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1431: Corruption In Famous Last Word
War is a horrific experience made worse by those who try to control it for their own advantage. In Famous Last Words, Timothy Findley creates a world of intrigue as he describes the tales of conspiracy and corruption for world domination. That made World War II far worse than it otherwise would have been. This is shown through the relationships of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, Joachim von Ribbentrop, and Benito Mussolini. The Duke and Duchess of ...
1432: Economic Policies Of Lenin And
... the Civil War and the dissidence of the peasants, something had to collapse and it was the Rouble. Once the Civil War was under control and Lenin saw citizens growing restless he decided that a new economic policy was in order and the policy was given the name New Economic Policy. The Policy was a drastic measure and I think it was just what Russia needed and it was just in time. Politically, Lenin stepped on the toes of a few hardcore Communist Party members (Bolsheviks) but economically the policy was sound. The policy was a hybrid Socialist-Capitalist economy and was called state capitalism by Lenin. Lenin said the New Economic Policy was a temporary measure and was going to slow down the transformation into communism to ensure that when the state 'withered away' (In Marxist theory) the withering would be as smooth as ...
1433: 27 Years of Influential 60 Minutes
27 Years of Influential 60 Minutes Since 1968 America has been better enlightened than previously concerning current events and happenings around the world. A considerable factor for this occurrence is the television program 60 Minutes which debuted on the air in September of 1968. Many other television newsmagazines have been produced since its creation, however none have possessed ... shown today are also a result of 60 Minutes and its bold, gutsy, "gotcha" style of television journalism. 60 Minutes changed the way that the American public receives its television news, stemming forth a whole new format of television broadcast journalism. 60 Minutes has a vast history of stories covered, yet the format has remained unchanged. Don Hewett, creator and producer of 60 Minutes, has been the subject of much criticism ... are what made 60 Minutes a success--finishing in the top 10 Nielson ratings for 17 consecutive seasons and counting. Other than the fact that it changed from black-and-white to color with the new technology, the appearance of 60 Minutes has remained consistent. There is no reason to change a thing about such a prosperous show according to Hewitt. Not only has the format remained constant but the ...
1434: Financial Instability
... the self adjusting market mechanism and the informal discipline maintained by its rules. The destabilization of the gold standard can be attributed to the extreme domestic economic and financial pressures brought on nation states by World War I, and not solely on the industrial and economic demise of Britain. A valid explanation for the origins of financial instability are the speculative attacks brought on by investors. Although similar in function to ... original position with an unsolved problem. We can see that the dialectic of the regulatory process undermines anticipated stability and will eventually lead to financial instability and collapse. In this environment, there arises calls for new forms of financial regulation. These policies and proposals are of critical importance and will therefore be discussed later in the paper. THE TRANSMISSION AND EFFECTS OF FINANCIAL INSTABILITY There are three contending albeit interrelated views ... re-creating a Bretton Woods-type system are unaware of the lessons to be learned from that period. The theoretical brethren of hegemonic stability advocates, proponents of this policy seek too place “the direction of world monetary policy in the hands of a single country” or institution that would have “great influence over the economic destiny of others” (Williamson, 1977:37). As seen under the Bretton Woods system the “destiny” ...
1435: Famous Last Words
War is a horrific experience made worse by those who try to control it for their own advantage. In Famous Last Words, Timothy Findley creates a world of intrigue as he describes the tales of conspiracy and corruption for world domination. That made World War II far worse than it otherwise would have been. This is shown through the relationships of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, Joachim von Ribbentrop, and Benito Mussolini. The Duke and Duchess of ...
1436: Allen Ginsburg In America
By: Opies Irwin Allen Ginsberg was born on June 3, 1926 in Newark, New Jeresy. Louis Ginsberg, Allen’s dad, was a published poet, a high school teacher and a Jewish Socialist. His wife, Naomi, was a radical Communist and nudist who went tragically insane in early adulthood. A shy and complicated child growing up in Paterson, New Jersey, Allen's home life was dominated by his mother's bizarre and frightening episodes. A severe paranoid, she trusted Allen when she was convinced the rest of the family and the world was plotting against her. As Allen tried to understand what was happening with his mother, he also had to struggle to comprehend what was happening inside him, because he was consumed by lust for ...
1437: Hostile Takeover Of The New Wo
... generations of elected officials in this country. To continue to perpetuate myths about American Indians which have no basis in fact or in law is merely avoiding the larger issues confronting the nations of the world," said author Vine Deloria, Jr. (Deloria, Prologue) The United States government failed miserably in its attempt to deal with the Indians. By pushing them further and further West, they pushed the Indians to hate and ... the Indians of the West. By 1850 gold had been discovered in California, and white settlers were heading West to strike it rich and lay claim to the entire continent. (Utley and Washburn, page 163) New violence erupted as the white man moved into Indian hunting grounds. Ten percent of the Diggers in California met death violently. In 1846, California was home to 100,000 Indians. By 1851, the population had ... today. By the beginning of the 20th century, Indians controlled remnants of their former estates. Drought, the Dust Bowl, the Great Depression and the American market economy led to an abandonment of Indian agriculture after World War II. (Lewis, 1) In the 1930s the government instituted livestock reduction and reseeding procedures to bring value back to reservation fields. Despite those efforts, most tribes still deal with overgrazing, erosion and improper ...
1438: Hurricane Georges
Hurricane Georges A very massive group of levees may be all that is in the way of lower lying New Orleans and destruction with a visit from Hurricane Georges. Without the levee system and concrete flood walls Georges could have catastrophic effects in New Orleans. But with this man-made hurricane protection system protecting the city people. New Orleans is spared the casualties and damage past storms have wrought. The levee system is important because the city is like a saucer 6 feet below sea level and is surrounded by lakes, swamps, ...
1439: Edison
Thomas Alva Edison, a very famous inventor who lived during the 19th and 20th centuries, invented the incandescent light bulb, the phonograph, and over a thousand other devices. He was always thinking of new ways to do things. Perhaps his only invention that wasn't an "improvement" of another device was the phonograph. Many of his devices paved the way for current technology, while others, although interesting, had no ... develop two devices that pertained to sound: the transmitter and receiver for the telephone and the phonograph (Thomas Alva Edison Biography). Edison was very creative and inventive and continued throughout his life to think of new inventions and designs. Edison saw many ways to put things and ideas together in novel ways that made devices easier to use or more useful. Ideas didn't just pop into his head, except for ... with light, he became excited and involved in trying to build a kind of electric lamp. Oil and gas lamps of that time were smelly, dirty, and required lots of fuel. Edison figured that the world would one day be lighted by electric lamps that "turned night into day" (Cousins 90). He wanted to be the person who invented that electric lamp. He promised a good, cheap, safe electric light. ...
1440: One Hundred Years Of Solitude
Road to Eternity It was quite probably the most important event of World War II. Its consequences were greater than those of any other event of the war. On the morning of August 6, 1945, a B-29 bomber named Enola Gay flew over the Japanese industrial city of Hiroshima and dropped the first atomic bomb through its hatches. The city went up in a fireball, causing destruction unlike anything the world had ever seen. The fact that it killed one hundred thousand people instantly made the atomic bomb known as an instrument of terrible destruction, the fact that it helped bring about the Japanese surrender and ... one only remembers the devastation after the A-bomb exploded, forgetting all the hard work it took to bring the remarkable weapon to life. The story began when on August 2, 1939, a month before World War II began in Europe, Albert Einstein signed a letter addressed to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Concede in careful terms, the letter stated that recent nuclear research indicated extremely powerful bombs of a new ...

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