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Search results 1511 - 1520 of 22819 matching essays
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1511: Smart Cards
... smart card contains a central processing unit - a CPU- that actually has the ability not only to store and secure information, but to make decisions as required. Because intelligent cards offer a "read/write" capability, new information can be added and processed. Different types of applications can be supported and will allow for new applications to be added to it. It will also maintain security "firewalls" between them. This type of card, for example, has already been adopted by 60,000 staff and students at the University of Michigan ... onto the system using a computer before being relayed to each of the meters on campus. It may be possible to use the existing computer hardware already available. If an upgrade was necessary then perhaps new computers would be required. In this instance, hardware such as monitors, hard drives (10mb), CD ROM s (48x), keyboards, Pentium III processor (preferably 500mhz), motherboard, RAM (preferably 128mb) will also be a necessary technological ...
1512: Lord of the Flies: An Analysis
Lord of the Flies: An Analysis "The two boys faced each other. There was the brilliant world of hunting, tactics, fierce exhilaration, skill; and there was world of longing and baffled common-sense." A quote showing the two main contrasts of the story. Savageness, and civilization. This, is the Lord of the Flies, a book written by William Golding. The Lord of ... is lurking in the forest, and the children have nightmares. Jack, (A ruthless, power-hungry person), promising to fulfil the children's desire for a reversion to the ways of primitivism, is chosen as the new leader, and the society splits into two sections: those who want to hunt and soon become savages, and those who believe in rational conduct, and a civiliized manner. Ralph, the rational leader, soon finds ...
1513: Reasons For The Fall Of Socialism/Communism In Russia
... control without any intervention from other liberal or moderate parties. He decided to concentrate on improving military strength and building on improving the Soviet economy, rather than follow Lenin's revolutionary goal of dominating the world. In order to obtain the immense amount of money needed to maintain his militia, he began a series of five year programs which would force the average farmer to meet a quota by the end ... decrease in productivity. Stalin eventually passed away in 1953, and the conservative trend would now shifted to a more liberal form. The Reasons for the fall of Socialism/Communism and the Troubles of Starting the New Democratic System in the Russian Federation "Let's not talk about Communism. Communism was just an idea, just pie in the sky." Boris Yeltsin (b. 1931), Russian politician, president. Remark during a visit to the ... in every aspect of Soviet life that the Russian people were left with little democratic tradition. Russia faces the seemingly impracticable task of economic liberalization and democratization. This is combined with the fact that the new administration must address human rights issues, such as living conditions and the supply of staple goods in this new form of administration makes the prospect of a full democratic switch seemingly impossible. To fully ...
1514: Ludwig Van Beethoven The Incessant Sound Of A Fallen Tree
... feared that he too would face a premature death as his idle, Mozart, had done. This pushed productivity out as Beethoven constantly felt a sense of urgency to make his destined contribution to the musical world. Beethoven had made his concert debut at the age of eight and had already tenured as a performer in the Electorate Chapel in Bonn when the famous composer, Haydn, found opportunity to view Beethoven’s ... symphony which Beethoven himself never heard. Though there can be found a certain diversity in the articulation of these periods, there is one thought that seems to be without scholarly contradiction. Beethoven ushered in a new way of treating musical composition. Prior to his time, the composers did not use music as a medium for expressing strong emotion. Beethoven’s life of sorrow had not only left him full of such emotions, but his later condition left him with few alternative means by which he could exchanges those feelings. Music was the obvious choice and a new musical era was the historical result. In retrospect, as I look back at the fallen tree in the forest in juxtaposition with the life of this truly extraordinary man, I find a remarkable lesson ...
1515: The Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence "America, land of the free, home of the brave," that is a statement that we all have grown up with and truly believe, but why do we, our parents, our grandparents and those before them believe it to be so? In looking at the ... and influence in the governing of their country. In writing the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson was trying to break his ties with the harsh and non-democratic rule of the British and begin a new, equal society and government for America. The Declaration's statement of equality and unalienable rights is very closely connected to the idea of democracy. To have a democracy that works well you must have equality ... of Independence. The Declaration of Independence states that all men were, "endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness " and idea that was not new to the world just presented in a different way. By eliminating the control of a monarchy, Jefferson envisioned a country where all men would have the opportunity to control their own destinies. Jefferson foresaw ...
1516: Ethical Issues In U.S. Immigra
... or Mexico. These are only two examples of the travesties that occur daily in the land of opportunity and freedom—the Unites States of America. The United States was built by immigrants, many seeking a new life in a new land. Before 1882, anyone could move to the United States. As the population grew, however, the Federal government decided to control immigration. But they have done this in a very inconsistent manner, letting some people ... government to stop the immigration of its citizens (Anderson, 1998, p.2). Soon, however, Americans were complaining about European immigrants as well, especially those of eastern and southern Europe. As a consequence, Congress passed a new law in 1921 based on quotas; only a certain number of individuals with a given background or heritage could move to the United States. And only 30 percent of those could be from eastern ...
1517: Jackie Robinson
... how integration has come to baseball and how it can be achieved in every corner of the land (Robinson 16). But this amazing triumph over the Jim Crow laws could only have been possible in New York as Robinson says, Cooperstown, New York, and Birmingham, Alabama, are both in the Unites States. In Cooperstown I had been the guest of honor in the company of three other new Hall of Famers: Bill McKechnie, Edd Roush and Bob Feller. In Birmingham I was that negrah who pokes his nose into other peoples puddin (14). Jackie Robinson was born in Cairo, Georgia on January ...
1518: William Faulkner
William Faulkner is viewed by many as America's greatest writer of prose fiction. He was born in New Albany, Mississippi, where he lived a life filled with good times as well as bad. However, despite bad times he would become known as a poet, a short story writer, and finally one of the ... flight training in 1916. After awhile he began to get tired of school once again. He started cutting classes and finally stopped going. In the summer of 1921, Faulkner decided to take a trip to New York to receive some professional instruction from editors and critics, because Stone was busy with his academic studies. Faulkner stayed in New York and shared an incredibly small apartment with a man named Stark Young (Minter 35-40). During Faulkner's stay in New York, Stone became worried about him and his financial troubles. So Stone ...
1519: The History Of Electronic Musical Instruments
Electronic instruments and digital audio have changed the world’s musical paradigm forever. The advent of consumer electronics in the 1920’s gave musicians and composers alike, the ability to both create new sounds and the devices to manipulate them by electrical means. The 20th century has seen the vastest evolution of music styles and instruments, most of which have been heavily influenced by the electronic and digital ... recreating the waveform (or shape of the sound waves) produced by playing them. Electronics has not only offered a means to alter the sounds of already existing instruments, but also as a way to generate new sounds, effects, tones and timbres that would never be possible to be produced in a natural setting. In the years following the first electronic instruments and synthesizers was what was called the “Digital Era”. ...
1520: Automobile Motorsports Around
The Automobile Motorsports Hobby Around The World When looking at the sport of high performance automobile tuning, the groups usually follow country of origin. It is common for the groups to compete against each other to prove which country makes the best ... V8's. The people who own these cars are not concerned with cornering ability, but instead focus on drag racing down the 1/4 mile track. By far the fastest type of cars around the world, they are purpose-built speed demons. They are incredibly powerful, often using superchargers, or "blowers" as they are called, and since the past decade or so nitrous oxide systems are being installed. A typical big ... has been known for building high quality, innovative cars. They take easily to tuning, and last a long time. Tuned German cars have been known to be some of the best handling cars in the world, typified by the company Porsche. Using somewhat lighter cars, they can corner at frighteningly high speeds. It often takes a very professional, and brave, driver to extract anything near full potential from them. The ...

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