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1231: Martin Luther King
One of the world’s best known advocates of non-violent social change strategies, Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK), synthesized ideals drawn from many different cultural traditions. Recent studies of him emphasize the extent to which his ideals were ... is through King’s thoughts and actions that enabled so many people to have trust and faith in him. Through King’s integrity he believed that America, the most powerful and richest nation in the world will lead the way to a revolution of values. This revolution will change the way society views itself, shifting from a "thing-orientated" society to a "person-orientated" society. When this occurs, King believed that ... with at first. After careful consideration he believed that if he were to be called an extremist for love, it could only be taken as a compliment and he came to the realization that the world was in dire need for more extremists. King did not want to be remembered after his death by his Nobel Peace Prize or his many other awards, he wanted people to say "...that Martin ...
1232: Government Intervention on the Internet
... The natural evolution of computer technology and this need for ultra-fast communications has caused a global network of interconnected computers to develop. This global network allows a person to send E-mail across the world in mere fractions of a second, and allows a common person to access wealths of information worldwide. This newfound global network, originally called Arconet, was developed and funded solely by and for the U.S ... and countless other things that offend many people. There are over 30 million Internet surfers in the U.S. alone, and much is to be said about what offends whom and how. As with many new technologies, today's laws don't apply well when it comes to the Internet. Is the Internet like a bookstore, where servers can not be expected to review every title? Is it like a phone ... Internet and therefore am a firm believer in Internet censorship. However, the question at hand is just how much censorship the government impose. Because the Internet has become the largest source of information in the world, legislative safeguards are indeed imminent. Explicit material is not readily available over the mail or telephone and distribution of obscene material is illegal. Therefore, there is no reason this stuff should go unimpeded across ...
1233: Data Warehousing
... enterprise wide information access, as well as the ability to manipulate and analyse information that the company has gathered for a single purpose, to make more intelligent business decisions. Whether to increase customer value, identify new markets or improve the management of the firm's assets, the data warehouse promises to deliver the information necessary to accomplish these tasks quickly and efficiently. This report entails various aspects of Data Warehousing, ranging ... architecture for information systems in the 1990s. Data warehouse supports informational processing by providing a solid platform of integrated, historical data from which to do analysis. Data warehouse provides the facility for integration in a world of unintegrated application systems. Data warehouse is achieved in a step-at-a-time fashion. Data warehouse organises and stores the data needed for informational, analytical processing over a long historical time perspective. There is ... major subjects of the enterprise. The data-driven, subject orientation is in contrast to the more classical process/functional orientation of applications, which most older operational systems are organised around. For example if an operational world was designed around applications and functions such as loans, savings, bank card and trust for a financial institution. The data warehouse world would be organised around major subjects such as customer, vendor, product and ...
1234: Human Rights In Kuwait
Human Rights: Yet another commodity for the new society or a necessity? As one stands on the doorsteps of a new millennium, one can only imagine the future ahead. With the globalization movement making its way around the world, issues such as human rights are coming up, and are becoming international issues of concern rather than local ones. International organizations monitor governments and note the extent to which those governments adhere to and ...
1235: Military Technology
When the first computer was built some decades ago, it was capable of doing simple calculations and other basic tasks. The engineers had no idea what the future would bring within the world of computers. Their invention was the first step in a major professional and personal transformation in the industrialized world. Computers invaded in the following decades the lives of most people in various worksaving machines and in the middle of the Eighties also in the form of Personal Computers (PCs). But the computer revolution also made its impact on other areas, which the bright scientists probably never anticipated. War has in all times been one of the main reasons that new inventions have been made, and the military was quick to see the destructive potential in computer technology and to try to exploit it to get ahead of the enemies. MAIN PART Due to the ...
1236: Gun Control
... have played in it. The second amendment to the Constitution of the United States makes firearm ownership legal in this country. There were good reasons for this freedom, reasons which persist today. Firearms in the new world were used initially for hunting, and occasionally for self-defense. However, when the colonist felt that the burden of British oppression was too much for them to bear, they picked up their personal firearms and went to war. Standing against the British armies, these rebels found themselves opposed by the greatest military force in the world at that time. The 18th century witnessed the height of the British Empire, but the rough band of colonial freedom fighters discovered the power on the Minuteman, the average American gun owner. These Minuteman, ...
1237: Birth Of Nazism
... which faces the German people, it is a political question how shall the nation s determination be recovered?" (Bullock, 1962) Adolf Hitler posed this question to the German people in 1923. The face of post World War I Germany was truly battered, in all senses of the word. Germany had lost the war politically, which essentially meant emotionally. The country had no sense of leadership, and was suffering from many economic ... to lead Germany to the grandeur that she deserved. Lead by the bold and charismatic Adolf Hitler, the light of a brighter future began to shine through the clouds of the post war era. Though new to Germany when Nazism was embedded within the system in 1933, its roots spawn much further back into history. It is general thought that Nazism is nothing more than a branch of Fascism. To understand ... basis of Fascism. Fascism is a form of counter-revolutionary politics that first arose in the early part of the twentieth-century in Europe. It was a response to the social upheaval, the devastation of World War I, and the Bolshevik Revolution. Fascism a philosophy or a system of government that advocates or exercises a dictatorship of the extreme right, typically through the merging of state and business leadership, together ...
1238: Bill Gates Roadway To His Succ
... effects on Bill Gate's life. For at Lakeside, Bill Gates was first introduced to computers. In the spring of 1968, the Lakeside prep school decided that it should acquaint the student body with the world of computers. Computers were still too large and costly for the school to purchase its own. Instead, the school had a fundraiser and bought computer time on a DEC PDP-10 owned by General Electric ... was struck between Lakeside Prep School and the Computer Center Corporation that allowed the school to continue providing it's students with computer time. Gates and his comrades immediately began exploring the contents of this new machine. It was not long before the young hackers started causing problems. They caused the system to crash several times and broke the computers security system. They even altered the files that recorded the amount ... time they were using. They were caught and the Computer Center Corporation banned them from the system for several weeks. They were determined to find a way to apply their computer skills in the real world. The first opportunity to do this was a direct result of their mischievous activity with the school's computer time. The Computer Center Corporation's business was beginning to suffer due to the systems ...
1239: The Need for Federal Government Involvement in Education Reform
... and-coming generation so they could become a vital part of their community. The last several decades has greatly expanded the bounds of the "community" to almost anywhere in the country or anywhere in the world for that matter. Advances in transportation and communication has made the world a much smaller place then the world we knew as children. The skills our children need to realize parents' perpetual dream of "their children having a better life" are no longer limited to those seen in the local area. It is ...
1240: Albania
... and joined by Crotia, was allowed to take its genocide course because the defense of Bosnia and its citizens was not an imperative dictated by national or security interests of any state. There is nothing new here; nothing new to lament. This is the way we have ordered our world. (Rabbi Ali & Lipschultz, Lawrence xi) Introduction In a country, where the people have been subjugated all of their lives, one can easily understand why such importance is placed on maintaining social and cultural integrity. ...

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