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1401: Emperor Constantine I
... great events of his reign laid foundations that would affect the future of Europe and Western Civilization for centuries to come. His recognition and support of Christianity was one of the most important moments in world history. Moving the government of the Roman Empire to Constantinople and founding “New Rome” was one of the most significant decisions ever made by a Roman ruler. Ten emperors who reigned after Constantine took his name. This is just one more indication of his importance in history and ... had told him to move the capital which he renamed in his own honor as Constantinople. He also ordered the city to be rebuilt so it would be a worthy capital for the empire. The new city, which was dedicated in May of 330 CE, provided Constantine with a better location for ruling the empire. The new capital gave him easy access to the Balkan provinces and to the eastern ...
1402: Television Born Killers
Television Born Killers This essay attempts to evaluate the view that television violence is a cause of real world violence. Several studies supporting and opposing this view are examined as well as Gerbner's cultivation theory, which provides an alternative view. The critique offered by Cumberbatch has been applied where relevant and his views ... the cultivation theory, developed by Gerbner. He emphasized the effects of television viewing on the attitudes rather than the behaviour of viewers. Watching television may tend to induce a general mindset about violence in the world, quite apart from any effects it might have in inducing violent behaviour. Cultivation theorists distinguish between 'first order' effects (general beliefs about the everyday world, such as about the prevalence of violence) and 'second order' effects (specific attitudes, such as to law and order or to personal safety). (Chandler, 1995. p 1.) The focus is on 'heavy viewers'. People ...
1403: Freedom in the United States
Freedom in the United States No other democratic society in the world permits personal freedoms to the degree of the United States of America. Within the last sixty years, American courts, especially the Supreme Court, have developed a set of legal doctrines that thoroughly protect all forms ... for the first time. He depicts how people of all backgrounds worked together for one cause: freedom. I selected Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 as a fictitious example of the evils of censorship in a world that is becoming illiterate. In this book, the government convinces the public that book reading is evil because it spreads harmful opinions and agitates people against the government. The vast majority of people accept this ... throughout the book and finally prevailed in the end when his main character rebelled against the practice of burning books. Among the many forms of protests are pickets, strikes, public speeches and rallies. Recently in New Jersey, more than a thousand community activists rallied to draft a "human" budget that puts the needs of the poor and handicapped as a top priority. Rallies are an effective means for people to ...
1404: Fritz Haber
The name Fritz Haber has long been associated with the well-known process of synthesizing ammonia from its elements. While primarily known for developing a process which ultimately relieved the world of dependence on Chilean ammonia, this twentieth century Nobel prize winner was also involved in the varying fortunes of Germany in World War I and in the rise to power of the Nazi regime. Haber was born on December 9, 1868 in Prussia. He was the son of a prosperous German chemical merchant and worked for his ... was essentially self-taught. Quickly he gained respect and recognition for his research in electrochemistry and thermodynamics. He also authored several books arising from his research. During the first decade of the twentieth century, the world-wide demand for nitrogen based fertilizers exceeded the existing supply. The largest source of the chemicals necessary for fertilizer production was found in a huge guano deposit (essentially sea bird droppings) that was 220 ...
1405: Ensuring Our Future Through Conservation
Ensuring Our Future Through Conservation The world's natural rainforests are one of humanity's only remaining hopes to continue its existence. Rainforests are vast forests filled with lush vegetation, teeming with life (both animal and plant), of which only about 40 ... species as they did in the past. However, the size of theses majestic rainforests has diminished immensely over a course of about 100 years. Recent studies and estimates conclude that around two percent of the world's rainforests is lost each year. Unless we change this amount of deforestation, there will be little of our rainforests left in 50 years. Our rainforests are an integral part in our world's ecosystem, and therefore need to be conserved as best we can. The rainforests provide safety and life to millions of kinds of life, they may contain cures to many of the world's ...
1406: McDonaldization Of Society
... been exposed to McDonaldization. McDonaldization is “the process by which the principles of the fast food restaurant are coming to dominate more and more sectors of America society as well as the rest of the world” (Ritzer, 1996, 1). Nearly ever aspect of today’s society has been affected by McDonaldization including the restaurant business, education, work, healthcare, travel, leisure, dieting, politics and the family (Ritzer, 1996, 1). I observed three ... ESM (for the remainder of this case study I will us the initial ESM to refer to East Side Mario’s Restaurants, Inc.) concept in North Miami, Florida featuring the excitement and energy of a New York City street festival, a blend of outstanding American and Italian food, a place where families felt welcome and comfortable offering exceptional value. Today operating as a separate division of Marie Callender’s Pie Shops ... all non-smoking and only the bar area has smoking. The same colors are dominant in each store: red, green and white. The immediate feeling you will get when walking inside is that of a New York street with replica’s of the Brooklyn Bridge, Statue of Liberty, Scallero Bros. and Costello’s Markets (trademarks of ESM). Interaction between the employees and customers is scripted and predictable at each visit ...
1407: Germany And Its Abuse Of Chemi
When Germany launched its chlorine attack at Ypres on 22 April 1915, it caught the world by surprise. It aroused world public opinion, which blamed Germany for breaching The Hague Conventions. Germany justified its actions. They stated that The Hague Conventions only discussed projectiles whose sole purpose was the diffusion of asphyxiating or deleterious gases and ... at the start of the war. The Germans simply needed to test the effectiveness of various chemicals (and chemical combinations) and match them with a delivery system. They maintained the initiative through the introduction of new agents, improved delivery systems, and new tactics. Although Germany held the initiative, their chemists had to work hard to stay ahead of the Allied chemists. One of the problems faced was that chemists were ...
1408: The World Of Odysseus
The World of Odysseus by Moses I. Finley analyzes the world of Ancient Greece and the important figures associated with that time period. The major events take place in the Mediterranean Basin centered upon Greece, her surrounding islands, and Asia Minor. This time period of mythological ... Throughout the rest of the book, the author carefully continues to assess the roles of Greek man and his relations and beliefs as told through The Odyssey and Iliad. The most interesting aspect of The World of Odysseus, is the smoothly flowing relationship between the mythological stories and the historical facts. The author rarely explains the great stories of the gods and heroes of Ancient Greece without identifying it's ...
1409: New Developments or Research in Genetic Cloning: Summary
New Developments or Research in Genetic Cloning: Summary Since genetic cloning is a very wide topic, the focus of my paper lies mainly on the new discoveries which might be beneficial to human beings. The focus of the first section of the paper is on the various cloning techniques geneticists use nowadays. They techniques included range from the simplest and suitable ... are discussed because they all have one thing in common: they may be beneficial to human beings later on. For example, the newest entry in my paper, and perhaps the one that shocked the whole world, was the report about the first successful clone mammal from non-embryonic cells. This will be helpful in the future for patients waiting for organ transplants. Scientists will be able to clone a fully ...
1410: Ethics In Business
... deceive, will be increasingly cherished in the future (Trudel 69). Right now we live in a time when the ends justify the means. There is hope however. For all of the crooked businessmen in the world, there are still some noble and ethical businessmen holding on. Although some businessmen may not believe it, according to Rodger Spiller, director of the New Zealand Centre for Business Ethics (NZCBE), there is a strong positive correlation between ethics and sustainable financial performance (Spiller 52). Ethics is becoming very important and this is reflected by international business increasing momentum towards ... Association of Working Women. This is why whistle blowing is rare. People can not tell on the guilty boss because they have been entrapped into the wrongdoings also. You must be aware enough and even brave enough not to blindly get caught in the ring. One should also check out the boss before you sign on and then establish an understanding with your boss during the first week on the ...

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