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Search results 1541 - 1550 of 22819 matching essays
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1541: Tales of the City
... self sustaining story in itself, more so than most chapter arranged narratives. This book is the first volume in a series, that chronicles the life of a small number of San Francisco residents. With each new chapter there is a personal development for the characters within. It is this sense of development that is most important for the continuity of Tales of the City. The development neatly meshes the character's ... asks her friend, Connie, if she can shack up with her till she finds her own pad. "Connie's Place" ch.2 p.4-7: Mary Ann moves into Connie's apartment. She believes her new life will begin soon. The two new roommates reminisce about their childhood together, not looking forward but looking back. Mary Ann discovers a myriad cologne collection in Connie's bathroom cabinet. Connie is still popular with the men, a quality she ...
1542: Media And Culture
... of the communication sector. Basing his argument on the immense interpretive power of the people, Fiske believes that the audience are able to break all the indented meanings within a media message, and by giving new meanings to that specific message they can oppose the power bloc that is trying to impose its ideology to the public. Consequently, this anarchistic activity of the audience creates the popular culture as a defense ... holding the same pair of socks or CDs, and we might never want to recall the TV commercial that had opened the gates of this path. United States is the biggest economical power in the world today, and consequently has also the strongest and largest media industry. Therefore, it is essential to take a look at the crucial relationship between the media and the popular culture within the social context of ... one (Giddens, 79). The listeners of the Nixon- Kennedy debate on the radio saw Nixon as the obvious winner. However, the ones who watched the debate on TV were sure that Kennedy would become the new president of the United States (Hughes, 4). The TV viewers were right, but what made them think that way if it was the ideas that mattered? According to Giddens, if the current trends in ...
1543: 1963: The Hope That Stemmed From the Fight for Equality
... intense hatred of whites for Negroes grew out of the Civil War. One of the reasons for the war was the issue of slavery. When the Confederates lost the war, their position in the political world was taken away. Any position held by someone connected with the Confederacy was given to a northern man. In many cases, the new man was a Negro. The Negroes did not have the opportunity for equality long. After a few years relations between the north and the south were restored, and the position was taken away from the ... were called "niggers", and as they were beat up upon by white children. The opportunity to fight back wasn't given, nor was it taught in Negro homes. As jobs were gained in the white world, discrimination grew. Striving for excellence and higher knowledge of the trade was forbidden and punishable by the loss of the job. Anger and bitterness grew in hearts until they knew it was time to ...
1544: The Healing Process
... 3),"Some of us are born with a sense of loss there from the beginning, and it pervades us throughout our lives. Loss, as defined, as deprivation, can be interpreted as being born into a world that does not include a nurturing mother and father. We are captured in an unbreakable glass bubble, undetected by others, and are forever seeking ways to break out, for if we can, surely we will ... on a Theme by Virginia Satir says on Page 89 that "successful change-making turns out to involve struggle, necessitating skill, tenacity and perspective". The struggle occurs when a foreign element produces chaos until a new integration occurs which results in a new status quo. Kurt Lewin echoed this view in saying that an old attitude has to unfreeze, the person experiments, a new attitude develops and a refreezing occurs. Janis and Prochasky suggest a person starts ...
1545: Government Intervention of the Internet
... life. The natural evolution of computers and this need for ultra-fast communications has caused a global network of interconnceted computers to develop. This global net allows a person to send E-mail across the world in mere fractions of a second, and enables even the common person to access information world-wide. With advances such as software that allows users with a sound card to use the Internet as a carrier for long distances voice calls and video conferencing, this network is the key to the ... epitome of the first amendment: free speech. It is a place where people can speak their mind without being reprimanded for what they say, or how they choose to say it. The key to the world-wide success of the Internet is its protection of free speech, not only in America, but not in other countries where free speech is not protected by a constitution. To be found on the ...
1546: History of the Computer Industry in America
History of the Computer Industry in America Only once in a lifetime will a new invention come about to touch every aspect of our lives. Such a device that changes the way we work, live, and play is a special one, indeed. A machine that has done all this and ... Soma, 46).After Babbage, people began to lose interest in computers. However, between 1850 and 1900 there were great advances! in mathematics and physics that began to rekindle the interest (Osborne, 45). Many of these new advances involved complex calculations and formulas that were very time consuming for human calculation. The first major use for a computer in the U.S. was during the 1890 census. Two men, Herman Hollerith and James Powers, developed a new punched-card system that could automatically read information on cards without human intervention (Gulliver, 82). Since the population of the U.S. was increasing so fast, the computer was an essential tool in tabulating ...
1547: The History of Basketball
... for the students between the end of the football season and the beginning of the baseball season. Basketball is the one sport whose exact origin is definitely known. The Springfield College gym class needed a new game to keep them busy. They tried many other games, exercises, and calisthenics to quench their desire to compete. Nothing worked for all new games were too rough. Dr. Naismith was hired to remedy the problem. He made many changes to the gym class including; no more calisthen¬ics. He just wanted to play a game that everyone could ... keep order throughout his game. The sport was an instant success. The game of basketball has changed from a rough sport into a game anyone can play due to the alterations of the rules and new team and player styles that give athletes of all shapes and sizes an equal opportunity to play and excel. There were many early changes in the sport of basketball to keep the game safe. ...
1548: Social Darwinsim History
... Darwinism A. Rarely used by entrepreneurs B. Relied on Christian and other arguments During the late 19th, and early 20th century, the United States experienced a growth of industry like it has never seen before. New patents and inventions flourished. New products flooded the market. While thousands of poor, hungry, and unemployed crowded the streets, the rich were busy displaying their enormous wealth. Even though the need for reform was overwhelming, for the majority of Americans ... was an application (many believe a misapplication) of Charles Darwin's laws of evolution and natural selection to human society. In his most famous book The Origin of Species, Darwin included four major arguments: that new species appear; that these new species have evolved from older species; that the evolution of species is the result of natural selection; and "that natural selection depends upon variations and the maintenance of variation ...
1549: Ralph Waldo Emerson: The Theme of Nature In His Works
... my opinion, and many others opinions, made him a non-conformist which he called, “Selfism”. Emerson’s first book, Nature (1936), is perhaps the best expression of his Transcendentalism, the belief that everything in our world--even a drop of dew-- is a microcosm of the universe. His concept of the Over-Soul-- a Supreme Mind that every man and woman share-- allowed Transcendentalists to disregard external authority and to rely ... motto. 1 This he believed was a step toward the recognition of the God within us. Each human being represented the embodiment of spirit, and that human possibilities were limitless. He placed us “inside” the world in a new way. Such as in the poem Fable, the squirrel said to the mountain, “If I cannot carry a forest on my back, neither can you crack a nut” (lines 18 and 19). In this ...
1550: Making The Corps
... be a Marine is sufficient”. (pg238) Life after boot camp: -After boot camp and graduation many of the recruits find that they have been changed, but the real challenge is when they enter the real world and find out if that change is permanent. As these former recruits, now Marines, venture back into the outside world they realize how filthy their world’s used to be. While taking the train back home Hoover, who served in platoon 3086, notices that the whites are sitting with whites and the blacks with the blacks, and this appears unusual ...

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