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Search results 11291 - 11300 of 22819 matching essays
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11291: Challenges Of 21st Century
The challenges for India in the next millennium India ,like all other countries world over ,is at the threshold of next millennium. We have challenges to face as we prepare ourselves to step into 21st century. Let us briefly explore some of these challenges. As we all know, India ... keep on strengthening the nation. Ironically we all keep on lamenting about the pathetic situation of India without doing anything constructive to resolve it. Next millennium will experience unimaginable technological advancement. Nations all over the world are striving hard to keep pace with this. In India we face a Herculean task to prepare ourselves to meet this challenge . The basic ingradients required are proper education for all our citizens & opportunities to ... the evils of the so called 'modern free society' are slowly going back to their original cultural ethics. Where as , we in India , are on the verge of breaking it. In the next millennium, as world gets smaller & smaller through media, it is a great challenge to preserve our cultural ethics. There are no easy solutions to any of these challenges we have to face. We, the younger generation, cannot ...
11292: Computers In Society
... They didn’t require any warm up time, they consumed less energy, were faster, and more reliable. The period between 1959 and 1964 became the second generation of the computer age. In addition to the new transistor a new programming language was written to take advantage of the increased power of the computer. During this generation a new language was developed to replace the old machine language. It was an assembly language, which was also known as symbolic language and used abbreviations for instructions rather than numbers, which made programming less cumbersome ...
11293: Courtship And Its Relevance
... a while. But "life is real," and character is real and love is real. When life's reality comes they find things in each other's characters that perfectly startle them. Every day reveals something new and something unpleasant. The courtship character fades away, and with it the courtship love. Now comes disappointment, sorrow, regret. They find that their characters are entirely dissimilar. Married life is a burden full of cares ... give and what they are to get. They will be married in the full blaze of light and love. They will be married for a happy, virtuous, and useful union to bless themselves and the world with a living type of heaven. In overview, courting should only happen once and ends in a life-long covenant relationship. Dating happens lots of times, and ends in many hurts, heartbreaks, scars, and if ...
11294: Children And Video Games
... act against an anonymous enemy. One study (Provenzo, 1992) found that each of the top 10 Nintendo video games was based on a theme of an autonomous individual working alone against an evil force. The world of video games has little sense of community and few team players. Also, most video games do not allow play by more than one player at a time. The social content of video games may ... EJ 414 201. Funk, J.B. (1993). Reevaluating the Impact of Video Games. Clinical Pediatrics 32 (2, Feb): 86-90. PS 521 243. Kubey, R. and Larson, R. (1990). The Use and Experience of the New Video Media among Children and Young Adolescents. Communication Research 17(1): 107-130. EJ 406 646. National Coalition on Television Violence. (1990).Nintendo Tainted by Extreme Violence. NCTV News 11(1-2, Feb-Mar):1 ...
11295: Cults
Cults As the new millennium approaches the number of doomsday cults that exist is expected to increase. Because of the approaching new millennium, these cults will predict many cataclysmic events. Many people feel that cults are nothing more than a nontraditional religion, but a distinction can be made. Cults are much more than just “upstart” religions. They ... no easily identifiable "type" of person who joins cults. Langone says that the main reason that these people turn to cults is that they were unable to deal conventionally with some stress. Cults are nothing new, but as the clock slowly moves toward the year 2000, their popularity is expected to grow with anticipation of some cataclysmic event. While some are simply self-help organizations, others are destructive and dangerous ...
11296: Community
Community In the real world, people are not living by themselves, separate and alone. They always live with groups of people around them, and they try to survive together. This is called "community". A community is a society where people ... which guard the internet against those troublemakers. Plus, on the other hand, cyberspace should give entertainment and varies of modern technologies to its users to be sure to have satisfactory and happiness. It should give new, updated information and programs that people have never seen before. It should support services that can do electronically transfer things such as credits, e-mails, letters, plus others. In reality, not every community in different ...
11297: Psalm 23
... and through metaphor identifies him as such. Sheep are completely dependent on the shepherd for provision, guidance, and protection. David does not say he has not wanted, but that he is not in want. The New Testament calls Jesus the good shepherd. There Jesus says, "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep" (John 10:11). Next the psalmist says, "He makes me lie ... to quiet waters and finally to the house of the Lord. This psalm has blessed the hearts of multitudes down through the ages. The book of Psalms is a hymnbook and a HIM book The world has caught its beauty. Works Cited The NIV Study Bible. Grand Rapids, Michigan: The Zondervon Corporation, 1985
11298: Psychology Book Report
... by DR. Judith Rapoport, published by Penguin books in 1989, containing 292 pages, deals with obsessive compulsive disorder. Dr. Rapoport is a psychiatrist who specializes in obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). In this, book she reveals new drug treatments, new methods in diagnosis and behaviorist therapies. This is done through the study of her patients and their disorders. Rapoport has revealed this secret disease and hopes to bring and understanding about it to all that ... sufferers. There should be more help for these OCD patients so they do not have to resort to using drugs, more should be done to research this, and help these people. Zach became almost a new child over night just learning that his father had to face the same problem. The secrecy that seems to be inherent in this disorder is the first and sometimes the greatest enemy to overcome ( ...
11299: Binary Reasoning
... knowledge in the fields of a natural and a human science. Physicists have studied light for centuries and they have always been mystified in deciphering whether it is a particle or a wave. The ancient world believed light was an extremely light and small particle that moved at incredible speeds. More recently, physicists have conducted experiments that proved that light has wave-like properties. In the early 19th century, Thomas Young, a British scientist, conducted a famous experiment in which he proved that light would interfere and diffract. A broad discussion about the nature of light emerged in the scientific world. The theories that light reflected of a surface just like a ball would, was revised because the explanation that it was a reflecting wave was a more convincing one. The fact that light would bend ... the understanding and classification of people, events or concepts. By widening our field of view one may lead to a better understanding of what is being studied. If everything would fit into two options our world would be far simpler than what it is. Every question would be answered by one of the opposing concepts such as good or bad, black or white, subjective or objective. There is an irony ...
11300: Binge Drinking
... sexually active Latinas aged 18-49 years old. The telephone survey employed a modified Mitofsky-Waksberg sampling technique to identify Latino households in nine states with concentrations of Latinos ranging from 5 to 39% in New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, California, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas. Latinos in these states represent 77% of all United States Latinos (Marνn, 1992, 1103). The screening procedure involved identifying the ethnicity, gender, and age of household members. Potential respondents were asked " ...

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