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1291: Egypt 3
Egyptian Art: Old, Middle and New Kingdoms Art historians, Egyptologists, and archeologists have made fascinating discoveries about the artifacts, pharaohs, and culture of Egypt since the discovery in 1799 of the Rosetta Stone. It led to the decoding of Egyptian hieroglyphics ... Valley of the Kings and its exquisite treasures will be offered. The Old Kingdom, from about 4000 to 2280 B.C., was the age of the great pyramids such as Cheops (wonder of the ancient world), Chefren, and Mycerinus. Also on the Giza plateau is the largest freestanding statue in Egypt, the Sphinx. The Sphinx was a sculpture of a lion’s body with the face of Chefren. The statue is ... known as the Middle Kingdom. This kingdom lasted from about 2065 to 1785 B.C. In this era, the city of Thebes was built. Thebes was known as the most influential city of the ancient world. The city was split into two parts, the right and left side of the Nile. The right side was the city of the living, it was built for the sun god, Amen-Ra. It ...
1292: Is Mathematics Invented Or Dis
... with the study of number, quantity, shape and space and there interrelationships using a specialized notation." Maths has often been described as the language of science because it is often used by scientists to express new theories. Unlike science though, maths is based on a set of axioms and postulates and not on experimentation or observation. Axioms and postulates are statements that are assumed to be true without being proven. For ... mathimatically true it just means that it is valid. Mathematics can be divided into two main areas, Pure mathematics and Applied mathematics. Applied mathematicians concern themselves with maths that can be applied to the real world like engineering. To consider a theorem true it must work in the outside world. Pure mathematicians are concerned with abstract ideas and the logical process that is taken to prove these ideas. Absolute certainty of results in pure maths comes from developing theorems from axioms by logical analysis. ...
1293: The Green Party of Canada
... of settling disputes. Solving disputes with the use of violence is also very morally unacceptable and ultimately self defeating to the Green Party. The main qualities that will ensure The Green Parties ideal non- violence world are flexibility, cooperation, respect, and fairness. We must fully support all non-violent efforts to resolve conflicts around the world and work to put an everlasting end to war. The vision of the Green Parties non- violent world would include stiffer gun control than was imposed in 1995, a drastic reduction in the military budget, a withdraw from the global arms race and finally specific targeting of a Canada aid program to ...
1294: John F. Kennedy In Vietnam
... address, "Let every nation know...that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and success of liberty." From the 1880s until World War II, France governed Vietnam as part of French Indochina, which also included Cambodia and Laos. The country was under the formal control of an emperor, Bao Dai. From 1946 until 1954, the Vietnamese struggled ... Communism would spread throughout Southeast Asia and further. This belief was known as the "domino theory." The decision to enter Vietnam reflected America’s idea of its global role-U.S. could not recoil from world leadership. The U.S. government supported the South Vietnamese government. The U.S. government wanted to establish the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), which extended protection to South Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos in case of ... President Eisenhower last full day in office. He met with President elect Kennedy to lay out pressing national issues he would have to face. Tensions between the United States and the USSR had mounted after World War II, resulting in the Cold War. JFK would have to deal with that problem. There was an intense discussion about Laos and Vietnam between Kennedy and Eisenhower. Another problem JFK had inherited was ...
1295: Norwegian Security Policy after the Cold War
... can be summarised as follows: * We are a member of NATO * an associated member of the WEU, and * our Nordic neighbours are members of the EU. Foundations For most of the period following the Second World War, Norway sought national security through membership of NATO. Up until 1940 the key word was neutrality, a neutrality that was well disposed towards the British. During the Second World War Norway was occupied, whilst the legal government sought exile in London. Norway took part in an "overseas front" on the side of the Allies. An important Norwegian contribution to the war effort was the ... between the Nordic countries is now looked upon as totally unimaginable and is therefore excluded from all practical planning. The Nordic countries together make up a "security community". Norway was not involved in the First World War because it was mainly limited to the European continent. It was a land war during which Norway was protected by the British fleet at the same time as the German fleet was mainly ...
1296: A Critical Analysis of Herman Melville's Moby Dick
... was written out of Melville's person experiences. Moby Dick is a story of the adventures a person named Ishmael. Ishmael is a lonely, alienated individual who wants to see the “watery part of the world.” Moby Dick begins with the main character, Ishmael, introducing himself with the line “Call Me Ishmael.” (Melville 1) Ishmael tells the reader about his background and creates a depressed mood for the reader. Call me ... nevermind how long precisely- having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world." (Melville 1) Ishmael tells the reader about his journeys through various towns such as New Bedford, Nankantuket. Eventually while in Nankantuket, Ishmael signed up for a whaling voyage on the Pequod. The Pequod was the whaling boat Ishmael sailed on where such characters as Queequeq, Starbuck, and the captain ...
1297: Jews in America and Their History
... predominately spoke German came to America over 100 years later, and quickly spread out over the land. Starting as peddlers, they moved up to business positions in the south, midwest, and on the west coast. New York City had 85,000 Jews by 1880, most of which had German roots. At this time in American history, the government accepted many people from many different backgrounds to allow for a diverse population; this act of opening our borders probably is the origin of the descriptive phrase "the melting pot of the world." These German Jews rapidly assimilated themselves and their faith. Reform Judaism arrived here after the Civil War due to the advent of European Reform rabbis. Jewish seminaries, associations, and institutions, such as Cincinnati's Hebrew Union College, New York's Jewish Theological Seminary, the Union of American Hebrew Congregations (UAHC), and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, were founded in the 1880s. America was experimenting with industry on a huge scale at ...
1298: Personal Freedom In the United States of America
Personal Freedom In the United States of America No other democratic society in the world permits personal freedoms to the degree of the United States of America. Within the last sixty years, American courts, especially the Supreme Court, have developed a set of legal doctrines that thoroughly protect all forms ... for the first time. He depicts how people of all backgrounds worked together for one cause: freedom. I selected Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 as a fictitious example of the evils of censorship in a world that is becoming illiterate. In this book, the government convinces the public that book reading is evil because it spreads harmful opinions and agitates people against the government. The vast majority of people accept this ... throughout the book and finally prevailed in the end when his main character rebelled against the practice of burning books. Among the many forms of protests are pickets, strikes, public speeches and rallies. Recently in New Jersey, more than a thousand community activists rallied to draft a "human" budget that puts the needs of the poor and handicapped as a top priority. Rallies are an effective means for people to ...
1299: Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allan Poe Many authors have made great contributions to the world of literature. Mark Twain introduced Americans to life on the Mississippi. Thomas Hardy wrote on his pessimistic views of the Victorian Age. Another author that influenced literature is Edgar Allan Poe. Poe is known as ... and in each one he made a reputation that would give any man a high place in literary history. Poe wrote great short stories, famous not only in his own country, but all over the world (Robinson V)." "Hawthorne, Irving, Balzac, Bierce, Crane, Hemingway and other writers have given us memorable short stories; but none has produced so great a number of famous and unforgettable examples, so many tales that continue, despite changing standards to be read and reprinted again and again throughout the world (Targ VII)." "Poe was the father of the modern short story, and the modern detective story (Targ VII)." "With the possible exception of Guy de Maupassant, no other writer is so universally known and ...
1300: Death Camps Of World War Ii
Starvation. Mass shootings. Gas chambers. Beatings. Mass murder. In the early 1940s, perhaps the most brutal attrocities ever committed on a people in our world’s history took place. It was World War II. The Nazi Regime, led by Adolf Hitler, was waging war across Europe. Occupied Poland became the place where those prisoners and captives held by the Nazis were sent to be eliminated. From 1941 ... their deaths in Nazi extermination camps. These “death camps” as they are often referred to had the single goal of eliminating the Jews while hiding these crimes under a shroud from the rest of the world. Unlike the “concentration camps” of the same time, where Jews were brainwashed and ordered to do labor for the Germans yet still often killed, the death camps were devised solely for the mass killings ...

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