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Search results 11141 - 11150 of 22819 matching essays
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11141: A Comparison Of Early Civiliza
... many Gods. On the other hand, the Christians believed that only one God created Man. The Meso-Americans believed that Tepeu, the "Creator' and the Forefathers, a group of great sages and thinkers created their world and everything in it. In the article "Popul Vuh", the Quiche' Indians wrote about how the Creator and the Forefathers planned and created the " growth of the trees and thickets and the birth of life in the darkness, (The Popul Vuh, Chapter 1, Pg. 3). The Mesopotamians believed their world was created after the Gods sent Marduk, the Warrior God to defeat the oldest of the Gods, Tiamet, the patron of Primeval Chaos. Tiamet created terrible dragons, serpents, Hurricanes, tempests and just about anything she ... or Gods had given them everything they had, all three civilizations saw that their Gods had their best interest, safety and security in mind. They believed that their Gods had great powers and controlled their World. Their belief that their God or Gods were so powerful gave them a way to explain their hardships and natural disasters. As long as the Gods were revered and worshipped by them, the people ...
11142: Argumentative Essay: Educational Reform
... kids are growing up without the basic, essential knowledge to be able to compete in the workplace. As a result of this, the U.S. stands a chance in losing its superpower reign of the world. Therefore, it is not only a social concern, but also a major economical issue. Another alarming concern is the high rate of student dropouts. Now, instead of all students receiving a poor education, some are ... defective must have their own reasons for believing what they do. They might bring up the fact that the educational system has been good enough to make the nation the most powerful country in the world. Therefore, why change something that has produced such excellent results? What they fail to realize, though, is that the other first world countries are constantly trying to catch up with the U.S. So we must take precautions, constantly improve the education, and not take our power for granted. Everything we live for was not just ...
11143: Justice
Justice When the question is asked "Can we live in a just world?" In effect it is asking us a variety of things. "Can there be justice for all?" and "Can there be equality for all people?". The answer to this question is no. Unfortunately we live in a world where justice has never really transpired. The first justice that I would like to speak about is personal justice. Blessed are those reared in a household innocence of the deadly sin of envy. Their lives ... be the target of starvation. These situations exist because people place their selfish needs before the needs of others. The Spiritual Justice , that may only be achieved by God, is the ideal Justice in the world. I believe it to be untouchable by humans. God's ultimate justice is not affected by how you look, how smart you are, your rank, class, or the amount of power that you have ...
11144: Justification of Violence
Justification of Violence Violence and the justification of it has been an issue for as long as the world has been in existence. There are many conflicting opinions on the subject, many in favor and many opposing the idea. I am personally split on the issue; I believe that in some cases, violence can ... I think that if countries would talk out their problems in a more peaceful manner, they would much easier come up with plans that would include both of their needs and desires. I think the world uses war in the wrong way; they're in wars to show their own power and prove themselves to the world. War is not only bad because of those reasons. It is also negative because innocent men and women from the involved countries are killed. Even if they couldn't care less about what was ...
11145: How Affirmative Action Effects
... look also stirs up a question of nobility that needs to be answered before making a decision on affirmative action. Does affirmative action simply change who is discriminated against and makes it legal for the new discriminators? Coming from my point of view, the view of a white male, this is a serious question. One example of this came to my attention from Dave Shiflett who once worked at Rocky Mountain News wrote "Rocky Mountain Hire". In this article he tells about a new hiring strategy used at the Denver news paper Rocky Mountain News. A memo was sent out stating, "The job reviews of supervisors and others involved in hiring should address race and sex. Each review should ... It is not noble to protect the jobs of women at Bonaventure University simply there are not enough women on the roster. We should protect the jobs of the experienced. We can not form a new society from affirmative action and believe the rights of all United States citizens will be upheld. The whole idea behind affirmative action is to right the wrongs of the past. Well, what about the ...
11146: Prejudice
By: alice E-mail: aliceyyb@freewwweb.com In today’s world, there are many social issues, like poverty, vandalism and unemployment. However, prejudice has become the most dramatic one. Prejudging people for their appearance is a common practice that human perform. People are not only ridiculed ... color, but also by their religion, sex or age. Therefore, I consider that racism, ageism and sexism are the three major problems in our society and we need to cease them immediately. Much of our world’s history were based upon racism. In the 1600’s, white men used Africans as slaves and treated them as they were not human. "Colored" people were not even allowed to use the same drinking ... Many rights programs were created to protect the African Americans. Now, the black community is not only being increasingly respect by Caucasians, but they are also being idolized by millions of people all over the world. The most popular watched sport in America, NBA basketball, is played by over 87% of the African decent. Nevertheless, racism is still a issue that will never completely go away. Ageism is also a ...
11147: Do You Have A Voice
... is an author, has won the Noble Peace Prize, and most important of all, Wiesel has a voice. Egil Aarvik, chairman of the Norwegian Noble Committee, said, Wiesel s mission is not to gain the world s sympathy for the victims or the survivors. His aim is to awaken our conscience. With Wiesel s focus on getting us to realize what happened during the Holocaust, he has made a voice for ... at them. If they don t move you to rage or compassion, look at them again. He is trying to get the American people to wake up and see what is going on around the world and that with a little help we can make a difference. He is a man that has a true and strong voice. Wiesel is not afraid to speak his mind and tell the truth, he ... it like it is. To have a voice is a quality that one should be happy to have, and if you do not have a voice, you should try, and make yourself heard. If the world were filled with people that had no voices, the world would be a very dull and useless place. Nothing would ever get done and no one would have an opinion about anything. If you ...
11148: Plastic Surgery
... in particular areas. They should be physically healthy, psychologically stable, and realistic in your expectations. An important thing is to have firm and elastic skin. Loose, drooping skin won t reshape to your body s new contours, and may require an additional procedure to surgically remove the excess skin. It will leave visible scars (Liposuction). Before you decide to go through liposuction try diets and weight loss programs. If you can ... performed under local anesthesia, which numbs the area, combined with a sedative to make you drowsy (Liposuction). A benefit of having liposuction done is that fat is removed and gone forever. It can offer a new shape for people who thought it was impossible. Liposuction will not, however, prevent you from gaining weight in the future, and will not keep you fit and in shape. In order to assume good skin ... to remove any fluid buildup that occurs. An elastic dressing, girdle, or body stocking must be worn over the treated area to control swelling and bleeding, and to help your skin shrink to fit your new contour. The suctioned areas will be swollen and bruised, and you may feel a burning sensation. You may temporarily loose all feeling in the suctioned area (Liposuction). Liposuction is relatively safe, but there is ...
11149: Hannibal 2
... Carthaginian god and made him swear that he would always be an enemy to the Romans. Hannibal and his father then left for Spain. The center of Carthaginian power in Spain was the city of New Carthage(modern Carthagena). Hannibal saw firsthand his father's techniques for war (Green 9). When Hamilcar died in battle in 230 B.C., his son-in-law, Hasdrubal, became general and continued Carthage's influence ... them impassable (Green 27). When news of Hannibal's army reached Rome, the Gauls of northern Italy revolted. The Gauls had been very hostile to the Romans.The Romans had plans to attack Carthage and New Carthage, but they had to be delayed because of the rebelling tribes in Italy and the approach of Hannibal. So the Romans sent troops under the command of Publius Cornelius Scipio, to stop Hannibal at ... and Alexander the Great, he will always be known for his maneuvers in battle. He will also be remembered for being the first person to cross the Alps with elephants. Works Cited Green, Robert. Hannibal. New York: Franklin Watts, 1996. Lancel, Serge. Carthage A History. Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers, 1995. Charles-Picard, Gilbert and Colette. Daily Life In Carthage. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1961.
11150: Life Outside Our Biosphere
Life Outside Our Biosphere The fragile balance of the Earth's ecosystem is constantly being disrupted. Overpopulation is placing heavy strain on the world's resources. We are burning all our fossil fuels to create the energy we need, and clearing our rainforests to make enough farmland to feed everyone. The ozone layer is slowly eroding, exposing us to ... more crowded, with no room left to expand. Solution: Transfer part of the population off the Earth, to colonies established either on other planets or on orbiting space stations. This will lessen strain on the world's land resources by providing more agricultural area, and will help solve problems associated with overcrowding. In our solar system, a few planetic possibilities exist for colonization. Mars, one of our closest neighbors, was previously ... ice from Saturn's rings for this valuable resource. Establishing settlements outside the biosphere we have lived in for so long will be very difficult. It will take cooperation from all the nations in the world, at huge expense to the technologically advanced countries. We will always be dependent on the Earth, and some primitive cultures may never leave it. Colonization of outer space, however, is a good solution to ...

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