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1491: Geothermal Energy
... plant in 1966. Geothermal energy has been used for things other than energy production, such as geothermal space-heating systems, horticulture, aquaculture, animal husbandry, soil heating and the first industrial operation of paper mills in New Zealand. Large scale geothermal space-heating systems were constructed in Iceland in 1930. The word "geothermal," refers to the thermal energy of the planetary interior and it is usually associated with the concept of systems ... actual efficiencies of seventy to eighty percent. As well as being used for electricity, geothermal energy is currently being used for space heating. Geothermal heated fluid used for space heating is widespread in Iceland, Japan, New Zealand, Hungary and the United States. In a geothermal space heating system, electrically powered pumps push heated fluid through pipes that circulate the fluid through out the structure. Geothermal heated fluid is also being used ... the waste water is reinjected back into the earth the previously dissolved silica particles precipitate out of the liquid and can block up the pores in the reinjection well. The cool water can also create new passages through the rocks and create unstable ground above. There are three main problems that can plague a power plant when it is operated using geothermal energy, silting, scaling and corrosion. Scaling is caused ...
1492: The Great Gatsby Is A Tragic H
... the book he is recognized as an admirable character. At the end of the novel, Nick "became aware of the old island here that flowered once for Dutch sailors' eyes-afresh, green breast of the new world" (p.182). He is describing the New World as Dutch sailors from the Old World would have seen it. This is where the American Dream is started. The Dutch sailors arrive at the New World with infinite hope. Gatsby looked upon ...
1493: Historians
Historians Student #: 9532080 Teacher: Mr. A. Dalfen Date: March 10, 1997 "Professional historians spend their lives pursuing the meaning of the past for the present." Everything that exists in today's world has some origin coming from the past. Everything that exists today and seems to be unique of its time has some basis from the past. It is a known fact that history has a tendency ... only states facts but explains disciplines such as sociology, religion, psychology, anthropology and so on. It explains to us why certain events happened, such as the reason why six millions Jews died in the Second World War. The reason history gives us is anti-Semitism. The Nazis were a group that had as a goal to purify the world of what we call minorities and so to keep it a White, straight, Christian world. History explains the evolution of things, people, beliefs, laws and many more in order for us to understand why ...
1494: Things Fall Apart
... first come to the village, the people, who are still secure in their own religion, are confident that the tribal village will destroy them. When this does not happen, the villagers become convinced that the new religion has some sort of magical power, and this weakens their confidence in their own culture. Once again, racism pervades the novel, with the intrusion of the missionaries into the lives of the villagers. The ... done in the hope that other villagers would unite with him and fight the white man. The tribe 3 refuses to fight and as a result, they become under the white's control. Okonkwo s, world has been destroyed and his reason for living has gone. Due to the racism, and the intrusion of the white man, Okonkwo's village's culture was eventually destroyed. Like Chinua Achebe, racism, as well ... uproar. Ugly (Conrad 35). Furthermore, The prehistoric man was cursing us, praying to us, welcoming us who could tell (Conrad 37)? Conrad s ignorance of the African people resulted in his division of the social world. The categories in this social world were, us, the Europeans and them, the Africans. Achebe concludes Conrad s ignorance towards the natives by exclaiming, Heart of Darkness projects the image of Africa as the ...
1495: The Great Gatsby: America Degenerates into a Place of Moral Destitution
... their status, exploiting those below them as a means to reaffirm their superiority. Consequently, James Gatz, under the influence of characters like Dan Cody and Meyer Wolfshiem, underwent a self-transformation to become Gatsby, a new man who was founded on his "Plutonic conception of himself." As the embodiment of idealism and innocence, Gatsby strives to create order and purpose yet he is faced with hostile surroundings and thus his attempts ... like Gatsby's dream, it will always remain beyond his grasp. Gatsby is trapped in a state of timelessness where his future is an illusory reflection of this past. His unbridled imagination has created a world in which reality is undefined to itself and thus through this wilderness of illusions, Gatsby attempts to realize the possibilities of life. Such was the "colossal vitality" of Gatsby's illusion that he believed that ... could recreate the past. "Why of course you can," was his automatic response. Yet once the "party was over," reality begins to dominate and tragically, Gatsby falls to his demise. Gatsby finds himself in a world "material without real" and as he "looked up at an unfamiliar sky through frightening leaves... he found what a grotesque thing a rose is and how raw the sunlight was upon the scarcely created ...
1496: Having Fun While Learning
... when a person must enter into the academic part of his life. This day is evident when the child must go off to kindergarten, or even earlier, to preschool. This period is a time of new adventure for a young child; some may look forward to this new level in life, while others may find it to be somewhat frightening. Regardless of the way the child feels, he must begin this new journey. Education is a long adventure, some longer than others, depending on whether the child continues onto college. Before he begins this scholastic excursion, the only thing occupying the child's mind is when ...
1497: The Puritan Society in N. Hawthorne's "The Scarlet Letter"
... their native England. They were brutally persecuted and were not allowed to practise their religion, because they said that the beliefs taught by the Anglican church were against the Bible. When they arrived in the New World, they were confronted with numerous threats from the outside. Their trying to take land away from the Indians caused many fights and attacks. Moreover, they had to deal with the total wilderness surrounding them. Under ... heavy, antique oak and is secured with iron spikes. The age of the wood symbolises another reason why the Puritan ideas could not be realised without violating human nature, namely that they came to a New World, but built their settlement on an antique, even anachronistic basis. Their pessimistic belief that the human species is doomed and has no free will also contributed to the failure of their Utopia. The ...
1498: Genetic Engineering
... to pesticides, so that the pesticide manufacturers can make more money on their products. About 70% of genetic engineering falls into this category. A second example is biowarfare. Perhaps some of you saw the recent New Yorker article on the subject [Richard Preston, "Annals of Warfare: the Bioweaponeers." New Yorker, March, 1998]. There is widespread consensus that the information reported in that article is true. One of the things he mentions is that the former Soviet Union had the largest big-warfare program in the world, with 32,000 scientists working on it. Much of it had to do with genetic engineering. In one of the projects they took smallpox, which has otherwise disappeared from the world, and found a ...
1499: Evolution From A Molecular Perspective
... Why globular evolution? Evolution has been a heavily debated issue since Charles Darwin first documented the theory in 1859. However, until just recently, adaptation at a molecular level has been overlooked except by the scientific world. Now with the help of modern technology, the protein sequences of nearly every known living thing have either been established or are in the process of establishment, and are widely accessible via the internet. With ... one can actually look at several organisms genetic codes and point out the similarities. Entire genomes of creatures have been sequenced, and the human genome project is well underway and ahead of schedule. With this new knowledge comes worries, for humans, however. What if the information stored in our genes was available to the public? Would insurance companies and employers base their selections on these traits? Also, with the total knowledge ... to abolish the creationist view, a feat that at this point seems impossible, but merely to educate those seeking to unravel the mystery of our forthcoming by pointing out facts that exist in the modern world and that can be quite easily and independently researched. It is conceivable that the two ideas, creationism and evolutionism, can exist symbiotica lly due to the fact that both views have very good points. ...
1500: Argumentative Environment
Arguementative Environment Currently, a controversy is swirling over the issues raised by the despoiling of the world's natural environment. Poet Stanley Kunitz in "The War Against the Trees" depicts a man watching his neighbor, "who sold his lawn to standard oil" (Kunitz 122), laugh as bulldozers ruin the natural beauty of ... against the town's pleasant past. Kunitz's speaker is angry that this war "against the great-grandfathers of the town" (Kunitz 123) is destroying these ancestors' attempt to preserve nature, not allow "the green world" (Kunitz 123) to be turned into a "death-foxed page" (Kunitz 123) of barrenness. Some pro-environmentalists, like Sioux medicine man John (Fire) Lame Deer, claim that the damage industrialized society has done to nature ... publication on, "Nature became more than something that existed at a distance from most of human settlement, and nonhuman species were suddenly not the only species at direct risk from human impositions on the natural world. Pollution and human health, shifted to the center of concern, were seen as inseparable from conservation concerns" (Paehlke 261). Carson indicted human beings for unleashing a "chain of evil" (Carson 324) in the form ...

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