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11281: Architecture In 1975 Focused M
... viable, allowed for easy expansion, and allowed the owner to easily position it in anyway desired on the property. (January 46) Later on in the year, a barn built with recycled materials was featured. The new barn was built on a plot of land that was long left abandoned. It used old wood from other old barns for its walls, roof and siding. Other barns that year did not go to that extreme of building an entirely new barn from old materials. Rather, most of them were just renovated. In various articles in the same year four barns were renovated into a house, a studio, a guest cottage, and a dance studio. Barns ... Renovating existing structures and recycling materials is one way to help the environment; there is however another option that was employed by architects that year. That option was to use alternate forms of energy and new ways of constructing a house. Instead of artificial lighting, natural lighting was vastly employed in many buildings this year. Natural lighting not only saves electricity, it also provides a host of other benefits. Allowing ...
11282: Are Fit Women Feminine
... woman. However, Lenskyj notes that although the image has changed there have been other factors which have worked to reinforce the 1960's stereotype of the fragile and petite woman. Commercialization has bought into the new ideal and packaged it into many products which capitalize on the image of the new physically fit woman. By 1984, the industry promoted the physically fit woman through fashion (tight fitting clothing), cosmetics (‘natural' make-up), and advertisements which show men gawking at ‘fit' women. Therefore, although commercialization has been beneficial for the overall physical fitness and health of women, it is two-fold. The negative side are the stereotypes associated with the new physically ‘fit' women. The ads show women in tight clothes exercising with men not women, the aerobic video's feature movie stars and models (not athletes) working out with men, and the exercise instructors ...
11283: Antimatter
... the gods. Each god was worshipped for their special ability and strength. In the play gods by the names of: Zeus, Apollo, Aphrodite and Athena amongst others are mentioned. The people of the ancient Greek world communicated to their gods through oracles. The oracles were highly pious people who were thought to have a close tie to the gods, and received prophetess of what was going to happen in the future. In "Oedipus Rex" the oracle most often mentioned is the oracle of Delphi, which is one of the best know to the modern world. During the action of the play, when Oedipus realises what he has done, he begs the gods for forgiveness. He turns directly to them with his grief and horror, and then stabs out his own ... of his punishment. In "Ghosts", the whole society is of a different structure. The members of this community do not have the same direct contact with their God as the members of the ancient Greek world, but reach their God through a divine person. In this way, the society presented in "Ghosts" is further away from their wholly sprite, but closer to their priest. This gave the priest enormous powers ...
11284: American And British Houses
... kitchen appliances to be a part of the house. The Englishman holds a different view. It is not unusual for him to take the stove, refrigerator, or even the kitchen cupboards when moving to a new home. The modern British house lacks many amenities that Americans consider basic. It also offers less living space than the modern American house. The grand American house is designed for comfort, whereas the conservative British ... notable differences. Although material availability and differing economies certainly affect house design, it is the culture itself that has the greatest impact. America is said to be one of the most demanding countries in the world, and this notion is reinforced in their expansive, amenity rich homes. The English are regarded as conservative and polite; their homes are compact and efficient. Modern American and British house construction is a direct reflection ...
11285: Cold Mountain Essay
... enlist, for this war was about rights and as Thomas Jefferson notes, "not to defend ones rights when called upon is treason." After the departure of the men, women had to deal with an entirely new threat. Without the masculine presence, Federal and Confederate troops regularly looted and wreaked these women's homes, taking food and any other good of value. Of course in Cold Mountain this is precisely what happen to Sara, left alone after her husband, John leaves to fight for the Confederacy she attempts to maintain their large garden/small farm to run and take care of a new born. A few days after Inman volunteers to help her out, a group of three Federals storm her humble home. After finding nothing of value they inquire about her "hidden money," but conclude the truth ... Civil War. As for the women, the lack of men changes their role in society. Just as WW 2, the women must take over the men's job to support themselves and their community. This new independence brings the views of women rights and similar ideas to Ruby's following statement, "War or peace, there's not a thing we can't do ourselves. You don't need him.4" ...
11286: Computers Affecting Our Lives
... of the least important aspects of computers is that it provides entertainment and yet this is the sole reason why many people buy computers. The gaming and entertainment industry has become extremely large in the world, the products they sell range from shareware games to adult blood and gore. For instance, the 3D-shooter series, Quake, has sold millions of copies and essentially everyone in the world has seen it or played it. The entertainment industry not only provides gaming amusement but it also contributes learning programs, for children and adults, to help individuals excel in a certain trouble areas. Furthermore, computers ... for granted. For example, the traffic lights at all intersections are controlled by computers and sometimes even with the support of underground sensors. Without computers the entire electrical grid would fail and all of the world’s neoteric population would be without precious electricity. Another instance in which computers aid the modern city is the sewage and water system. Without computers, entire series of pumps and water stations would seize ...
11287: Compaq
... to consolidate manufacturing operation amongst its worldwide facilities. The configuration center is necessary to integrate manufacturing operations into a single cohesive organization. The objective is to deliver 95 percent of all products anywhere in the world within five days or less. The merge with Digital will create the largest network channel in the world delivering over 80 percent of its products and solutions to customers. Compaq's field resource will continue to complement the strong reseller channel, focusing on building enduring customer relationships worldwide. Needless to say, the acquisition of Digital Equipment Corporation will complement Compaq as a world leader in manufacturing microcomputers. Our customers will benefit from the complementary strength of both companies. For example, together we will offer customers of enterprise Windows NT products and lifecycle services available in the market ...
11288: Community 2000
Community 2000 Communicating in the 20th century is no problem. There are various ways to get in touch with someone. In fact, it seems as if a new way of communicating comes up every year, and each new way makes the last one seem obsolete. People can communicate by mail, telephone, facsimile, electronic mail, chat rooms, and conference programs such as AOL„΅ instant messenger and internet relay chat. Some ways are quick ... are easily accessible. If you are having a problem and can‘¦t find the answer, you can easily find it online. If you want to discuss the football game with or talk about the latest New York Times bestseller, you can find someone online. If you need some friendly advice or even just someone to chat with, you can do that online as well. There are plenty of people on ...
11289: Compare And Contrast Karl Marx
... is just more than one explanation about causes of change. Marx’s perspective was not based on the conflict of ideas, but rather on the conflict of classes. This conflict is the results of a new mode of production. According to Marx, history would consist of epochs of modes of production. He states that these modes of production are: primitive communism, slave society, feudalism, capitalism, and then socialism and communism. The changes accompany the transition from one epoch to another. In the late nineteenth century labor has become a commodity to the merchants, and the formation of a new mode of production has risen which gave rise to a capitalist society. There is a new class distinction between the laborer and those who owned the means of production. Max Weber was opposed to Marx and believed that his theory was an oversimplification of history. He thought Marx’s view ...
11290: Canada
... live for granted? If you were to take the time, you would discover how diverse are Canada's history, geography, climate, economy, cultures and government. Did you know it is the largest country in the world now that U.S.S.R broke up. Specifically, Canada is 9,922,330 square km. Did you know that Canada used to be named "Kanata"? Yes, Kanata is an Indian word meaning village. It ... first to set foot on Canadian soil. He marked his presence with a flag claiming it his land. Over the years, Canada has developed into the home of the largest free-standing structure in the world. Canada,(a great tourist attraction)is also home of the largest water fall in the world. Our farmland unlike a lot of others has a variety of climate. The warmer summer climate ranges from +10 - +30 and the cooler climate ranges from anywhere to -10 - -30. Despite the changes in ...

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