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1661: Ku Klux Klan 4
... started in generations. (Ingalls, 9) The Klan was a small group very much in secrecy at first. The exact date of the beginning is unknown. Despite all of the secrecy the six KKK members initiated new members to join their social club. (Ingalls, 9) A year after the creation of the KKK, the onetime social club joined the raising campaign against the Republican Reconstruction. The "new" direction of the Klan was well planned and organized. The Klan was now ready to expand to a bigger group. The Klan adopted a prescript. This was an organizational structure permitting the Klan to spread across the south. New members had to be over 18, pay $1, sworn to secrecy, recruits pledged to "protect the weak, the innocent, and the defenseless, from the indignities, wrongs, and outrages of the lawless, the violent, and ...
1662: Popluation Growth-too Many Peo
Saving Costa Rica Costa Rica is an Eco-tourist’s paradise. The country holds some of the most beautiful rainforests and rivers in the entire world. The lush habitat of Costa Rica also supports some of the most expansive and diverse flora and fauna in the world. The area of Costa Rica contains over 1000 species of trees, 8000 species of flowering plants, 200 species of mammal, including the beautiful but elusive jaguar, and over 800 bird species, nearly one-tenth of the world's total species of birds (Burnie 25). Tourism is Costa Rica’s number one industry. Last year, tourism brought in over 600 million dollars, which represents about 30% of Costa Rica’s foreign earnings (“ ...
1663: Gene Therapy 2
In research facilities all around the world scientist are attempting to stop diseases at their very roots. Instead of trying to find drugs to cure illnesses they are trying to change the genes that cause the diseases. The process by which this ... in the mid 1980's to early 1990's. The focus then was "treating diseases caused by such single-gene defects as hemophilia, Duchene's muscular dystrophy, and sickle-cell anemia."1 As time passed new technologies, techniques, strategies and ideas for transferring genes have been presented. William French Anderson, Michael Blaise, and Ken Culver performed the first successful gene therapy on a human in 1990. They developed a protocol for ... PEG-ADA). This treatment introduces coated ADA into the blood stream, although not into the cells. It requires expensive, painful shots on a weekly basis, but it succeeded in giving children with ADA deficiency a new lease on life. While their immune systems were far from normal, PEG-ADA allows some semblance of a normal life and a much-increased life span. The first patient to undergo federally approved gene ...
1664: African Diaspora
By: Andrew Wright The study of cultures in the African Diaspora is relatively young. Slavery and the trans-Atlantic slave trade brought numerous Africans, under forced and brutal conditions, to the New World. Of particular interest to many recent historians and Africanists is the extent to which Africans were able to transfer, retain, modify or transform their cultures under the conditions of their new environments. Three main schools of thought have emerged in scholarly discussion and research on this topic. Some argue that there are no significant connections between Africans and African American communities in the Americas. Others ...
1665: Dealing With Death Inspired By
In the midst of undergoing a serious life-altering incident, one often experiences the feeling of a paradigm shift. It is amazing to see how our perspectives of the world shift when forced to reflect on what is truly important. Such is the way with death. Being near death causes a sharp realization of what is truly important in life--love of family and friends, faith in God, and making the world a better place to live in--and enables one to not merely accept this, but apply it to their life as well. All those typical, average daily worries and concerns about homework, professional careers, food ... written by the popular sports journalist Mitch Albom, serious personal change can occur as a result. In fact, a person is only able to reach such a tangible state of enlightenment and understanding of the world around them in those last moments before death. To reach some understanding of the important affects that death can have, we must first explore the devastatingly real shock that the end of something so ...
1666: Mark Twain and the Lost Manuscript of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
... Clemens got the name from a river term which means two fathoms, or twelve feet of water depth (“ Twain”). “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaverous County” the first writing of Twain was published in the New York Saturday Press on November 18, 1865 and won him almost instant recognition (Works of Twain: Brief Account). That same year he was sent to Hawaii as a roving reporter, or mobile reporter, but returned ... Twain was having financial difficulties due to high living and failed investments such as the printing firm and a typesetting machine that he spent a fortune promoting (“Twain”). In 1894 and 1896, Twain wrote two new sequels to The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, but neither of these were successful. In another attempt to repay his debts, Twain launched a world lecture tour. Twain repaid all of his debts by 1898. Twain wrote very little in his last days due to family and personal problems. Twain- America's favorite humorist- turned into a pessimistic writer, ...
1667: A Touch Of Jazz
A Touch Of Jazz When I hear people talking cheerfully of "Negro music" or the Africa roots of jazz; he often wonders what in the world they can be talking about. What Negro music? What part of Africa? What kind of jazz? Africa is groups than any comparable land mass. Not all Africans are Negroes, and not all Negroes are Africans ... of the Negro slaves of the south. With the abolition of slavery and the migration of thousands of Negro workers to the cities and towns of the south, these songs and spirituals were given a new impetus. They were played by the street bands which accompanied weddings and funerals. Then they were taken up by smaller bands which played in the cafes of the old Storyville district of New Orleans. By the turn of century, jazz had arrived and the blues, ragtime and the stomp were soon established. From then on the story of jazz has been one of rapid change. The original " ...
1668: Behind the Doors
Behind the Doors “The program for this evening is not new. You’ve seen it thru and thru. Your birth, your life, and death. You might recall all of the rest. (Did you have a good life when you died?) Enough to base a movie on ... This left Jim’s mother, Clara, to raise him. When Jim was three his mother gave birth to his sister Anne. In 1946 they moved to Washington DC for six months and then to Albuquerque, New Mexico for a year, according to Irwin Stambler, author of The Encyclopedia of Pop Rock and Soul. In 1947, when Jim was four, the Morrison family was driving through a desert in New Mexico when they came upon a car wreck. “The first time I discovered death,” said Morrison, “me, my mother and father, and grandmother and grandfather, were driving through the desert at dawn. A truckload ...
1669: Liberty in the Gospel: Galations 5:1-12
... a number of myths about Christianity, with the result that they never respond to Jesus as He really is. The myth that Christianity stifles personal freedom. That is a major myth in today's pagan world. A myth that is keeping plenty of lost people from knowing the fullness of life. The passage deals with circumcision and uncircumcision. This was a major sign in those times of being clean and unclean ... by their physical appearance. The immediate context of the passage shows how Paul was zoning in on the freedom of the believer verses the freedom of the unbeliever. Freedom is the prevailing cry of the world today, the overwhelming concept of so many people and nations. Yet even though scripture specifically speaks on the liberty that Christ presents here in verses 1-12, some people resist Christianity as itself an obstacle ... speaking circumcision refers to the removal of the male's foreskin. The Hebrews circumcised infants and a sign of their responsibility to server God as His special holy people in the midst of this unclean world. God instructed Abraham to circumcise every male child in his household, including servants, (Gen. 17:11) as a visible physical sign of a covenant between the Lord and His people. The Hebrew people came ...
1670: Causes Of The Holocaust
Post World War I Germany saw difficult times. Germans were searching for a reason to blame someone for their problems and extremist groups such as the Nazis provided a focus for the German people. Some historians will argue that extreme nationalism was the cause of the Holocaust because of the power of the Nazi party. While a large part of this is true, Germany's anguish after World War I sent people looking for reasons to blame someone or something for their burdens, Germany's humiliation after World War I, its dire economic situation, and antisemitism all came together to cause the Holocaust. Germany's embarrassment after losing World War I was one of the major reasons for the cause of the ...

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