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11341: Aristotles Philosophy On Why P
... because of the fictional aspect and complex plot of tragedies. Complex plots are better than simple plots. Complex plots have Recognitions and Reversals. A recognition is a change from ignorance to knowledge, especially when the new knowledge identifies some unknown relative or dear one whom the hero should cherish but was about to harm or has just harmed. 'Recognition' is now commonly applied to any self-knowledge the hero gains as ... need to experience our vast array of emotions. And because Tragedies produce a bursting of a number of emotions, humans are attracted to them. Tragedies have been a crucial and symbolic component in shaping the world's literature. Their involvement of emotions, intricate language and complex plots has verified men's limitlessness of intelligence. Their involvement of human heroes and heroines that make human mistakes interests attracts the attention of the ...
11342: Are Fit Women Feminine
... woman. However, Lenskyj notes that although the image has changed there have been other factors which have worked to reinforce the 1960's stereotype of the fragile and petite woman. Commercialization has bought into the new ideal and packaged it into many products which capitalize on the image of the new physically fit woman. By 1984, the industry promoted the physically fit woman through fashion (tight fitting clothing), cosmetics ( natural' make-up), and advertisements which show men gawking at fit' women. Therefore, although commercialization has been beneficial for the overall physical fitness and health of women, it is two-fold. The negative side are the stereotypes associated with the new physically fit' women. The ads show women in tight clothes exercising with men not women, the aerobic video's feature movie stars and models (not athletes) working out with men, and the exercise instructors ...
11343: Sex Education -- 2
Sex Education is Ineffective Perhaps one of the most controversial issues arising today is that of sex education in America's public school system. In today's world, where information travels at the speed of light and mass media is part of our everyday lives, teenagers are more exposed to this world than ever before. In this country, teens have access to television, newspapers, and of course, internet. Sometimes, teenagers can misinterpret what they see in the media regarding sex and make unwise decisions, such as having ... television, is pervasive, and the depiction of sex and violence is ubiquitous at virtually all hours of the day" (Rosoff 33). It is impossible to compare teenage pregnancy rates of two different regions of the world when the teenagers in question are living in completely different societies. With the media comes peer pressure. If something is believed by popular culture to be "hip" and "cool," then teens are more likely ...
11344: Sexual Attitudes Have Changed
"Sexual attitudes have changed over the last 50 years". Discuss. Sexual attitudes have changed in the last 50 years, not so much sexual behaviour but societies attitude towards it. After the 2nd World War and in the 1950's sexual behaviour was a very taboo subject and not openly discussed. Sex was conducted behind closed doors and in the confines of marriage. Sex was mainly for reproductive purposes ... had undoubtedly became more permissive over the last 30 years. The 1960's brought openly declared attitudes more into line with the realities of sexual behaviour. Social movements challenged the existing order of society. The 'New Left' and Hippie Lifestyles broke with existing sexual norms, free love and pre-martial sex was adopted in their cultures. Drugs were available and many people lost their inhibitions while under the influence. In 1967 ...
11345: Shock Treatment - Nike Adverti
... them. Sometimes, what the company is trying to do might offend people. Ethical lines may be walked upon so that the strong points can be presented to the consumer. For example, Nike has introduced a new commercial that has caused quite a stir among critics. The title of this commercial is Beautiful . The thirty second spot, created by longtime ad agency Wieden & Kennedy, debut nationally on October 12 during the National ... appeals, emotion, roles, value/beliefs and knowledge. Again, the impact of an ad comes from the interplay between these various aspects of make up and the reader s own notions about him/herself and the world. Nike appeals to the buying public that treats fitness as a worthy individual goal that simultaneously conveys social identification. This specific commercial though pushes the ethical boundaries of what the consumer wants to see and ...
11346: Mercantilism
... to believe that they were being held back by Britain economically, and therefore in strength by Britain. The British set the prices and made all of the rules for American trade. The people of the New England colonies felt that the British Navy was stifling their entrepreneurial pursuits in the free market. So the navy was not in fact helping them by protecting them, but hindering them. The people of the ... were. But they still were angered by Britain's proclamation of 1763 where there was a regulation put on how far west into the free land they could go. The people of the harbors of New England weren't the richest of people, but they weren't by any means the poorest either. However, they were the most rebellious, as the people in the middle usually are in a historical perspective ... occurred. The radicals, who were calling themselves the "Sons of Liberty", decided that in protest to the taxes on tea, they would dump a lot of tea overboard British merchant ships. Similar things happened in New York and in Annapolis, however they were less violent. The British only made things worse when they demanded that the colonists pay for all of the tea. They then went on to, in 1774, ...
11347: Sibling Rivalry
... of my mothers heart I got no more than the minimum I was owed, and the prose of the eldest son was always preferred to the poetry of the younger (The family in the western world, P.171) Aid & Prevention Judith Dunn offers some important tips for avoiding or resolving sibling rivalry. Parents should be clear to explain the new child on an equal level, don t assume they aren t or won t understand, but remember to be clear. Be wary of differences in parental love or approval, don t reward telltales, don t ...
11348: JFK And The Warren Commission
... the fragments from two bullets that were recovered from the Presidents limousine and from the wounds of Kennedy and Governor Connally, came from the same unusual type of rifle, made in Italy during the Second World War. Forsenic evidence also linked Oswald to the weapon. Fibres found on the rifles stock matched those on a shirt Oswald was wearing when he was arrested. Oswalds palm prints were also found on the ... interrogate. As a result they only had a limited amount of evidence which was most likely why so many questions remained unanswered. Kennediy's assassination was so sudden and cold-blooded, that it left the world in immense shock and disbelief. Naturally people wanted someone to blame, to bring the guilty party/parties to justice. When Oswald was arrested and people became aware of his background, most Americans were convinced that ... eccentric, a misfit, someone not representing a true American. Therefore, American society couldn't be blamed for this tragedy and its image as a peaceful nation could not be harmed in the eyes of the world. For now the American public were content with the Warren Commission's verdict, that it was a lone-nut assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, who had murdered their President! But the truth is that no ...
11349: So Close, So Far... Neglected
... the parent(s) and the home (Hewitt 241). Therefore, to help the parents prosper so they can in turn aid their children. A program that maintains free admission to prenatal and maternity care shows a new phase in commitment to children. At the same time, it makes a large investment in our present and future children. The quality of the Educational experiences which Canadian society provides for children is a reflection ... as citizen in Canada. Ottawa, Ont. , c1978. - Van Stolk, Mary. The battered child in Canada. Rev. ed.Toronto, McClelland and Stewart, c1978. - Hewitt, Sylvia Ann. When the bough breaks: the cost of neglecting our children. New York, New York. 1987. - Wilsonn, Jeffrey. Up against it : Children and the law in Canada. Toronto, Anasi. c1980.
11350: Immigration
For many immigration to the United States would be a new beginning during 19th to early 20th century. There were many acts and laws to limit the number immigrating to the United States. Many of these acts were due to prejudice and misunderstanding of a culture ... over. Employers, who still sought worker-immigrants, and not just temporary workers, looked increasingly to southern and eastern Europe. When Italians, Greeks, Turks, Russians, Slavs, and Jews arrived in the United States in numbers, however, new anxieties arose about making Americans of so many different kinds of strangers. An 1880 this act gave the United States the one sided right to mandate to limit or even stop the immigration of Chinese ... these industries declined and ant-Chinese feelings intensified, the Chinese retreated and sometimes were forced by society into small import-export businesses, labor-intensive manufacturing and service industries in such rising cities as San Francisco, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, Los Angeles, Seattle and sometimes in the Deep South. Although many sought the American Dream due to racial prejudice and bias many did not get to become part of society. ...

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