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1721: Tele-education
... Protocol TCP-IP Transmission Control Protocol - Internet Protocol TES Tele-Educational Service UI User Interface VIC Video Conferencing Tool VP Virtual Path VPN Virtual Private Network VSD Virtual Student Desktop WAN Wide Area Network WWW World Wide Web XC Cross Connect 2.0 METHOD OF INVESTIGATION Since Tele-education is a very new technology that is popularly discussed today, it is quite difficult for me to find any books that discuss about Tele-education from the library. Therefore, the easiest and the fastest way to gather information relating ... to know what are the requirements to implement it, and what considerations should be taken into consideration for implementing it. 3.3.1 Tele-education NB Tele-education NB is implemented at the University of New Brunswick, Canada. The present physical network consists of three independent networks that operate on telephone lines; Voice SMART 2000 computer teleconferencing Computer Mediated Communications using NBNet The SMART 2000 bridge for computer software sharing ...
1722: Adam Smith
... in bias: he strongly disapproved of excessive regulation of colonial trade by parent countries. But his analysis is rich with insight and remarkably dispassionate in its argument. Adam Smith recognized that the discovery of the New World not only brought wealth and prosperity to the Old World, but that it also marked a divide in the history of mankind. The passage that follows is the work of this economic theorist who discusses problems in a language readily understandable by everyone. Adam ...
1723: Amish Culture
The past five weeks in my life have really had an impact on me. In such a short period of time, I have become more aware of the different cultures that exist around the world today. We tend to think that our way of life is the only way there is, or at least the only right way. It is really very ignorant to think that everyone believes and behaves ... of the rural nineteenth century, in fact they do change," (Amish Cultures). Their lives move more slowly than ours, but they definitely are not stuck anywhere. They move on slowly but surely. Instead of accepting new technology like the rest of American society, they choose to examine change carefully before they approve of it. If the new idea or gadget does not succeed in keeping their lives simple and their families together, they will most likely reject it. Family is among the most important values the Amish stress. They don't ...
1724: Benedict Arnold
... wilderness alone to work with his cousins. (B Arnold) The army had excused him without penalty because of his tender, young age. In 1762, when Benedict was just twenty-one years old, he went to New Haven, Connecticut where he managed a book and drug store and carried on trade with the West Indies. (B Arnold) In 1767, he married Margaret Mansfield, a daughter of a sheriff of New Haven County. (B Arnold) They had three sons together. (B Arnold) When the Revolutionary War was just beginning to break out, Benedict Arnold became a prosperous ship owner, merchant, and trader. (Lake Champlain) Within days ... ball directly towards Arnold’s leg. (Macks 73) His leg was badly broken and he had to be taken to a hospital bed almost a mile away from the attack. (Macks 73) The courageous and brave Arnold relentlessly hollered orders from his bed, as his hard working troopers were overthrown by the British Army. (Macks 73) The attack had lasted fifty days and the secret journey resulted in a catastrophe ...
1725: Environment Report: Tidal Power In The Bay of Fundy
... for Bill Andrson Professor at St.Lawrence College for Environmental Science. By November 22,1996 INTRODUCTION The Bay of Fundy, which is found off the shores of Nova Scotia, has the highest tides in the world . Extraordinary tides occur when the tidal wave length is two to four times the length of the Bay. By virtue of blind luck or physics, the tide is amplified into a standing wave, like water ... an obstacle. When the ocean meets the river going in the opposite direction, the sea hesitates, piles up behind the front line, and advances anew in a tidal bore. Usually the ingredients occur during a new moon with 15 feet tides and the opposing force of the Shubenacadie river to display the true Bay's magnificence. This part of St. John is divided into 3 main areas: the main Harbor, Courtenay ... a diurnal period of 24 hours. PROLOGUE The Bay of Fundy is an area of about 1.6(100000 Km2). The Bay of Fundy is a part of the Continental Shelf off eastern Canada and New England. It also serves as an extension that divides New Brunswick from Western Nova Scotia. At the Bay of Fundy's tidal river at the Southwestern tip of Nova Scotia, sea water overflows the ...
1726: Analysis of the Red Scare
... of the Red Scare "The tumult and the shouting dies, The captains and the kings depart." -Kipling, The Recessional Mr. Kipling was wrong. War does not always end with the last cry on the battlefield. World War I certainly did not. After the war formally ended on November 18, 1918, there was an ideological war still going on in the US. An ideological war which prompted mass paranoia and caused, among ... an investigation into a historical occurrence is its inception. What caused the Red Scare? At the heart of the Red Scare was the conscription law of May 18, 1917, which was put in place during World War I for the armed forces to be able to conscript more Americans. This law caused many problems for the conscientious objector to WWI, because for one to claim that status, one had to be ... the real war ended in 1918, the ideological war, which was gaining speed at home, turned against conscientious objectors and other radical minorities such as Wobblies, who were members of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), and Socialists as well. These Wobblies and Socialists were damned as being subversives who were trying to overthrow the United States government. Wobblies, in particular, were persecuted against for speaking out against the ...
1727: Essay An Current Ethnics Event
... believes that increased globalized trade has hastened the need for an international (universal) code of ethics for communicators. In analyzing the functions of transnational corporations, he describes four social benefits these companies provide to Third World countries: "(1) development of human resources through employment, training, and indigenization...;(2) strengthening the knowledge base through research and development and the transfer of technology; (3) raising standards of living through the creation of wealth ... consumer goods; and (4) enhancing the quality of life by assisting programs that raise standards in health, housing, nutrition, and education." Given that a transnational corporation is actually able to produce these benefits in Third World nations, they are indeed meeting demands of social responsibility. However, Kruckeberg notes that many corporations have encountered criticism relating to graft and corruption issues, consumer issues, environmental/human safety issues, and political/humanitarian issues. For example, Nestle was embroiled in a controversy surrounding their marketing practices in the Third World of breast milk substitutes. Nestle responded effectively and in a socially responsible manner in 1981 by endorsing the World Health Organization's Code of Marketing for Breast Milk Substitutes the day the measure was ...
1728: Frank Sinatra
... who has the phrasing, who has the control, who understands the composers, who knows what losing means as so many have, who made the great comeback, who stands still, enduringly, on top of the entertainment world. Ladies and gentlemen, from here on in it's Frank Sinatra!" Frank Sinatra, the only singer in history to have hit records in five consecutive decades, led a lot more distinctive life than people were led to believe. It all began December 12, 1915, when a boy named Francis Albert Sinatra was brought into the world. He was the son of Dolly and Anthony Sinatra, a pair of Italian immigrants. He was born and raised in Hoboken, New Jersey where he spent his teenage years unloading trucks for the Jersey Observer newspaper. He then became a copy boy where he found a passion to strive for, journalism. However, the editor at the ...
1729: An Internet Perspective
A man and computer scientist Robert Taylor had developed a new system of communication that would change the world. Taylor would connect two separate computers that were capable of communicating small bits of information between one another. This was only intended to send simple text messages and numbers using an analog signal, but would ... connecting people of all cultures and locals. This in turn has given rise to an entirely unique from of business practice and consumer buying power. Social interactions between all types of peoples from around the world have also become more wide spread. The Internet has become a hotbed of business activity, a virtual shopping mall, a social paradise, and a culture all wrapped up in a neat little package. Despite ...
1730: Albert Einstein 2
... Albert Einstein, also known as The Father of The Nuclear Age, perhaps one of the most brilliant minds ever to exist was a very quiet man. Einstein s Theory of Relativity revolutionized scientific brought with new conceptions of time, space, mass, motion, and gravitation (Unknown, World Book Inc.) Albert Einstein contributed more than any other scientist to the modern vision of physical reality. His theory of relativity is held as human thought of the highest quality. (http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/Mathematicians/Einstein.html) Interested in human affairs and was one of the first supporters of a World Government, and had great compassion for people who were politically oppressed or economically oppressed. He was also fond of classical music, and was a great player of the violin. He was born to Hermann ...

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