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11371: Racism - After The Civil War
... would not be an easy task. This is because many problems were not perceived before and during the war. The reunification of the country would prove to be harder than expected, and entry into a new lifestyle would be difficult for both the freedmen and their former oppressors. The thirteenth amendment clearly prohibits slavery in the United States. All slaves were to be freed immediately when this amendment was declared ratified ... in December of 1865, but what were they to do? Generations of African-Americans had been enslaved in America, and those who had lived their whole lives in slavery had little knowledge of the outside world. This lack of knowledge would not be helpful in trying to find work once they were released. Plantation owners with a lack of workforce were eager to offer extremely low pay to their former slaves ...
11372: Taoism
... the two. Taoism The goal in Taoism is to achieve tao, to find the way. Tao is the ultimate reality, a presence that existed before the universe was formed and which continues to guide the world and everything in it. Tao is sometimes identified as the Mother, or the source of all things. That source is not a god or a supreme being, as Taoism is not monotheistic. The focus is ... death, and rebirth. Transmigration, the Buddhist cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, involves not the reincarnation of a spirit but the rebirth of a consciousness containing the seeds of good and evil deeds. Buddhism's world of transmigration encompasses three stages. The first stage in concerned with desire, which goes against the teachings of Buddha, is the lowest form and involves a rebirth into any number of hells. The second stage ... begins to abandon materialism and seek a contemplative life. The Buddhist in the third stage is ultimately able to put his ego to the side and become pure spirit, having no perception of the material world. This stage requires one to move from perception to non-perception. And so, through many stages of spiritual evolution and numerous reincarnations, the Buddhist reaches the state of Nirvana. The transition from one stage ...
11373: Taoism 2
... applying this concept to its beliefs. Ignorance of these beliefs is a sign of weakness in the mind. To truly understand your own religion, you must understand the concepts of the other religions of the world. This will be enlightenment on the reincarnation concepts as they apply to Taoism and Buddhism. The goal in Taoism is to achieve Tao, (to find the way). Tao is the ultimate reality, a presence that existed before the universe was formed and which continues to guide the world and everything in it. Tao is sometimes identified as the Mother, or the source of all things. That source is not a god or a Supreme Being as with Christians, for Taoism is not monotheistic ... the belief that the soul never dies, a person s soul is eternal. It is possible to see death in contrast to life; both are unreal and changing. One s soul does not leave the world into the unknown, for it can never go away. Therefore there is no fear to come with death. In the book The Tao Te Ching , Tao is described as having existed before heaven and ...
11374: Nuclear Warfare
... only twenty-four were in good health" (Chernobyl). The Belarus children keep eating the contaminated food. "The Chernobyl plant did not have the massive containment structure common to most nuclear power plants elsewhere in the world" (The Chernobyl Accident). The costs associated with nuclear power are of paramount concern. When compared to coal, gas, and oil in 1997, only coal was cheaper than nuclear power. It would appear to the general ... Harrisburg, Pennsylvania for operations and assassinations in the United States and Overseas" (Siddig Ibrahim Siddig Ali). The FBI had been aware of the training going on, at least a month before the terrorists bombed the World Trade Center on February 26, 1993. "One of the main problems concerning nuclear power could be the secret kept around it. Nuclear companies are very isolated" (Fragelada). Another reason to stand against nuclear power is ... We must not be swayed by the opinions of those associated with, or those who have connections with the press. Nuclear power poses a life- threatening risk to the public and the future of our world. We must do all we can to persuade, convince, and educate the general public. The horrible effects of nuclear accidents will eventually cause death and destruction to all life as we know it. Stand ...
11375: Tatoo
... introduction of pigment through punctures in the skin to create patterns, was practiced in ancient Egypt. Some of the most elaborate tattoos have been found among the cultures of Oceania--for example, the MAORI of New Zealand tattoo complex spiral designs on the face and buttocks. Traditionally, fine tattoos have been to them a sign of good breeding. The word tattoo is derived from a Tahitian term. Sailors showed an early ... and remain for life as scars. Finer tattoolike patterns are chiseled onto the faces of young female initiates of the Kaoka-speakers of the Solomon Islands. In each case the practice serves to mark a new stage of life. In some African and Australian societies raised weals, or keloids, are created by rubbing irritants into a wound. Body painting is most commonly practiced for participation in ceremonies, feasting, and dancing. Among the people of Mount Hagen, New Guinea, it is used as part of a complex of personal decoration that may express the prestige and unity of a clan, individual health and wealth, and also may reflect links with the ancestors. ...
11376: Native Americans
... to Minnesota the following summer and was shot by a farmer while picking berries. Red Cloud was beginning to emerge as a major leader in 1863, when settlers and miners began to pour over a new road called the Powder River Trail, or the Bozeman Trail after the scout who blazed it. This road was to connect Fort Laramie, Wyoming, to the new mining centers right through the best of all the Sioux hunting grounds. The Indians under Red Cloud’s leadership harassed travelers on the trail with such determination that in the summer of 1866 white leaders ... more 300 of the Indians including women and children died. An Indian may well have fired the first shot, but the battle soon turned into a one-sided massacre, as the white soldiers turned their new machine guns on the Indians and mowed them down. The Allotment Act of 1887 or Dawes Act, was legislation that converted communally owned Indian reservation lands into individually owned parcels. Excess acreage was sold ...
11377: Events Leading To The American
... the several constituent parts of the empite"", yet those duties were always imposed with design to restrain the commerce of one part". This statement by the colonist (John Dickinson), shows that th sole rason for new taxes is just for the British gov't to make money, at the expense of the economy of the colonies. Dickinson makes a important distinction between the rights of the colonies and the authority of ... being questioned and rebellion shortly will be forthcoming. "That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying it's foundations on such principles and organizing it's powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.". What the declaration is really saying, is that a society who has no or little rights (such as the colonies) should be destroyed, thus separation from England. A new society would follow, where the people of the society would have these rights necessary for self-autonomy. The Declaration of Independence was a strong justification for revolution. The Revolution follows the Declaration of Independence, ...
11378: Teaching Kids
... being taught to our children is one of the most pressing problems in our society today. The responsibility of raising children with a strong moral base has been lost in the chaos of the modern world. With an increase in single parenting and more homes where both parents are employed full-time, the role of parents in their children's lives has drastically changed. Many parents are no longer involved in ... can successfully accomplish these tasks. The likelihood of this idea actually taking place is doubtful at best. Most parents have neither the time nor the resources to raise their children in preparation for the real world. So when parents aren't there to stop their children from watching excessive violence on television or to point out the evils and consequences of drug and alcohol abuse, this is when problems arise. If ... diseases are spread, this is much more effective in preventing teen pregnancy and the spread of sexual diseases than simply preaching abstinence. It addresses another important contemporary issue which children will face in the modern world. These innovations in the education of students are strong support that a more complex education about life is not just a theory, but a definite possibility. If parents continue to be the sole moral ...
11379: Teaching Practice
... and Rousseau because both theories seem to give the people the power and right to reform the structure of society and government. 7. "History consists for the greater part of the miseries brought upon the world by pride, ambition, avarice, revenge, lust, sedition, hypocrisy, ungoverned zeal, and all the strains of disorderly appetites which shake the public." Government and Society: Burke as Democrat 8. As to who is eligible to rule ... social and historical. 15. Reflections on the Revolution in France Burke's most important work is his treatise Reflections on the Revolution in France. Burke argues in this work that the attempt to create a new constitution in France and alter basic institutions in property and religion will lead to violence and disorder. He suggests that the revolution once begun will feed upon itself and that those now in power will ...
11380: The Hindenburg
The Inferno The arrival of the Hindenburg, thirteen hours behind schedule, at Lakehurst, New Jersey, on the evening of May 6, 1937, promised to be routine. The ship had an unblemished safety record on eighteen previous Atlantic crossings. In fact, no passenger had ever lost his life on any ... of newsman Herb Morrison, sobbing into his recorder, "It's burning, bursting into flames, and it's falling on the mooring mast and all the folks. This is one of the worst catastrophes in the world. . . . Oh, the humanity and all the passengers!(Marben 58)" When this floating cathedral, called the Hindenburg, burst into a geyser of flaming hydrogen there was a tremendous impact on the public, although two thirds of ...

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