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1501: Rocky Marciano
On Sept. 1, 1923 Mr. and Mrs. Pierino Marchegiano of Brockton, MA became the proud parents of a lively twelve pound baby boy. The child was named Rocco Marchegiano, but the world would one day know him as the legendary boxer Rocky Marciano. When "bambino Rocco" was 18 months of age, he contracted pneumonia. Although the infection nearly killed him, his exceptionally strong constitution enabled him to ... boxer, he liked to recall how one of the greatest thrills of his life was when - as a substitute linebacker - he intercepted a pass and ran 60 yards to score a touchdown against arch-rival New Bedford. The following spring, Rocky became the first string catcher on the BHS varsity baseball team. It is said that his throws were almost always on target, and few runners beat his "rocket-like" pegs ... old" Brockton Vocational School. Ultimately, however, he decided that the obligation to immediately get a job and help out his struggling family was paramount. Traditionally, in Brockton - the former men's shoe capitol of the world - this meant starting at the bottom rung in a local shoe factory as a floor sweeper. In 1940, the New England shoe industry was in shambles. The "Great Depression" and competition from foreign imports ...
1502: Early America
... early America, how it started the thinking of people today. Throughout this report you will understand more about early America. People always say America is a land of beginnings, well after Europeans discovered America, the New World became peoples hope for a new life. They tried to escape from poverty and just to start over. So we know that America started with hope but does the American writers? In order for something to begin there needs to ...
1503: What Is Basketball Without Mic
... basketball, Nike shoes, or Wheaties. Through the years Michael Jordan has proved time and time again that he is the greatest basketball player ever and by doing that he has gained tremendous popularity throughout the world. People of all ages and from all nationalities have gathered to watch him play. Even your Aunt Matilda, who might not know anything about basketball, liked watching him play, said Daniel. He has become more than just an entertainer, he is a hero and a role model. It has been said He s the most famous American in the World (Daniel.) After winning his sixth National Basketball Association Championship, Michael Jordan has decided to walk away from the world of basketball for the second time in his life. Why would the greatest player to ever play the game leave at the highest point of his career? He claims the sport is no longer ...
1504: The War Of 1812 And Its Effect
... wasn’t just about Britain holding land and impressing American sailors into their navy; it was a second war of independence. It was the first war as a united country, and it was a small new nation against a large European empire. That we survived woke us up, and let us know that we did have a nation. For the first time, we were united, not for a fight of our ... military and naval forces of the country." More realistically, the fledgling nation had the extraordinary good fortune to escape the consequences of a war that it had badly mismanaged from the outset. The Battle of New Orleans, fought after the two sides had already signed the peace treaty, ironically became the war’s most famous event. The navy enjoyed well-deserved popularity for many years after the conflict, but the decisive ... better nation, and most were united in the cause. They realized that being divided and weak during wartime was no way to win. But they also realized that they did not want to become a world power just yet. The nation went into a period of isolation and did not come out of it until after the Spanish-American war. The children of our nation did go through a great ...
1505: Italian Revolutions
... the modern age. The word Renaissance itself is derived from the Latin word rinascere, which means to be reborn. Many dramatic changes occurred during this time in the fields of philosophy, art, politics, and literature. New emphasis was placed on enjoying life and the world around you. Talented individuals sought self-gratification through art, literature, and architecture, and their achievements would influence future generations for centuries to come. This great new movement was originated and centered in Italy, and without Italian contribution, would never have launched European society into the dawning of a new era. At the beginning of the Renaissance, Italy was divided into ...
1506: Unions
... these shifting currents flow in complementary ways that might appeal to the vast majority of struggling workers. The three most important formal organizations were the American Federation of Labor (AFL), the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) and the Socialist Party of America. All three of these organizations had there own strengths but the many weaknesses and divisions combined with outside influences caused the retardation of their radical, left wing ideas ... The AFL was first established as the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions of the United States and Canada from several independent national trade unions in 1881 and it took its definitive form and new name in 1886.The AFL was decentralized and organized as a loose coalition of almost autonomous national unions (Cashman,205.) The advantage to this was that decisions were made in each union where the leaders ... its union members and to govern it properly. Its more conservative outlooks and the racial boundaries it built may have also persuaded possible members to join other organizations such as the Industrial Workers of the World or the Socialist Party of America. The Industrial Workers of the World was a much more radical association than that of the American Federation of Labor. Formed in January 1905, by William D. Haywood, ...
1507: Lord Of The Flies
Lord of the Flies: An Analysis "The two boys faced each other. There was the brilliant world of hunting, tactics, fierce exhilaration, skill; and there was world of longing and baffled common-sense." A quote showing the two main contrasts of the story. Savageness, and civilization. This, is the Lord of the Flies, a book written by William Golding. The Lord of ... is lurking in the forest, and the children have nightmares. Jack, (A ruthless, power-hungry person), promising to fulfil the children's desire for a reversion to the ways of primitivism, is chosen as the new leader, and the society splits into two sections: those who want to hunt and soon become savages, and those who believe in rational conduct, and a civiliized manner. Ralph, the rational leader, soon finds ...
1508: John F. Kennedy Vs. Lynden B.
By: Joe Badussi E-mail: Belgiancte@aol.com The question I am about to answer can not be answered in brief. To fully comprehend the similarities and differences between John F. Kennedy’s “New Frontier” and Lyndon B. Johnson’s “Great Society” you must understand their intentions first. John F. Kennedy was not an ordinary President. He was one with a certain “charisma”, as some put it. He was very blunt and knew how to get what he wanted. During his rain as President, he created the reform program know as the “New Frontier”. The New Frontier was developed to assure Americans of the upcoming sixties’ challenges. This was a program that affected all. Under the influence of the New Frontier Kennedy promised to defend freedom around the world. He ...
1509: Albert Einstein and His Theories
... years old, used the opportunity to withdraw from the school. He spent a year with his parents in Milan, and when it became clear that he would have to make his own way in the world, he finished secondary school in Arrau, Switzerland, and entered the Swiss National Polytechnic in Zürich. Einstein did not enjoy the methods of instruction there. He often cut classes and used the time to study physics ... of the English mathematician and physicist Sir Isaac Newton, natural philosophers (as physicists and chemists were known) had been trying to understand the nature of matter and radiation, and how they interacted in some unified world picture. The position that mechanical laws are fundamental has become known as the mechanical world view, and the position that electrical laws are fundamental has become known as the electromagnetic world view. Neither approach, however, is capable of providing a consistent explanation for the way radiation (light, for example) ...
1510: Doomsday
Doomsday. The day when every living thing on this earth will die and will face the Creator for Judgement Day. Many people believe this will happen, and soon. Possibly New Years' Eve, the year 2000. But will it happen? The world will soon find out. Three areas to be looked at are: the Cold War starting after the Second World War; nuclear war, its possibility of reoccurring and the way the media views the threat of nuclear war; and finally, whether the apocalypse is approaching, what the world's military capability for a nuclear ...

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