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11391: Terrorism
... to wage Jihad against pro-western Arab regimes, with the aim of setting up Islamic republics in their place. 3. However, the Islamic fundamentalist challenge is not directed solely at incumbent regimes in the Moslem world. Frequently they widen their range of targets to include westerners within their country. For example, the GIA in Algeria has deliberately targeted French citizens in Algeria since September 1993, because they allege that France is ... is a further highly dangerous aspect to the threat of Islamic fundamentalist terrorism against Western targets. The findings of the FBI and the judiciary in America indicate that the group responsible for blowing up the World Trade Center building in February 1993 was operating as a type of independent or freelance group of Islamic fundamentalists 4. The Middle East is also the major region of state sponsors and supporters of terrorism ... Western country to see terrorism just for the fact of how there government and country is ran. So there is a lot of variation in types and causes of terrorism in different parts of the world.
11392: The American Dream 3
... are free to pursue happiness. However, what about the quality of our lives? Are we striving for greater material wealth and ignoring moral and social responsibility? I believe we are. The American Dream of the new millennium must transcend the previously established boundaries set forth by the founding fathers of our country. We must demand greater integrity from our leaders, more equality for all segments of the population, and a system ... care of. A great uniformity in the quality of life will arise in our culture and America will become more peaceful and a closer knit society. When these acts of brotherhood and unselfishness permeate our world, then we will all be able to experience the true American Dream.
11393: Articles Of Confederation
... addition, to pass legislation required a unanimous consent and more than not a single dissenting vote prevented the ratification of strong economic bills. Overall, the Articles were ineffective in improving the economic state of the new nation. Although Thomas Paine (Common Sense) believed that the Articles and decentralization was a logical choice of government after the strict rule of the British, the Articles inherently divided the interests of the thirteen colonies ... created a deal for East Coast merchants but at the expense of the interests of the West and South. In addition, a lack of national unity allowed Britain and Spain to continue to subvert the new nation by increasing hostilities with the Indians. Unless a strong a central government was created, the confederation would not be taken seriously by European powers. The British believed that the new nation could not survive and therefore continued to have military personnel stationed in Canada and in the West. The republicans, such as Adams and Madison, summed up their fears when they said that democracy ...
11394: Articles Of Confederation
... any of the weaknesses, but amendments required approval by all 13 state legislatures. None of the several amendments that were proposed met that requirement. On the days from September 11, 1786 to September 14, 1786, New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and Virginia had a meeting of there delegates at the Annapolis Convention. Too few states were represented to carry out the original purpose of the meeting--to discuss the regulation of interstate ... May 25, 1787. It was called by the Continental Congress and several states in response to the expected bankruptcy of Congress and a sense of panic arising from an armed revolt--Shays's Rebellion--in New England. The convention's assigned job, following proposals made at the Annapolis Convention the previous September, was to create amendments to the Articles of Confederation. The delegates, however, immediately started writing a new constitution. Fifty-five delegates representing 12 states attended at least part of the sessions. Thirty-four of them were lawyers; most of the others were planters or merchants. Although George Washington, who presided, was ...
11395: Arab-Israeli Conflicts
... Cairo ordered the UNEF to leave Sinai and Gaza. President Nasser also announced that the Gulf of Aqaba would be closed again to Israeli shipping. At the end of May, Egypt and Jordan signed a new defense pact placing Jordan's armed forces under Egyptian command. Efforts to de-escalate the crisis were of no avail. Israeli and Egyptian leaders visited the United States, but President Lyndon Johnson's attempts to ... few miles west of Damascus. After 18 days of fighting in the longest Arab-Israeli war since 1948, hostilities were again halted by the UN. The costs were the greatest in any battles fought since World War II. The Arabs lost some 2,000 tanks and more than 500 planes; the Israelis, 804 tanks and 114 planes. The 3-week war cost Egypt and Israel about $7 billion each, in material ...
11396: American Revolutionary War
... bad" British. The American won also because of strong leaders like General Washington and how he made a surprise attack on the British in 1776, Christmas when he was crossing the Delaware and was in New Jersey. The British were overconfident and George Washington took advantage by surprise attacking. The victory led to a new hope. The Americans realized that they could beat the British. Another reason for the American success was because of aid from foreign countries like France. France and the Americans signed treaties. The first treaty was ... the war was because of the non-military factors like the unification, propaganda and strong leaders. They also won the war because of the advantage they had in fighting in a geographic area that they new and understood better while the British were foreigners and they didn't know enough about the land as much the American.
11397: The Art Of Learning
... others. It is not doubted that questioning leads a person in the path of knowledge, wisdom and enlightenment. Questions operate like green lights, catalyst and incentives to open the door wider for the incoming tide. New responses will trigger fresh questions and henceforth do not stop asking questions for it will hinder your learning. THe course of questioning shows that a person is thinking via interferences, appreciating or valuing to make sense of new information or issues perceived. Hence, how does learning evolve? It is a common knowledge that people employ study skills to learn. IT should be borne in mind that learning takes place internally in person for ... in order to comprehend complex ideas and concepts. Hence, studying is a means to understanding and the more we learn, the more we are ablle to learn. How does this take place? By learning something new, our knowledge is expanded. THis expansion invokes our in built self-confidence, which enables us to intensify understanding. Besides external distractions, we are faces with internal distractions as well. For illustration, tiredness, excitement, hunger, ...
11398: African American Women
African american women It would be great if I could write this essay telling all about African American women, how they see the world, their perspectives on society, and their views on life in general, but being an eighteen year old white male it's a bit difficult. Fortunately, I have had the experience of reading three essays by ... Negrohood who hold that nature… I am too busy sharpening my oyster knife." It seems to me that Ms. Hurston has adapted really well to her situation. When exposed to the "other side" of the world she does not condemn herself to silence or deny herself anything that she deserves. She does not wallow in sorrow because she was ridiculed because of her skin color. She stands up for herself and ... gentleman who probably had no one else to dance with. After reading these three essays I can have a greater appreciation for African American Women and what they go through. I can now see the world better through their eyes and understand better their thoughts, feelings, and reactions.
11399: Oklahoma History
... both territories that they had the government take the land away from the Indians. The land that was to become Oklahoma was shaped by broken promises, discouraged and displaced person, and people who needed a new start. Oklahoma was shaped by broken promises. When the Five Civilized Tribes were moved to Oklahoma from the East, the government signed a treaty they "would stay there until the water ran dry. After the ... government had taken away the Indian's land, they had no jobs or a way to make money. So they too were displaced and discouraged. When they came to Oklahoma, they were looking for a new start. They had such a rough time in Oklahoma that they were discouraged. The North had taken away or burned everything they had in the south. They were mad at the government for that, so ... feel degraded. Oklahoma was a very good place to start if you were white. The land that was to become Oklahoma was shaped by broken promises, discouraged and displaced person, and people who needed a new start. White men wanted both territories that they had the government take the land away from the Indians. The other half was Indian territory so it wanted to be a separate state. In exceptions ...
11400: Operation Barbarossa
OPERATION BARBAROSSA The invasion of Russia was the largest military campaign of the Second World War. Operation Barbarossa, as it was known, was launched on 22 June 1941 and completely took Russia by surprise. The widening war raging in Africa and eastern Europe were key distractions for Hitler from his ... front was too wide. In their quest for domination, the Germans had also failed to acknowledge the consequences of a winter campaign. It was in April 1942 that Hitler ordered another attack on Russia. The new plan included capturing the oil fields of the Causcas whilst holding the line everywhere else on the Eastern Front. Once again, the re-supplied and reinforced Germans achieved success and progress, taking the Crimean peninsula ...

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