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1351: Eating Disorders
... and chemical imbalances in the body. Theories of Bulimia causes encompass both biological and psychological factors. Relationships or conditions in the person’s life change suddenly like a divorce, death, a romantic breakup, or a new job, can lead the person to Bulimia. The person may fear or experience failure, and insecurity of physical appearance. The causes of Bulimia encompasses both biological and psychological factors, also (Wolhart, 1988). Still the question ... with on others. They would be relationships or conditions in the person’s life change suddenly. There may be a death or divorce in the family, a change in friends, a romantic breakup, or a new job, place of living, or school. An Eating Disorder is a lonely and confusing experience. Anorexics and bulimics can feel isolated, rejected and defeated. The Eating Disorder is triggered by emotional problems, and in turn it triggers new stress and concerns (Erlanger, 1985). Anorexics or bulimics have to face these new issues and conflicts that result from their disorders, and it is painful to deal with new concerns on top of their ...
1352: The Rebellion Against Victoria
... address the climate of change in the English culture and its expressions. The changes occurred in two separate and distinct time periods. These time periods are the turn of the century from 1890's to World War II. The second period is WWII to 1970's. The new century brought about an end to the old and stuffy Victorian life-styles. The social stigmas of women and their behavior was challenged and change by the rise of feminism in 1910. Women began to ... for their cause. Books such as the Odd Women, featured a fictional representation of "professional women". They were classified in two categories, both an attack on the social institution of marriage. The first of these new women were out only for fun. The second was the concept of an asexual being who did not need a man. These women owned their own flats and had various jobs usually secretarial in ...
1353: The Marshall Plan
The Marshall Plan During the winter of 1946-47, the worst in memory, Europe seemed on the verge of collapse. For the victors in World War II, there were no spoils. In London, coal shortages left only enough fuel to heat and light homes for a few hours a day. In Berlin, the vanquished were freezing and starving to death ... million cubic yards of it in Germany alone. Bridges were broken, canals were choked, rails were twisted. Across the Continent, darkness was rising. Americans, for the most part, were not paying much attention. Having won World War II, "most Americans just wanted to go to the movies and drink Coca-Cola," said Averell Harriman, who had been FDR's special envoy to London and Moscow during the second world war. But in Washington and New York, a small group of men feared the worst. Most of them were, like Harriman, Wall Street bankers and diplomats with close ties to Europe and a long ...
1354: Facism
Fascism is a form of counter-revolutionary politics that first arose in the early part of the twentieth-century in Europe. It was a response to the rapid social upheaval, the devastation of World War I, and the Bolshevik Revolution. Fascism is a philosophy or a system of government the advocates or exercises a dictatorship of the extreme right, typically through the merging of state and business leadership, together ... in Italy and other European countries after 1919 as a reaction against the profound political and social changes brought about from inflation, and declining social, economic, and political conditions. Italy, which was ready for a new political aspect, was the birthplace of fascist ideology. Benito Mussolini was the man who brought this ideology to Italy. Mussolini had been looking for the perfect opportunity to take complete control of the country and ... Mussolini took to gain control of Italy. In 1919 Mussolini and his followers, mostly war veterans, were organized along paramilitary lines and wore black shirts as uniforms. After defeats at the polls Mussolini used his new financial backing friends to clothe a gang of thugs who would attack other street gangs supporting other ideologies that Mussolini disliked. These black shirts also vandalized, terrorized, bullied, and on occasion took control of ...
1355: Bill Gates
... in a class full of girls"(Gates 12). In 1972 Intel released their first microprocessor chip: the 8008. Gates attempted to write a version of BASIC (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) for the new Intel chip, but the chip did not contain enough transistors to handle it. Gates and Allen found a way to use the 8008 and "started Traf-O-Data, a computer traffic analysis company"(Clayton 452) It worked well however, marketing their new machine proved to be impossible. "No one actually wanted to buy the machine, at least not from a couple teenagers"(Gates 14). Gates and Allen had more less successful endeavors in starting a software company. In 1974 Intel announced their new chip: the 8080. The two college students sent off letters "to all the big computer companies, offering to write them a version of BASIC for the new Intel chip. We got no takers"(Gates ...
1356: Caesar And Naopoleon
... the Great, Hannibal, Frederick the Great and his favorite and most influential, Julius Caesar (Marrin 17). Julius Caesar was the strong leader for the Romans who changed the course of history of the Greco - Roman world decisively and irreversibly. Caesar was able to create the Roman Empire because of his strength and his strong war strategies (Duggan 117). Julius Caesar was to become one of the greatest generals, conquering the whole ... his previously ill-equipped soldiers won their loyalty. During the storming of a bridge at Lodi, he fought alongside his troops, and earned from them the nickname of "the little corporal" (Castelot 68). Under the new government Napoleon was made commander of the French army in Italy. During this campaign the French realized how smart Napoleon was. He developed a tactic that worked very efficiently. He would cut the enemy's ... Marenegro. The German states and England were tired of fighting so they signed a peace treaty of Aimens in 1802. This was the first time since 1792 that France was at peace with the whole world. During the next 14 months of peace Napoleon drastically altered Europe and reshaped France. He became president of the Italian Republic, he reshaped Switzerland with France. He annexed Piedmont, Parma, and the island of ...
1357: The Office of Tomorrow
... stack of resumes in his pajamas. The call gets forwarded to him wherever he's working. You've just entered the vast frontier of the virtual office—a universe in which leading-edge technology and new concepts redefine work and job functions by enabling employees to work from virtually anywhere. The concept allows a growing number of companies to change their workplaces in ways never considered just a few years ago. They're scrapping assigned desks and conventional office space to create a bold new world where employees telecommute, function on a mobile basis or use satellite offices or communal work areas that are free of assigned spaces with personal nick nacks. IBM, AT&T, Travelers Corporation, Pacific Bell, Panasonic, ...
1358: Media Effect 2
I. Introduction Media nowadays is considered a window for learning and is also considered to be our main window to the world. Media has evolved from simple text in papers, to voices in radios, to voices with pictures in television and movies, to the very broad and information packed Internet. But as we all know, media has ... Corvette evolved from more mundane automotive ancestors in 1953. Other high points in the Corvette's evolutionary refinement included the 1962 model, in which the original 102-inch was shortened to 98 inches and the new closed-coupe Stingray model was introduced; … [a long list of changes deleted] …The point is that the Corvette evolved through a selection process on variations that resulted in a series of transitional forms and an ... sets that could also display older B&W programs. It didn't just happen by chance. Now there are 200 to 300 million analog TV sets in America, none of which are compatible with the new digital HDTV signals. The "evolution" from analog TV to digital TV required a federal law making it illegal to broadcast analog TV signals after 2006. (The government seems to be backing away from that ...
1359: Beer
... ingredients have been mixed and have been appreciated by all classes of society in almost all civilizations. The old cliche "accident is the mother of invention" is a phrase that definitely holds true in the world of beer. The discovery was made way back when the Mediterranean region was the seat of civilization and barley flourished as a dietary staple. The climate of the Mediterranean was perfect for the cultivation of ... bowl of this malt was accidentally left in the rain. When wet, the dissolved starches and sugars in the malted barley became susceptible to wild yeast, which started spontaneous fermentation (5). The discoverer of this new mix probably tasted it and realized how good it was. Unbeknownst to this ancient farmer, he had brewed the first beer ever. Sumerian clay tablets dating from 6000 B.C. contain the first ever written ... who overcharged customers were sentenced to death by drowning. Those who failed to notify authorities of criminal elements in their establishments were also executed (1). Many of the beer makers and bartenders in the ancient world were women who sold ale under the supervision of the goddess Ninkasi, "the lady who fills the mouth." These Babylonians brewed at least sixteen styles of beer with wheat and malted barley. Egyptians paid ...
1360: The Manhattan Project
... They were an unprecedented assemblage of civilian, and military scientific brain power— brilliant, intense, and young, the people that helped develop the bomb. Unknowingly they came to an isolated mountain setting, known as Los Alamos, New Mexico, to design and build the bomb that would end World War 2, but begin serious controversies concerning its sheer power and destruction. I became interested in this topic because of my interest in science and history. It seemed an appropriate topic because I am presently studying World War 2 in my Social Studies Class. The Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings were always taught to me with some opinion, and I always wanted to know the bomb itself and the unbiased effects that ...

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