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1751: Deep Ecology
... ideas behind deep ecology have major implications today. They allow people to think more profoundly about the environment and possibly come to a better understanding of their own meaning. People are intensely concerned about the world s technological adolescence, massive consumerism, and overpopulation. A man named Arne Naess, former head of the philosophy department at the University of Oslo founded an idea that can direct people s anxiety away from their ... to be discussed in terms of how it fits with the practice of deep ecology. The basic principles of deep ecology as characterized by the authors mentioned, show us what is supposedly wrong with the world and also give us a framework by which we can make a change. In fact, Naess and Sessions went camping in Death Valley, California in order to gain a different perspective. They condensed fifteen years ... which is a terrible anthropocentrism. Modern society has done much to prevent us from relationships with non-human life and thus contributed to our own loss. Diversity improves chances of survival by means of creating new ways to live in many different forms. Deep ecology likes to reevaluate the concept of survival of the fittest to one that preaches harmonious coexistence instead killing and domination. Again, this idea is included ...
1752: A Look At Post Modern Architecture In California
1. General Discussion Eric Owen Moss is in no way new to architecture. However, prior to the design and building of the Schnabel House Moss had designed few residential homes. Moss had always been associated with larger commercial buildings. This is a result of his close ... Samitaur, Hayden Tract Company, and S.P.A.R.C.I.T.Y. "Eric Owen Moss has been able to explore what he has termed "emotive geometries' and the way these can apply to a new level of urban consciousness." (Steele, 6) Moss's past projects all allowed him to examine issues related to internalized environments which allow many people to work together in carefully determined surroundings, the final users are ... It was written about Gehry: "His buildings are powerful essays in primae geometric form and… materials, and from an aesthetic standpoint they are among the most profound and brilliant works of architecture of our time." (New York Times, 11/84). Gehry wishes his work to allow people to exist comfortably in his spaces and wishes his building to address the context and culture of their sites. " The Brentwood district in ...
1753: FDRs Influence As President
By: wyatt s. E-mail: beshort@bytethis.com Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Influence as president Some have called him the best president yet. Others have even claimed that he was the world's most influential and successful leader of the twentieth century. Those claims can be backed up by the overwhelming support that he received from his citizens throughout his four terms in office. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt began a new era in American history by ending the Great Depression that the country had fallen into in 1929. His social reforms gave people a new perspective on government. Government was not only expected to protect the people from foreign invaders, but to protect against poverty and joblessness. Roosevelt had shown his military and diplomatic skill as the Commander in ...
1754: Religion Through The Ages Has
The role religion plays in world history is, at best, tremendous. Through the ages, religion has both unified and divided civilizations often bringing extreme human casualty, in the case of division, or creating interesting new cultures, in the case of the latter. In the Ancient civilizations such as the Greek, Kush and Egyptian empires religion serves as a catalyst further strengthening the bond found in such homogeneous societies. In these ... and Protestants in Ireland and the continuing conflict between Muslims and Hebrews in the Middle East. The Crusades serve as an example of how two religiously unified societies become fierce competitors in the conquest for world domination, in this sense, religion is divisive. The dynamics in determining whether religion unites or divides people are extremely complex especially when discussing civilizations from the Egyptians to the English dynasties. However, three distinctions ...
1755: Haroun And The Sea Of Stories
... invites him to drink of it. Instead of experiencing a beautiful love story, however, he undergoes a nightmare. The ocean turns out to be poisoned by a tyrannous "Cultmaster" (148) who aims at controlling the world. After visiting Gup City which is oppressed by Khattam-Shud, the cultmaster, Haroun finally manages to stop the source which is poisoning the ocean of stories. As a reward, the king of Gup provides him ... invites him to drink of it. Instead of experiencing a beautiful love story, however, he undergoes a nightmare. The ocean turns out to be poisoned by a tyrannous "Cultmaster" (148) who aims at controlling the world. After visiting Gup City which is oppressed by Khattam-Shud, the cultmaster, Haroun finally manages to stop the source which is poisoning the ocean of stories. As a reward, the king of Gup provides him ... Any story worth its salt can handle a little shaking up" (79). The multiplicity of streams in the "Ocean" indicates that there is an immense reservoir of stories which are allowed to mingle to produce new stories. This "shaking-up" corresponds to what happens in dreams. The mingling motif from different traditions which characterizes Rushdie's books is both an attempt at an accurate rendering of the processes of consciousness ...
1756: Should Cloning Be Permitted?
... cloning should be permitted. One thing that shows this, is what human cloning research may bring. Those who opposed to a ban believe that human cloning research could bring substantial benefits, including the development of new treatments for cystic fibrosis, other diseases and the ability to create animal with normal compatible organs for transplant. (1."Should Congress Prohibit All Human Cloning Experimentation",Pg 34). From my opinion, I believe that human ... limits on cloning discoveries and advances (3.Bailey,Pg66). What might possibly happen if cloning is ban, scientist's as well as experts believe that efforts to ban cloning could drastically stop the creation of new medicines that would help millions of people. What I believe is that cloning might be a discovery for scientists to duplicate human life's. However, I certainly don't' believe that this discovery would go ... took two swift steps: he called for moratorium on the use of federal funds for human cloning research and he asked his national biothetics advisory commission to let him know within 90 days whether the new technology should be even . more tightly controlled. (4.Gorman,Pg66). In my opinion, I state that, no matter who pays for it or for what reason is done, should be made a criminal offense ...
1757: Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality Virtual reality as of recent, while still extremely new, has become the topic of many opposing viewpoints. It has caught the eye of the general public for several reasons. Perhaps, this is mainly because of all the possibilities which virtual reality creates. Note that the possibilities are not pre- determined as either good or bad, mainly because there are many different opinions to the future of this developing technology. However, despite the controversy this new technology has aroused, society should not remain skeptical. Virtual reality has the potential, if used correctly, to become a great technological advancement that will aid society in many ways. In the past, virtual reality has ... and the topic of cyber-sex was raised. Perhaps it wasn't just that it came up but more like how it came up. The idea of a man and woman being in a virtual world and a man fondling the womans breasts was probably, although very much possible, not a great first impression. It gave Orenstein the opportunity to explore the evils that virtual reality makes possible. After a ...
1758: Canada's Immigration From 1852-1990
... the main problem was lack of control over the immigrants now the problem was getting immigrant particularly British ones to start small farms. Over the next 30 years John A. MacDonald did little to attract new immigrants to Canada. In about 1879 a new immigration law was passed that was designed to keep out paupers and destitutes. This would be the start to "weed out" the people that would live in Canada, and eventually become the laws we have ... CPR it was much easier to go west and settle the land which was cheap or free. The Canadian government was promoting it's self every where with it's fur and grains to encourage new comers and settlers that moved to the U.S. back to Canada. With the out break of World War I tension was high. This was the lowest amount of people in years (although the ...
1759: A Picture Of Colonial Life
When the Puritans and Pilgrims were coming to America, they had expected many new opportunities and freedom. They got both--along with loneliness, vulnerability, and ignorance. Now in the new land, they knew very little, except that of their old lives. They had to learn to live new lives, to hunt new and strange game, and experience the feeling of no one being there to help during during difficult times. Sure, they had each other, but when they came up on the ...
1760: Albert Einstein 3
... old. He then used the opportunity to withdraw from school. He spent a year with his parents in Milan, and when it became clear that he would have to make his own way in the world, he finished secondary school in Arrau, Switzerland, and entered the Swiss National Polytechnic in Zurich. Einstein often cut classes and used the time to study physics on his own or to play his violin. He ... the special theory of relativity. Since the time of the English mathematician and physicist Sire Isaac Newton, had been trying to understand the nature of matter and radiation, and how they interacted in some unified world picture. The position that mechanical laws are fundamental has become known as the mechanical world view, and the position that electrical laws are fundamental has become known as the electromagnetic world view. Neither approach, is capable of providing a consistent explanation for the way radiation (light for example) and ...

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