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Search results 1681 - 1690 of 22819 matching essays
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1681: Abortion: A Matter Of Choice
... God had the right to judge what a woman did with her own body? This thought process lasted till the 1800's. During this era of change people began to turn their attention in a new direction, the fetus. They began to protest abortion as cruel, inhumane, and murderous. Filled with a new sense of purpose and the glory of a fresh, righteous cause to uphold this new morality swept the countryside enveloping everyone in its wake. Abortionists who were once revered and depended upon were now scorned and threatened. Though abortions still happened with regularity, they were kept silent and seen ...
1682: The 60s and Freedom
... the two main systems used by youths to help gain their freedoms. The first approach, taken by the Port Huron Statement and authors such as Gerzon, Reich, Revel and Gitlin, follows the ideals of the New Left. The New Left represents youths striving for political change through cultural means. People are encouraged to work for their ideals. In contrast, the second approach, taken by Rubin and Didion, reflect the ideals and mannerisms of the ... by the previous generation seemed to contribute to their views of man as "a thing to be manipulated, and that he is inherently incapable of directing his own affairs" (Port Huron 166). Supporters of the New Left disagree strongly with these views. In fact, the Port Huron Statement makes a point of cutting down these beliefs, claiming that the New Left will not support the idea of human beings as ...
1683: The World Anti-Communist League: "Inside The League"
The World Anti-Communist League: "Inside The League" by Scott Anderson, and Jon Lee Anderson "Inside The League: The Shocking Expose Of How Terrorists, Nazis, And Latin American Death Squads Have Infiltrated The World Anti-Communist League." Scott Anderson and Jon Lee Anderson. Dodd Mead, New York, 1986. 352 pages. $19.95 hardcover. ISBN 0- 396-08517-2. Publication date May 28, 1986. For over ten years progressive researchers in this country and in Europe have been uncovering evidence linking ...
1684: Information Management
... build up a regular customer base. The firm continued in this way, until 1991 where the introduction of the personal computer led to a change in product and business activity. With the introduction of both new hardware and software, Lanway was now in a position to manufacture and sell its own PC’s. By moving into its own premises, the firm was now able to make substantial profit margins by building ... a small range of machines. Lanway began to trade with other firms in 1994, at which point they were forced to expand both their existing premises and staff. They also began to diversify, moving into new areas such as networking technologies, the internet and more specialised hardware and software. Lanway currently has a turnover of approximately 5 million and over 40 staff, both of which are expected to continue in growth ... on the internet and the features it delivers. This includes company product specifications, product support sites, private business partner resources, online databases and current news information. Lanway also have direct links to suppliers via the World Wide Web, thereby creating multiple extranets. Every departmental manager within Lanway classed the internet within their three most important resources. This in itself shows the importance of the role it plays in today’s ...
1685: Romeo and Juliet: The New Age vs The Old Age
Romeo and Juliet: The New Age vs The Old Age "Two households both alike in dignity, in fair Verona where we lay our scene, from ancient grudge, to break to new mutiny, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean: from forth the fatal loins of these two foes, a pair of star-cross'd lovers take thier life." Romeo and Juliet, one of Shakespeare's best ... kept its poetic sense of touch so the readers can know how the original play was spoken. The characters remained the same and all of them were there. Montagues, Capulets, they were all in the new Romeo and Juliet. The characters in the new movie also proved to have to same qualities as in the original play. For example, Mercutio was in a excellent entertainer, Tybalt was a great fighter, ...
1686: The Chinese New Year
The Chinese New Year Parents wake up very early in the morning to cook a vegetarian breakfast in order to thank the Goddess or their ancestors for the past year and to express their desire to have a better year in the future. After the food is ready, they wake their children up, wash up, and put on new clothes especially clothes with red color. Then everyone eats a piece of candy to start filling the next year with sugar, love, sweetness, and happiness. After the kids are ready, they greet their parents and everyone in the house with good morning, Happy New Years and Gung Hay Fat Choy. Chinatown is bedecked with lights and almost overnight, roadside stalls sprout pussy willows, mandarin trees and plum blossoms while food stores work feverishly to produce loads of festive ...
1687: Malthus
MALTHUS Two hundred years ago, Thomas Robert Malthus, a British economist , wrote “An Essay on the Principle of Population” in which he argued that the world population would increase faster than the food supply, with disastrous results for the general human welfare. A world population of 250 million at the time of Christ has now grown to 5.7 billion in spite of wars, plagues, famine, and epidemics. World food production has been keeping pace with population growth until recently. If the world food supply had been distributed equally to each member of society in the mid 1980’s, the population of 4. ...
1688: Immigration Into Canada
... Canadian immigration policy has been consistently ethnocentric. It was only recently that the Canadian government sought to maintain a ‘white' society by selectively advertising abroad as well as granting prospective applicants from Europe, the US, New Zealand, and Australia preferential treatment. During the 1960s this distinction between preferred and non-preferred contries was replaced with a points-system. Along with the new points-system it was hoped that applicants from all countries and of all ethnic origins were treated equally. The effects of this shift has been significant. Fig 1 As can be seen in the above ... Century the Canadian government has set targets for the number of immigrant entries based upon economic criteria. Periods of encouragement have included the early decades of this century along with the reconstruction era of Post World War II. The 30s, 40s and the recession of the early 80s have been periods during which the national government has discouraged immigration. At times, economic concerns have given way to humanitarian ones such ...
1689: Malthus' Principle of Population: Today and the Future
Malthus' Principle of Population: Today and the Future Two hundred years ago, Thomas Robert Malthus, a British intellect , wrote “An Essay on the Principle of Population” in which he argued that the world population would increase faster than the food supply, with disastrous results for the general human welfare. A world population of 250 million at the time of Christ has now grown to 5.7 billion in spite of wars, plagues, famine, and epidemics. World food production has been keeping pace with population growth until recently. If the world food supply had been distributed equally to each member of society in the mid 1980’s, the population of 4. ...
1690: Womens Rights In 3rd World Cou
... but that she had toiled in the mill for twenty-six years, having begun this job as an 8-year old child.” These three incidents reflect typical crimes and injustices against women in the Third World countries. Crimes against women include abuse, slavery, false imprisonment, murder and rape. In these countries, women are considered to be inferior to men and are not granted equal rights or protection under the laws. The ... of living, the right to chose her own partner, the right to vote, the right to control property, and the right to equal treatment before the law along with freedom of speech. Women in Third World countries do not have the rights that American women enjoy. In most of these countries, women do not even have rights equivalent to those of American women in the nineteenth century. For example, the women ... of the income. The inequities vary from country to country, but one thing is in common; the inequalities are all being committed against women. This paper will explore the condition of women in three Third World Countries: Afghanistan, China and Iran. Afghanistan "They shot my father right in front of me. He was a shopkeeper. It was nine o'clock at night. They came to our house and told him ...

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