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Search results 1411 - 1420 of 22819 matching essays
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1411: The Controversial New Deal
The Controversial New Deal The New Deal is one of the most controversial topics concerning the functions of the United States Government. These actions were designed by Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who was the strong and active president during the later years of the depression continuing through World War II. We can definitively say that Roosevelt changed the attitude of this nation. Roosevelt, in response to the overwhelming depression enacted The New Deal. Whether he intended to or not, he definitely shifted ...
1412: Franklin D. Roosevelt: A Biography
Franklin D. Roosevelt: A Biography Franklin D. Roosevelt was born in Hyde Park, New York on January 30, 1882, the son of James Roosevelt and Sara Delano Roosevelt. His parents and private tutors provided him with almost all his formative education. President Roosevelt's boyhood home is a popular ... woods, special trees...." He attended Groton (1896-1900), a prestigious preparatory school in Massachusetts, and received a B.A. degree in history from Harvard in only three years (1900-03). Roosevelt next studied law at New York's Columbia University. When he passed the bar examination in 1907, he left school without taking a degree. For the next three years he practiced law with a prominent New York City law firm. He entered politics in 1910 and was elected to the New York State Senate as a Democrat from his traditionally Republican home district. In the meantime, in 1905, he had ...
1413: The World Of Odysseus
The World of Odysseus by Moses I. Finley analyzes the world of Ancient Greece and the important figures associated with that time period. The major events take place in the Mediterranean Basin centered upon Greece, her surrounding islands, and Asia Minor. This time period of mythological ... Throughout the rest of the book, the author carefully continues to assess the roles of Greek man and his relations and beliefs as told through The Odyssey and Iliad. The most interesting aspect of The World of Odysseus, is the smoothly flowing relationship between the mythological stories and the historical facts. The author rarely explains the great stories of the gods and heroes of Ancient Greece without identifying it's ...
1414: Salem Whichcraft Trials
... and magic and caused strange behavior. The Salem witch trials were based on the Puritans and their God versus Satan and his followers and their strict codes. Puritans had always thought that they were the new chosen people, abandoning a land of sin and oppression to establish the Promised Land (New England). Puritans beliefs were rooted in contrasts. (1) They believed that if there was something good there was something bad to contradict it, for instance since there was a God, there must be a devil ... had made an actual, deliberate, formal pact with Satan and would do all in her in power to aid him in his rebellion against God. (3) The Puritans believed that they were living in a world of chaos and crime, and directed their efforts to constantly guard against sin. (4) Life in Salem Village was not easy at the best of times. Gaiety and merrymaking were regarded as irreligious, and ...
1415: Is Canada Losing Its Identity
... many vintage Canadian moments do. The question is, do many people still view themselves as proud Canadians? Many think we are simply the 51st state or a refugee dump station for other countries. As the world drives into the 21st century, technology is taking an increasing role in everyone's lives. New innovations, such as the Internet, are making every corner of the world closer. This is known as globalization. Where before countries were thought to be quite distant, today, we can travel and converse quicker then we ever could before. I believe it's this reason why ...
1416: The Rwanda Refugee Crisis
The Rwanda Refugee Crisis Rwanda, located in central Africa, suffers from one of the world's most recent refugee crises. The word refugees could be defined in the traditional context, " people who decide to seek asylum out of fear of political, racial, or religious persecution, or who leave their homes because of war or civil strife " 1. Between the seventies to eighties this definition began to change. The world was beginning to see a great many people seeking refuge due to " a variety of severe economic, social and military ills - poverty, famine and conflicts over resources " 2. Therefore, these factors have to be implemented ... In 1994, over two million people from Rwanda were forced out by genocide. It came to an end in July of 1994 when the country was supposedly liberated by the Rwandan Patriotic Front. The international world became involved in Rwanda when, " in June and July 1994, 2.5 million Rwandans crossed into Tanzania and Zaire "3. It took 500,000 to 1,000,000 Rwandans to die from genocide before ...
1417: Elizabeth Cady Stanton
... I challenged my culture's basic assumptions about men and women, and dedicated my life to the pursuit of equal rights for all women. My name is Elizabeth Cady Stanton. I was born in Johnstown, New York, on the 12th of November, 1815. My father is the prominent attorney and judge Daniel Cady and my mother is Margaret Livingston Cady. I was born the seventh child and middle daughter. Although my ... was unseemly, he said, for a woman to receive a college education, for in 1830 no American college or university admitted women. Instead, my father enrolled me in Emma Willard's Female Academy in Troy, New York. Although I learned a great deal at the academy, I objected to the principle of single sex education and felt it was artificial and unnatural. I believed knowledge had no sex. I graduated in 1833 and returned to my parent's home, and this is when I entered the world of reform. While visiting my cousin, Gerrit Smith (the abolitionist) in Peterboro, New York, I met with all kinds of reformers. There, too, I met the man I was to marry- Henry Stanton, a ...
1418: Anything Is Possible
Maria Burrows Room 209 The rain splattered against my car windshield as I grumpily drove to work. I hated my job, working as a nurse’s aide in a New York hospital. I worked in the children’s section of the hospital. Every day more kids arrived, which meant I had to change more hospital beds and clean up more messes. This was not my idea of fun. The only reason I had taken the job as a nurse’s aide was to make enough money to live in New York City. However, I was thankful that this job would only last two more weeks. Last week my dream had finally come true. I was offered a job in a chorus line of an off ... had no idea this day would change my life. As I began to gather up my cleaning supplies to begin my daily routine, I saw one of my co-workers near by. "Are there any new arrivals?" I asked. "As a matter of fact, there are two new kids. They’ll be moving into Room 209." she replied. "You’d better change their bed sheets quickly." I hurried up to ...
1419: History Of The Guitar
... all the way to the soundhole. As rapidly as the guitar changed so did it¹s acceptance. By the 1800¹s the Lute had all but disappeared. One of the best known makers of this new-style of guitar was Johann Georg Staufer of Vienna. Staufer and another maker Johann Ertel in 1822 designed a fingerboard raised off the top of the guitar, and experimented with different fret metals, settling on ... out of Chicago, the Larson brothers were the only ones whose instruments were built for steel strings. The others were still made for gut. From the 1850¹s to the 1920¹s , a variety of new guitar designs surfaced, some were outlandish and some were ideas whose time would not arrive until decades later like the Gibson carved top guitar and the Larson Brothers steel-stringed flat top which were both ... them was in Hawaiian music from 1915 into the 1920¹s. But in the 1920¹s a demand for greater volume began to revolutionize the banjo and continued to be the strongest driving force for new fretted instrument design for the next three decades. At the same time two new innovations in related fields were changing the musical instrument dramatically. The first advance the phonograph, actually dates back to the ...
1420: 27 Years Of Influential 60 Min
Since 1968 America has been better enlightened than previously concerning current events and happenings around the world. A considerable factor for this occurrence is the television program 60 Minutes which debuted on the air in September of 1968. Many other television newsmagazines have been produced since its creation, however none have possessed ... shown today are also a result of 60 Minutes and its bold, gutsy, "gotcha" style of television journalism. 60 Minutes changed the way that the American public receives its television news, stemming forth a whole new format of television broadcast journalism. 60 Minutes has a vast history of stories covered, yet the format has remained unchanged. Don Hewett, creator and producer of 60 Minutes, has been the subject of much criticism ... are what made 60 Minutes a success--finishing in the top 10 Nielson ratings for 17 consecutive seasons and counting. Other than the fact that it changed from black- and-white to color with the new technology, the appearance of 60 Minutes has remained consistent. There is no reason to change a thing about such a prosperous show according to Hewitt. Not only has the format remained constant but the ...

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