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1641: Carson Mccullers The Heart Is
... a song she heard for the first time that afternoon in a movie theater. From then until late high school, she practiced fervently and hoped to carry her work onto a musical education at the New York Julliard School. However, at seventeen, she was told that she had pneumonia and would have many complications. Later, she found out she had rheumatic fever. She was too weak to play piano during her ... Carson faced the crushing blow of losing her mentor and piano teacher, Mary Tucker. She was so devastated by this loss that she put aside her interest in piano permanently. She hoped to develop her new found love of writing. She made plans to leave for New York directly after graduation. She was barely seventeen when she arrived in Manhattan and registered for classes at Columbia University. Repeated attacks of anemia, pleurisy, and other respiratory ailments related to her rheumatic fever ...
1642: Contrasting Poets Lawrence and Shapiro in Their Views of Nature
... government, not giving much thought to nature. Even though both poets share and differ in views, both are twentieth century poets. The twentieth century lasted from 1900-1939. It began at the dawn of the new century and in England, is set by the death of Queen Victoria. Reading attracted a large audience because of the tremendous growth in education opportunities (Granner, 616). One major downfall and factor of the twentieth century was World War I. This was had pulled up new roots that were "buried in the past," causing multiple conflicts between nations (Granner, 611). The war reflects the bitterness and troubles put on twentieth century poetry. The poets wrote of science fiction, anti-war ...
1643: Madame Bovary 2
... a house on hospital grounds. He attended a secondary school in Rouen, and in 1841 he was l sent to Paris to study law in France, against his will. While in Paris, Flaubert made many new friends in the literary circle, which stimulated his talent for writing. In 1844, Flaubert was struck with a then strange illness, that was later assumed to be related to epilepsy, which was a much feared ... childhood experiences. He was often bitter and unhappy because of the great conflict that existed between his unattainable dreams and the realities of his life. His conflict between his fantasies and the reality of the world around him is seen through the theme found in Madame Bovary (1856). Flaubert became one of the most influential European writers of the 19th century. He has enriched the world with many famous novels such as, Salammbo (1862), Sentimental Education (1869), and The Temptation of Saint Anthony (1874). "Not even his death could not diminish the impact of his work and its influence on ...
1644: Linux 2
... any other proprietary source, and much of the software available for LINUX was developed by the GNU project of the Free Software Foundation in Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A. However, programmers from all over the world have contributed to the growing pool of LINUX software. LINUX was originally developed as a hobby project by Linus Torvalds. It was inspired by MINIX, a small UNIX system developed by Andy Tanenbaum. The first ... systems and found them comparable with mid-range workstations from Sun Microsystems and Digital Equipment Corporation. Who would have ever guessed that this little UNIX clone would have grown up to take on the entire world of personal computing? Types of LINUX The question always arises at to which LINUX is the "real" one, or where to get the "official" version of LINUX. Unfortunately, this question really has no answer. The ... are more businesslike; others are more playful or wild. Below is a brief summary regarding some of the major distributions. ? Red Hat LINUX - UNIX for Windows users. This is the easiest transition into the UNIX world you can possibly hope for if you're a Windows user. Red Hat attempts to provide exceptional functionality and stability while keeping the system relatively easy to use and graphically oriented. Make no mistake, ...
1645: Japanese Animation
Thirty-five years ago, Japan’s entertainment industry found an answer to its problems. Still developing in the aftermath of defeat in World War II, and the subsequent restructuring plan instituted by the United States, Japan was without surplus resources. There was no money for the production of films. American films soon began invading the Japanese entertainment industry ... programming (Ed Goodwin, president of CA West). In Europe and Asia, Japanese animation has been widely accepted as well (DUinfo). One anime property, known as “Sailormoon...moves $250 million a year in tie-in toys world wide—five times the U.S. sales for the once mighty ‘Power Rangers’”(Karp, 36). Only one type of animation in the world can stand comparison to the nation of Japan’s animation as a whole: the animation of Disney. Disney animation is generally regarded to be the world’s most technically superior animation. But is Disney ...
1646: Lamarck's Influence on the Development of Darwin's Theory of Evolution
... evolution that were unfortunately unworkable. One of these early pioneers was Jean- Baptiste Lamarck. Lamarck believed in deism and advocated natural religion based on human reason. He believed in the harmony and rationality of the world. And although flawed, the work of Lamarck did not go unnoticed, however. Darwin also believed in the harmony of the world, and it was Darwin himself who said that Lamarck was the first man whose conclusions on evolution brought about excitement and attention. He was the one who showed law in organic and inorganic species evolution ... not the greatest of influences on Darwin, but he was an important one. One of the most important arguments in Darwin's theories was the idea of natural selection. It is generally thought that the world first heard of this idea in the form of Lamarck's inheritance of acquired traits theory. Lamarck's work showed that organisms improve themselves on their own. Then these new advantages for the environment ...
1647: Women In Beowulf And Lanval
... social order, religion and chivalrous courtly love were what this society was primarily based on. The practices and beliefs that were the stronghold of Medieval society included men and excluded women. In this predominantly male world, one is compelled to ask the question; Where do women fit into this patriarchal Middle Age world? What are their roles? What are they valued for as women? Beowulf and Lanval paint a clear picture of women in the Middle Ages. Both of these stories tell of a male world where women are valued as the property of their husbands. The women of Beowulf and Lanval are trapped in a life of duty. There role is that of child bearer, wife, hostess, and ornamental ...
1648: Romanticism In Music
Romanticism was one of the strongest movements to ever have hit the music scene. Romanticism lasted a large portion of the nineteenth century and it=s music reflected that of the world that was rapidly changing during those years. One of these massive changes taking place was the Industrial Revolution. In Britain, science was being applied to already existing manufacturing processes. This meant that, with better systems ... more goods could be produced at a lower cost. A significant trend developed towards urbanization as opposed to farming. The average family could now afford those things which, in the past were considered a luxury. New processes also meant new ideas. During this period a number of advances in music were made. With new industrial processes, valves were added to the already existing trumpet, thus making it a more useful aid in musical composition. ...
1649: The Influence of God In The Characters of The Scarlet Letter
... as the letter A. He believes it stands for adulteress while other people think it stands for angel since the governor just passed away (Lathrop 161). This scene also shows how Hester is managing her new situation. When Dimmesdale tells her to come up the scaffold and asks her where she has been, she replies that she has been measuring the robe that the governor is to be buried in (Hawthorne ... had developed all her sympathies; and as her tears fell upon her father's cheek, they were the pledge that she would grow up amid human joy and sorrow, nor forever do battle with the world, but be a woman in it" (268). Ultimately, Chillingworth takes a severe turn for the worse when Dimmesdale reveals his sin. Since Chillingworth based the rest of his life on playing games on Dimmesdale's ... he discovers that his wife bore another man's child, Chillingworth gives up his independence. He used to be a scholar who dedicated his best years "to feed the hungry dream of knowledge," but his new allegiance becomes finding and slowly punishing the man who seduced his wife (Crews 74). He soon becomes obsessed with his new mission in life, and when he targeted Reverend Dimmesdale as the possible parent, ...
1650: Jim Morrison: The Lizard King
Jim Morrison: The Lizard King Jim Morrison said once, “A Doors concert is a public meeting called by us for a special dramatic discussion. When we perform, we’re participating in the creation of a world and we celebrate that with the crowd.”(Hopkins, XI). As in the previous the Doors were a great band who performed and entertained for millions of screaming fans during their years on top of the ... Clara, met Steve at a Navy dance that was held when she went to visit her younger sister in Hawaii. Jimmy, that’s what his parents called him while he was young; while traveling through New Mexico with his parents in late 1946, “…experienced what he would later dramatically describe as ‘The most important moment of my life”(6). Steve drove by an accident in which Jim saw two Indian men ... was kicked out of the Boy Scouts and nagged, pestered, and beat on his brother. Since the Morrison’s moved around quite a bit because of Steve’s occupation, the family soon came back to New Mexico and that was where Jim began to show signs of a crazy individual. He began to lose interest in his music lessons, avoided family functions and began eagerly reading. He also experienced a ...

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