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1171: Benito Mussolini and His Impact on World War 2
Benito Mussolini and His Impact on World War 2 Benito Mussolini had a large impact on World War II. He wasn’t always a powerful dictator though. At first he was a school teacher and a socialist journalist. He later married Rachele Guide and had 5 children. He was the editor of ... in his command train, Amerika, to meet Petan and Franco. The meeting with Franco took place on October 23 at Hendaye on the Franco-Spanish frontier. It had become quite famous in the history of World War II for Hitlers furious parting shot that he would “rather have three or four teeth extracted from than go through that again.” France, who was greatly supported by his Prime Minister, Serrao Suner, ...
1172: Charles Lindbergh
... transatlantic flight, had just landed at Le Bourget field in France. Having just completed what some people called an impossible feat, he was instantly a well-known international hero. Despite his pro-German stance during World War II, Charles Lindbergh is also an American hero. A record of his happiness and success exists in the material form of his plane hanging in the Smithsonian Institute; however, much of Lindbergh's life ... was forced to skim ten feet above the waves during his famous transatlantic flight. As early as 1919 Lindbergh was aware of a prize being offered by the Franco-American philanthropist Raymond B. Orteig of New York City. Orteig offered 25, 000 dollars to the individual who completed the first non-stop transatlantic flight from New York to Paris. Ryan Air manufactured his single engine monoplane, the Spirit of St. Louis, so named because many of his investors were from that city. In preparation for the flight, Lindbergh flew the ...
1173: Audens Dystopia - The Merchant
Auden, W.H. "Brothers and Others." "The Dyer's Hand" and Other Essays. New York: Random House, 1948. In a casual but seminal essay on the play, Auden calls The Merchant of Venice one of Shakespeare's "Unpleasant Plays." The presence of Antonio and Shylock disrupts the unambiguous fairy-tale world of romantic comedy, reminding us that the utopian qualities of Belmont are illusory: "in the real world, no hatred is totally without justification, no love totally innocent." Auden's Dystopia The Merchant of Venice is Far from Perfect In a perfect world, hatred would be without justice; love would be totally ...
1174: McDonalds Affect On The World
... the economic forces that McDonalds must deal with. The interest rate affects how much money people will invest in McDonalds and its stock. McDonalds must also deal with global forces. The stock markets of the world affect the stock of McDonalds but it also affects its suppliers. If the price of beef goes up in Argentina, that will affect the price of burgers in all of McDonald's restaurants. McDonalds must ... customer in order to keep prices low. They also just had stock split which would make it easier for people to buy stock in the company. McDonalds must also watch the stock markets of the world. They have restaurants all over the world so they must watch the economies of all the countries. McDonalds is also expanding all over the world. They realize that in order to keep their edge in the fast food business that they ...
1175: Mafia
... rise to the high rank in the Mafia. After arriving in America, he was amazed at the grand vastness of the buildings and streets he was surrounded by, but moreover, by the attitude of the new people around him. They walked briskly, giving him the impression that all had an urgent mission to perform. “What a contrast with the inhabitants of my town, ”he commented, “People who, when they walked, studied ... command respect.” (Hank Messick and Burt Goldblatt 7). This idea of attitudes shows why a secret society such as the Mafia should luxuriate in Sicily, and could easily be transplanted into the ghettos of the New World. The associates of the Mafia are called fratellos. They are to obey a capo, which they elect. The capo then picks the consigliari (counselors), whom help him to make justice and judgments. When one ...
1176: Aaron Burr Jr.
... topic `On Castle Building.'' Burr studied theology for a while and then law. After the Revolutionary War, in which he served with distinction as a field officer, he took up the practice of law in New York City and entered politics, serving as a member of the New York state assembly, attorney general of New York, and United States senator. In the presidential election of 1800, he received the same number of electoral votes as Thomas Jefferson, but the tie was broken in the House of Representatives in Jefferson' ...
1177: Ireland 2
... by the international teleservice industry, which is of growing significance in Ireland. Apprenticeship training is available in designated courses such as engineering ,construction, printing and furniture making. The Department of Education and Science is developing new approaches to adult and continuing education. The third level education sector consists of universities, technological colleges and colleges of education. All of these are substantially funded by the State and are autonomous and self-governing ... is still too bitter for you, try stout called Murphy's, available all over the south of Ireland. Very SMOOTH (http://hometown.aol.com/RodyK/nomiss.html)! INFORMATION USEFUL FOR A BUSINESS TRIP Distance between New York, New York, United States and Dublin, Ireland, as the crow flies 3185 miles (5126 km) (2768 nautical miles) Initial heading from New York to Dublin: northeast (50.1 degrees Initial heading from Dublin to New ...
1178: A Brief Overview Of Psychedelics
Introduction: Throughout human history people have sought experiences that somehow transcend every day life. Some sort of wisdom that might progress their knowledge of self and of the world that they live in. For some reason they believed that the tangible world just could not be all there is to life. Some believed in a greater force that controlled them, some believed of invisible beings that influenced their lives, some of an actual other world that paralleled their own. Many of these people also believed that it was possible to catch a glimpse of these forces, beings, or worlds through a variety of means that propel individuals into altered ...
1179: Was Colonial Culture Uniquely
"Was Colonial Culture Uniquely American?" "There were never, since the creation of the world, two cases exactly parallel." Lord Chesterfield, in a letter to his son, February 22nd, 1748. Colonial culture was uniquely American simply because of the unique factors associated with the development of the colonies. Never before ... and cultures among the colonies can be divided into four basic groups. These groups each dominated a different region, but they weren't the only group in their respective region. There were the Puritans of New England, the Quakers of the middle colonies, the Anglicans of the southern colonies, and the Scots-Irish of the Appalachian backcountry (Madaras & Sorelle, 1995). The culture of New England was one unique to New England. The northern colonies of New England were dominated by the Puritans, and settled primarily for religious reasons. The environment of New England consisted of rocky soil, dense ...
1180: The American Dream
... in the issue of Westward expansion. Both agreed to it, but whether to admit them as free or slave states was where the split occurred. The compromise of 1850 stated that California enters free, and New Mexico and Utah decided on their own which is giving them more state rights in which the South heavily supported. This compromise did not satisfy each side fully. The issue of State rights intensified by ... The Northern States wanted the "American dream" achieved for the whole country to be industrial, anti-slavery, and very federalist. Upon these institutions they planned to make the U.S a superior nation in the world. The South wanted to achieve the same ultimate goal for the U.S but with agricultural, pro- slavery, and states sovereignty institutions. These are the differences between both sides in achieving "the American Dream." In ... and to unite the North American continent under the U.S flag had been rejected. The U.S could not expand any further in North America and had to look at other parts of the world for expansion. At the time, there were many other nations looking to expand its empire such as Britain and Germany. Some Southern expansionists saw Cuba as an interest because it could have possibly been ...

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