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Search results 1761 - 1770 of 22819 matching essays
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1761: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and Fahrenheit 451: Changing The System
... main character, Randle Patrick McMurphy, fights to change the system in a mental hospital. McMurphy is outgoing, a leader and a rebel. There was a constant power struggle in the novel between the patient's new found savior McMurphy, and the evil Nurse Ratched who rules their wing of the hospital with an iron fist. McMurphy fights to change the system to try to win back the patients' rights and in ... man again who is fighting against the system. In this case the system is the government. He fights against the government in the future where the firemen burn books that are forbidden by the totalitarian brave new world regime. Guy Montag is a fireman who breaks free from the system to try to change it. Guy is also outgoing and a rebellious. He tries to change the system by educating himself ...
1762: Automation
... leading financiers and industrialists of the day, who were doing fine bankrolling the traditional industries they knew so well. Yet, within a few short years, Ford and others would shape consumer products out of the new technologies that would set in motion an awesome economic transformation. Henry Ford didn't invent the automobile. Nor did he invent mass production or the assembly line. Ford is famous because he took these existing ... have been designed. Street layout, the design of homes, and traffic laws have changed as methods of transportation has changed throughout history. Automobiles are responsible for more than half the airborne pollution in the western world. Many plans are being developed to control air pollution. Burning cleaner fuel and burning fuel more efficiently both help the environment. Pollution controls devices for cars have also been developed. For example, catalytic systems were ... devices change dangerous gases into harmless carbon dioxide and water. They also burn up much of the exhaust with fresh air in a chamber near the exhaust pipe. The car of the future will need new designs which make even better use of the fuel which powers them. Cars influence the ways communities are developing. Since it is possible to drive great distances rapidly, many people choose to live far ...
1763: A New England Nun By Mary E WI
In "A New England Nun", Mary E. Wilkins Freeman depicts the life of the classic New England spinster. The image of a spinster is of an old maid; a woman never married waiting for a man. The woman waiting to be married is restricted in her life. She does chores and ... is seen as disruptive. Man is seen as a threat to the serenity and security of a spinster's life. Imagery put forth by this story, and by stereotypes of the day is of the new England spinster. Women who were not married yet, lived a life of chores and piousness. They learned their domestic chores and other things that would make them presentable as a wife. They did gardening ...
1764: Frank Lloyd Wright 3
... of spaciousness, which derived from open planning with one room flowing into another. This concept was particularly evident in his early single family houses, thee so-called prairie houses, among the Martin House in Buffalo, New York; the Coonley House in Riverside, Illinois; and the Robie House in Chicago. Wright s Frederick C. Robie House, designed in 1906 for a bicycle and motorcycle manufacturer, is one of the world s most famous buildings. Magnificently corresponding, it is the essence of Wright s Prairie School style and the limit of his search for a new architecture. It is also among the last of the Prairie houses. During construction Wright abandoned both his Oak Park practice and his family to initiate a new phase of his long practice to come. ...
1765: Joshua Larwence Chamberlin
... several territories on the western side of the Mississippi River. The countries population was about four million people that lived mainly in the eastern states. In 1787 the country expanded its boundaries and accepted a new territory to the original 13 colonies. The new territory was called the Northwest Territory. The Northwest Territory was in equal basis to the laws and rights of the eastern states. The government formed states out of the territories west of the original 13. Ten new states formed between 1791 and 1820. Through the years the government also purchased many states form other countries, such as Florida (from Spain), and the Louisiana Purchase (from France), which almost doubled the United ...
1766: George Orwell
George orwell Eric Arthur Blair, most prominently known as George Orwell lived between the years of 1903-1950. His writings were influenced by both world events as well as his own personal experiences. Orwell displayed these influences in his last novel, Nineteen Eighty-four. George Orwell was born in Motihari, Bengal, India on June 25, 1903 ("Orwell" Grolier n.pag ... then flee for his life.("George" Discovering 6+) While back in England, he served as a sergeant during Word War II("George" Discovering 6). When Orwell reflected on his experiences he stated that "In a world where the prime necessities were money, titled relatives, athleticism, tailor made clothes, neatly brushed hair, charming smile and so I was no good. I knew that the future was dark. Failure, failure, failure…"("George Discovering ... depict the inevitable course of all revolutions especially the Soviet Union.("George" Discovering 2+) Animal Farm a modern beast-fable attacking Stalinism("Orwell" Grolier n.pag.). The history of the revolution betrayed in the animal world is based partly on what Orwell had seen of the communist usurpation of power in Spain and partly on what he read of the Russian Revolution(Woodcock 21). In 1947, Orwell said that "Animal ...
1767: Araby By James Joyce And A Sun
... Araby" by James Joyce and "A Sunrise On The Veld" by Doris Lessing are both short stories in which the protagonists gained a consciousness that was beyond themselves. The main characters are both initiated into new realities and truths of which they were not previously aware. Both short stories will be examined with reflections according to the type of initiation that was experienced, the nature of the narrators, the similar and dissimilar aspects of both characters and various components of the short stories. In the two stories, both characters were experiencing an initiation or awareness of new actualities that were outside of themselves. The main characters both painfully learned that this initiation was beyond their control. It was impossible for them to ignore the new realities which they both came to understand. The new found awareness was so powerful that it changed each boy’s entire outlook and they both began to see the world through new eyes. The ...
1768: Irish Potato Famine
Irish Potato Famine Cronin 1 Throughout the ordeal of the Irish Potato Famine, c. 1845 - 1850, people throughout the world formed many different views on the situation. Those views formed mainly through information fed to world news agencies by the British government, the ruling power in Ireland at the time. While the Irish starved for lack of food and medical aid, the English government looked on with callous disinterest. English families feasted on Irish-grown grains and wheat, as well as sheep, calves and swine exported from Ireland. Meanwhile, the rest of the world ignorantly believed there was nothing they could do, because that is how the English wanted it. Americans today generally view the history of An Gorta Mor ("The Great Hunger") through cultural lenses, which tend ...
1769: Urban Transportation Alternati
... combustion engine and motorised transportation which enable them to go faster as well as further. Trains, planes, automobiles, space vehicles and many variations of each of these bring human beings to every corner of the world and beyond. However, motorised transportation is not only used in long distance travel, most automobile transportation takes place within urban and suburban centres. As the rate of urbanisation increased over the last century, so did the use of automobiles. Now there are more than 540 million automobiles on the roads of the world with most of these being in the developed countries 1 . Unfortunately cars cause problems, especially when there are many cars in one area such as an urban centre. These problems include, air pollution, noise pollution ... public transportation. An understanding of the current social and environmental problems in regards to cars must be achieved before feasible solutions can be offered. Cars have become a common luxury in modern cities throughout the world. Being a vehicle of convenience and status, improving economies have made it possible for families to own 2 or more cars. Within cities many people view owning a car as essential. With busy modern ...
1770: Crime And Punishment 4
... for her family. Sofia is the one with the answer: Go at once, this instant, stand at the cross-roads, first bow down and kiss the earth you have desecrated, then bow to the whole world, to the four corners of the earth, and say aloud to all the world: "I have done murder." (V, 4) Raskolnikov will not go because for him authority is another representation of amorality, no better than himself. They do not care about his soul or his remorse. They want ... is merely sent to Siberia. She follows him with the offer and the example of her Christian love, fulfilling her words and actively loving, hoping that his transgression will not push him away from the world back into his own interior world in which nobody else has a place. Opposite to Sonya is what "humanists" do, what the "extraordinary" men do. Their idea becomes more than the actual humanity, more ...

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