Jackson with enough political and economic boost to become one of the richest men on the Western Frontier. Due to his vast holdings, and his leadership on this new state called "Tennessee", Andrew Jackson landed a seat in the U.S. Senate. Showing very little political ambition, and not accomplishing a whole lot, Jackson soon resigns his seat. It was after his senate ...
1823: Inca Empire
... they had build a powerful empire, stretching the entire length of the Andeas, at a distance of more than 5,500 km. It was probably the greatest empire of its time life anywhere in the world, if we imagine that they had built a road system that extended some 30,000 to 40,000 km, unrivaled until the invention of the automobile, they possessed great skills in medicine, and they had ... by the citizens who believed that he was the son of the sun (Rosso 121). When the king died his property, in turn, passed to his relations, while his successor, took up residence in a new compound (Inca 376). The throne was not hereditary, so the emperor had to choose someone with great military and administrative abilities, in order to become the new king (Rosso 121). Each one of the four regions had a governor who was a blood relative of the emperor, known as “apo”. Then, in the political hierarchy of the Inca Empire, were the ...
1824: Uses And Abuses Of Information
... is said to have based the infrastructure of Oceania on that of Stalinist Russia of the 1940s. I want to compare and contrast Orwell’s vision of the future and control of information to the world of today. I hope to draw parallels in the ideology of Insog, governments of the present day and those of past regimes. The rewriting of history Winston worked in the records department of the Ministry ... speech was rewritten to say that they had predicted a cut some time in the future and eventually that the ration had been increased. Once these articles had been rewritten, the old newspapers were destroyed, new issues printed and used as historical records. All documentation of the past had been tailored to say exactly what the government wanted it to. No other records of the past existed other than those that had been manipulated and falsified by the ministry of truth. This may seem fantastic and unfeasible in modern western society, but Orwell himself performed a similar role in the BBC during World War II. This gave him a solid taste of bureaucratic hypocrisy and may have provided the inspiration for his invention of "newspeak," the truth-denying language of Big Brother's rule in Nineteen Eighty- ...
1825: Literary Analysis Of The Woman
... the struggles and complications experienced by Kingston as relevant to my interpretation. Schroeder s model of interpretation presents eight interpretive elements: explicit statements, imagery, narrative point of view, plot/action, characters, notable effects, horizons, and world. The most important interpretive elements used in my interpretation were imagery, plot/action, and characters. Using these interpretive elements helps to give basis to my interpretation. Kingston's novel abounds with imagery, from the ghosts ... or slave, but she taught me the song of the warrior woman, Fa Mu Lan. I would have to grow up a warrior woman (p.20). She also recognizes her mother as being a warrior. Brave Orchid, Kingston s mother, was an important figure in her village back in China; she had attained a doctor s degree. I m never getting married, never! Who d want to marry you anyway? Noisy ... you think you re the first one to think about college? I was a doctor. I went to medical school... I don t see why you can t be a doctor like me. (p.202) Brave Orchid hints to her daughter that getting married is a tradition which is to be taught but not necessarily followed; like her mother, Kingston has the opportunity to be an individual. As a Chinese- ...
1826: Ancient Egyptians and the Norsemen: Creating the Past
Ancient Egyptians and the Norsemen: Creating the Past Ancient Egyptians and Norsemen along with all other cultures believe that the world and all that lies there in was created by a supreme being or force. For most people faith alone is not enough to base their very existence on; people want to know why, how, and ... filled the tombs with items to use in the afterlife. There are a few different creation stories that occupied the Egyptian region, but most all of them began the same. According to Pierre Montet the world was created from nothing in “ a time when there was no sky, when neither the earth, nor men nor gods existed, and when even death did not exist ” (154). The main and most believed creation ... knew about biological generation, and their typical way of life (Budge 20). In the Memphis creation myth the Egyptians claimed that Ptah, their supreme god, joined with Naunet and fathered Atum, who then created the world. The Memphite’s were trying to show that their deity began creation (Cavendish 97). It is only human for a group of people to want the credit for a great event, and that is ...
1827: Developing An Effective Sales Training Program
... time. The bottom line is, it’s not which style of training you choose that make the difference. It’s whether or not that training is giving your people what they need to know: real-world information that they can apply directly and immediately. You want your people to learn from those who are continually seeing action in the field, who are constantly using the skills they’re teaching, and who are learning more about these skills every day. The best trainer has excellent presentation and communication skills, but also the sales background and practical knowledge that only real-world experience can provide. When deciding how to educate your sales force, you don’t have to pick just one type of training, or just one trainer. Many different methods have evolved over the past years. One way is to set up a mentoring program, also known as the “buddy system” (Anderson, Hair, and Bush, pg7-4). This procedure involves assigning the best reps in the organization to mentor new salespeople. However, it is imperative to choose mentors who haven’t just produced a high volume of sales, but also have a strong work ethic and are good teachers. The key of the procedure ...
1828: Education In America
The United States has been teaching its students for countless years now. Today's education process in the United States is that of the banking process. Paulo Freire gives light to a new and advanced process by which America should learn by, one that will prove to be an investment for the nations society, and soon will. For years now we have been learning in Americas institutions for ... expanded through all. Freire also introduces, engraved into the problem proposing process, a concept called reality in process. Reality in process is basically the thinking that when learning together as man teaching man with the world/reality as the mediator knowledge will be in a constant and forwardly flow. Thus with this constant flow of knowledge you will not be acquiring the same vertically stale knowledge, its in a sense new knowledge that you will be learning. Reality in process is the idea that the world is ever-changing and you learn with the world and what the world has to offer. As said in ...
1829: Eutahania And Suicide In America
... a disease like Downs Syndrome see death as preferable to life (Leming, &Dickenson, p.212-214). Active and passive euthanasia are the two main types of euthanasia that have been debated for decades around the world. Many people oppose active euthanasia, such as the injection of a lethal drug, because it requires one person to deliberately kill another person. Fewer people oppose passive euthanasia-- the withdrawal of life-sustaining medical treatment ... technique that is not needed if the quality of the persons life would be unbearable. One problem is that of cultural lag, which results in static definitions of biological life and death being applied to new medical technological advances that change require new definitions to define when a person dies, such as the issue of brain death. The definition of death will determine if a person is pronounced dead before death has actually occurred. Doctor Paul A. ...
1830: Feasible Ways In Which Humans
... fear that at our current rates of consumption and waste that we will quickly destroy the earth’s natural environment. They have developed many clever techniques such as lobbying, generating large amounts of wealth, creating new social structures, forming political parties, and even making acts of terrorism in order to slow the capitalistic machine from growing ever larger. I do agree with many of the Greens and others that have worries ... The idea of halting growth altogether or creating a policy of sustainable growth on a worldwide scale is not a feasible solution in the evolving global capitalistic market. Slowing or stagnating the growth of the world is not feasible because countries that have not reached the economic well being that the Western Hemisphere has attained will reject this idea with full force. Even if stagnating growth were an acceptable idea in ... global environment and standard of living we must begin looking for more feasible and practical ideologies and solutions that will incorporate our current economic and sociological systems with practical solutions that will not inhibit continual world growth and expansion. In the following essay I will try to answer the following question: How can we expand capitalism into a larger and more encompassing global Mass Capitalism with a Free Market structure ...

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