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1281: Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allan Poe Many authors have made great contributions to the world of literature. Mark Twain introduced Americans to life on the Mississippi. Thomas Hardy wrote on his pessimistic views of the Victorian Age. Another author that influenced literature is Edgar Allan Poe. Poe is known as ... and in each one he made a reputation that would give any man a high place in literary history. Poe wrote great short stories, famous not only in his own country, but all over the world (Robinson V)." "Hawthorne, Irving, Balzac, Bierce, Crane, Hemingway and other writers have given us memorable short stories; but none has produced so great a number of famous and unforgettable examples, so many tales that continue, despite changing standards to be read and reprinted again and again throughout the world (Targ VII)." "Poe was the father of the modern short story, and the modern detective story (Targ VII)." "With the possible exception of Guy de Maupassant, no other writer is so universally known and ...
1282: History Of Photography
Photography is a technological invention that has become the most universal means of communication and artistic expression that the world has known. It overcomes the differences of language. It can be specific and realistic, where music and related media can only be abstracted or general. In the form of motion pictures it can be used ... precision in making visual records is beyond the capability of the human senses. The history of photography is a matter of technological growth and of simultaneous communicative growth (Encyclopedia of Practical Photography 1339-1340).The world first at large learned how to make photographs in 1839. In that year the Daguerreotype and the Collotype, general ways to make pictures were introduced to the public. Both were able to make pictures quickly ... it. Instead of leaving the paper in the camera until it darkened, he brought out the latent image by development. This reduced exposer time to a matter of seconds compared to minutes. He named this new process talbotype (Newhall 173401737).In 1888 the first automatic camera was introduced to the public. It was produced by Kodak. It contained enough film or one hundred exposures. It had a fixed shutter speed ...
1283: Bilbos Transformation In The H
... in his book The Hobbit. Bilbo undergoes many significant changes in his personality as a result of engaging in Gandalf's journey with the dwarves. The most important transformations include Bilbo going from cowardly to brave, from being ridiculed to respected and from being helpless to resourceful. At the beginning of the story, Bilbo seems very cowardly, but soon proves that he is indeed brave. Bilbo is very tied up in his very boring, monotonous life and he really does not want to go on the adventure that he is being hauled into: "Sorry! I don't want any adventures ... of the sudden he knows without thinking, what to do. At this point in the story, Bilbo realizes that he does have courage within himself, giving him more confidence to carry on in a more brave and courageous manner. Bilbo shows even more bravery by being the one with enough courage to go and check out Smaug in the first place: Then the hobbit slipped on his ring, warned by ...
1284: All Quiet On The Western Front
All Quiet on the Western Front Erich Maria Remarque’s All Quiet on the Western Front, a novel set in World War I, centers around the changes wrought by the war on one young German soldier. During his time in the war, Remarque’s protagonist, Paul Baumer, changes from a rather innocent Romantic to a hardened ... been the foundation of his pre-enlistment days. This rejection comes about as a result of Baumer’s realization that the pre-enlistment society simply does not understand the reality of the Great War. His new society, then, becomes the Company, his fellow trench soldiers, because that is a group which does understand the truth as Baumer has experienced it. Remarque demonstrates Baumer’s disaffiliation from the traditional by emphasizing the ... All Quiet VII. 149). Baumer is driven away from the older men because he understands that the words of his father’s generation are meaningless in that they do not reflect the realities of the world and of the war as Baumer has come to understand them. Also during his leave, Baumer visits the mother of a fallen comrade, Kemmerich. As he did with his own mother, he lies, this ...
1285: Russia' Economic Transition
Russia' Economic Transition In August of 1991, the collapse of the communist system in the USSR and it's neighboring republics occurred. Out of the smoke emerged fifteen new republics and a union known as the Commonwealth of Independent States. These new regimes faced formidable obstacles. The collapse brought massive inflation which in turn forced the economy into a spiraling decline and a state of almost worthless value. Many people were quick to point the finger at ... product needed on one side of the federation, was produced at the other end. Factors such as transportation costs and adequate use of human resources was very inefficient and cost-consuming. Strong influences from the world urged Russia to make the transition into the market-oriented economy. This seemed tempting, for the market-oriented economy preached individual wealth and prosperity. Seeing no better solution to their current economic woes, Russian ...
1286: Benito Mussolini's Rise To Power
... time" (by shooting someone if they didn't). He wanted to regain Italy’s prestige and power. Benito Mussolini, Prime Minister of Italy, was an European political leader. Just like Hitler, Mussolini served in the World War1 as a young man and he dreamed of military fame in a Second War to come. Hitler and Mussolini boht returned from the First World War to find their countries in political and economic chaos. So they both formed extremist political parties. This led Mussolini to a program of militarization. Many Europeans felt that his successes in restoring Italy outweighed any "rumors" of police brutality. In 1935 Mussilini invaded Ethiopia was carried out with a ruthless disregard for world opinion,including the use of poison gas. When the British and French leaders condemned him for these acts, he looked elsewhere for allies and found Germany and Japan. He joined Hitler in supporting the ...
1287: Immigration Experience
The Immigration Experience- Books related to The Immigration Experience- The Immigration Experience- They are our grandparents, our relatives, our friends. They are the immigrants. They came from all over the world for many reasons, such as, religious persecution and racial tension, but the largest reason for coming to America was for freedom. The freedom to live where we want, to own property, to take part in ... promised by our forefathers. One of the nationalities traveling to America were Jews. They were treated somewhat differently. This was probably because many of their countries would not accept them. The first Jews in the new world were Morranos from Spain. They fled their homeland because of the inquisition. They traveled from Spain to South America, and then to New Amsterdam. They, at first were rejected by Peter Stuyvesant, but petitioned ...
1288: Diet and Disease
... consistently good individual nutrition. The role of diet as a factor in the development of diseases commonly affecting man today is grossly underestimated. Unhealthy diet is the cause of many of the diseases plaguing the world today. As surprising as it may appear, the place of diet in health and disease has yet to be accorded its rightful role. The relationship between diet and disease opens a penetrating analysis of the ... to promote food oxygen-carrying power. Deficiency will lead to anaemia. Although emphasis is placed on what foods should be eaten, a great number of people still do not heed to these advices. Throughout the world, the burden of finding ways to prevent suffering and death due to diet related diseases is tremendous. The high fat, high sugar, high salt, junk food diet of the Western countries is taking its toll ... of fatty foods need to be reduced if this problem is to be solved. Half of the people who die every year die prematurely of cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease became rampant in the years after World War II when people began to consume diets rich in animal products and even more when people began to consume diets rich in animal products and even more when the advertising and food industries ...
1289: The First Amendment
The First Amendment No other democratic society in the world permits personal freedoms to the degree of the United States of America. Within the last sixty years, American courts, especially the Supreme Court, have developed a set of legal doctrines that thoroughly protect all forms ... for the first time. He depicts how people of all backgrounds worked together for one cause: freedom. I selected Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 as a fictitious example of the evils of censorship in a world that is becoming illiterate. In this book, the government convinces the public that book reading is evil because it spreads harmful opinions and agitates people against the government. The vast majority of people accept this ... throughout the book and finally prevailed in the end when his main character rebelled against the practice of burning books. Among the many forms of protests are pickets, strikes, public speeches and rallies. Recently in New Jersey, more than a thousand community activists rallied to draft a "human" budget that puts the needs of the poor and handicapped as a top priority. Rallies are an effective means for people to ...
1290: CMIP vs. SNMP : Network Management
CMIP vs. SNMP : Network Management Imagine yourself as a network administrator, responsible for a 2000 user network. This network reaches from California to New York, and some branches over seas. In this situation, anything can, and usually does go wrong, but it would be your job as a system administrator to resolve the problem with it arises as quickly ... want to tell him that? So now, picture yourself in the same situation, only this time, you were using a network monitoring program. Sitting in front of a large screen displaying a map of the world, leaning back gently in your chair. A gentle warning tone sounds, and looking at your display, you see that California is now glowing a soft red in color, in place of the green glow just ... with the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) (Fisher, 183). In this report I will cover advantages and disadvantages of both Common Management Information Protocol (CMIP) and Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)., as well as discuss a new protocol for the future. I will also give some good reasons supporting why I believe that SNMP is a protocol that all network administrators should use. SNMP is a protocol that enables a management ...

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