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1341: New High-speed Connections Will Change How We Work And Play
New High-Speed Connections Will Change How We Work and Play Online Society is becoming ever more dependent on being electronically connected with every other part of the world. Worldwide communication and commerce are just two areas where people benefit from living in an information age. Using the Internet, business can be conducted from anywhere in the world, and you can even talk to get to know other people, anywhere in the world. These online activities became possible only very recently. Applications, that utilize the Internet, are being developed every day. However, ...
1342: ANwar Sadats DEcision To Make
... or a group, such as President Anwar Sadat and his decision to make peace with Israel has dramatically changed the course of history. Every leader in history has made a decision that has affected the world, or just his nation in some way. After many years of struggling to keep peace among the Jews and Arabs, President Anwar Sadat, finally decided to make peace with Israel. Peace between Israel and Egypt ... peace with Egypt. The Israeli’s would not make peace with Israel, therefore Sadat and his army ended up crossing the Suez back, and forcing the Israeli army into the desert. This attack developed a new momentum for peace in Egypt as well as in Israel. By making the first step towards peace in Israel, Sadat risked a lot, including his nation’s respect. Egypt’s minister of foreign affairs, Boutros-Ghali believes that Sadat’s decision to make peace with Israel was “one of the most important historical events of this century”. Even though the rest of the world thought that this was a great decision made, other Arab leaders did not agree. Sadat was killed for his peace process attempts. You would think that the person who made these attempts would be ...
1343: The Red Badge Of Courage 2
... to do. He manages to make friends with two other soldiers, John Wilson and Jim Conklin. Wilson was as exited about going to war as Henry, while Jim was confident about the success of the new regiment. Henry started to realize after a few days of marching, that their regiment was just wandering aimlessly, going in circles, like a vast blue demonstration. They kept marching on without purpose, direction, or fighting ... the fields at dawn: "As the landscape changed from brown to green, the army awakened, and began to tremble with eagerness at the noise of rumors" (43). The fog clears to reveal a literal green world of grass. It also reveals another green world, the green world of youth. Like schoolchildren, the young soldiers circulate rumor within the regiment. This natural setting proves an ironic place for killing, just as these fresh men seem the wrong ones to ...
1344: The Old Gringo, By Carlos Fuen
... home, a place he could never leave. The old gringo thought of Mexico as a destination for death, a place to die, while Harriet thought it was a place of escape from home and a new life across the frontier. The setting was essential for the plot because it is based on an actual event, the Mexican revolution, thus needed to fulfill the storyline. The setting also influenced one of the ... was very important to everything included in this story. The main characters in this story are Harriet Winslow, the old gringo, and Tomas Arroyo. Of the Three, Harriet learns the most as she starts her new life as governess across the frontier. She is a dynamic character that changes in the story because of the things that happen around her. Other characters include Manslavo, La Garduna, Frutos Garcia, La Luna and ... humiliation. I really did not enjoy this character because of his evil ways and the hatred he had towards the gringo. Jealousy is also felt by Arroyo when he sees that this gringo is so brave and that he is also loved more by Harriet Winslow than he is. The general was drawn to the gringo because the old man proved to be brave beyond belief. Arroyo cannot believe it ...
1345: Body Modifications
Body Modifications Ouch! Suzy made an appointment to have her naval pierced. She was so excited about this new piece of jewelry that she gave little thought to the pain she would endure. When she arrived for her appointment she experienced a feeling of excitement and nervousness all at once. She questioned whether she ... but discovered that these drugs can only be administrated by a licensed medical practitioner. At this point Suzy became very nervous; she hadn’t expected to feel the pain of the piercing. However, she was brave and continued with the procedure. The initial pain was very intense. She felt the needle as it passed through her skin creating an opening that had never been there before. This needle was followed by ... painstaking torture, the procedure was finally over. At this point Dillon felt as though he had never endured so much pain before in his life and yet it lingered as the scabs formed on his new tattoo. Dillon’s tattoo felt sore and bruised, but yet he felt proud and happy with himself. These are just two stories of people who have experienced a form of body modification. Why do ...
1346: The Life and Accomplishments of John F Kennedy
... his older brother. The boys enjoyed playing touch football. John Kennedy attended elementary schools in Brookline and Riverdale. In 1930, when he was 13 years old, his father sent him to the Canterbury School in New Milford, Conn. The next year, he transferred to Choate Academy in Wallingford, Conn. Kennedy was graduated from Choate in 1935 at the age of 18. His classmates voted him "most likely to succeed." Kennedy wrote ... which he was campaigning. His mother also helped him. The women organised teas in the homes of voters. But his father did not take an active part in Kennedy's political campaigns. His isolationism before World War II, his conservatism, and his wealth made him a controveersial figure. In January 1947, Kennedy took his seat in Congress. Later that year, he became seriously ill, and doctors discovered that he was suffering ... Bouvier, was born prematurely August 7th, 1963. He died August 9, 1963. Five years after Kennedy's death, Mrs Kennedy married Aristotle Onassis, a Greek millionaire. Senator Kennedy concentrated at first on helping Massachusetts and New England. He sponsored bills to help local industries, such as fishing, textile manufacturing, and watchmaking. Kennedy served on the Senate Labor Committee, and the Government Operations Committee, chairmanned by Senator Joseph R. McCarthy of ...
1347: Ann Hutchinson
... John Cotton since he reminded her of her father. Like her father, he complained about the minister's clergy and the cleanliness of the Church and always talked about the religious opportunities in America. When New England was formed, Cotton took his chance and traveled there in search of religious freedom. In 1634, Ann Hutchinson took her family and followed him to Massachusetts. To her surprise, New England turned out to be more strict religiously than England. She was not welcome in New England because of her unorthodox views. Ann was told not to speak publicly about her views. She only expressed them in her own home where she sometimes invited women to share her ideas. The ...
1348: Causes Of World War I 2
World War I is probably one of the biggest war that contained so much “chain reaction”. One feels threatened, they ally with their friends, and another nation feels threatened, so they ally with their friends. The ... invading and pretty soon, more allies come from both sides. Sooner or later, a vast amount of area, in this case a whole continent, is on a war. Silly as it may sound, this was World War I. We only hope that the “feelings of threat” was the cause of war. Some would argue that the assassination of a leader in Europe caused the war to happen. However, war like this was started even before they called it a World War I. In a 1915 issue of the Clock Magazine, it states, “It is thought that this war that is been ongoing for over a year, began with the assassination of the Archduke Francis ...
1349: Sports and Nationalism
... draw from a variety of different examples. Some of which are dated back as early as the late 1800's, during Napoleon's reign in France or Nazi Germany during the period of the Second World War. Some recent examples of nationalism may include the events that took place in Northern Ireland during the late 1980's or the events that are presently taking place in Yugoslavia. It is interesting to ... of a "nation" are so influential; they provide the ideological foundations of that particular sport . This explains why there are so many different types of sports, and playing styles. A common practice in the athletic world is to characterize a particular playing style to a particular country . From this symbolic definition of sport, its function as a vehicle of nationalist sentiment begins to take form. Another important theme, which helps to ... the prevailing country. In the athletic community, it is believed that the lack of success in sport was supposed to show the "Achilles heel" of a nation . This explains why so many countries around the world put so much funding into their athletic teams. Sport has evolved into such a nationalistic symbol that funding for athletic programs have been taken over on a state level, rather than by private funding. ...
1350: The Volkswagen Beetle and Advertising
... this country in 1978, people have rebuilt and refurbished the cars so that many of them are still on the road twenty years later. About a year ago Volkswagen announced that there would be a new influx of newer, cuter, faster VW Bugs coming to our bug-starved country. The new Beetle was thought to be a joke by many people when the idea was first announced, but the public has spoken. The public loves the new Beetle, and a lot of that love stems from the excellent advertising campaign that introduced the new car. It was advertising that made the Beetle so popular the first time around. Like the car ...

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