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11131: Creative Writing: Year Long Period of Solitary Confinement and What I Would Bring With Me
... three things. The sub zero climate of the Antarctic winter would make it unbearable to venture outside of my quarters. The computer that I would bring would allow me to keep in contact with the world outside of Antarctica, and with my family and friends via the internet and teleconferencing. The computer would also serve as a way for me to keep a journal of the events that occurred through out ... along with my rock climbing gear to the earth's frozen basement. The two passions of my life are snow skiing and rock climbing. On the Antarctic continent lie many mountain ranges that have the world's driest and most plentiful powder, and the most magnificent rock and ice faces and cliffs. These conditions are a skier's and rock climber's heaven. The mountains could provide me with a sense ... to Antarctica. The snowmobile would have to run on stored electricity and be rechargeable. I would cruise the frozen plains of Antarctica on the snowmobile, observing one of the last uncharted frontiers of the modern world. I would be able to see the creatures of the world of ice and observe how they have adapted to life in the Antarctic. A year long span of solitary confinement spent in the ...
11132: Immortality In Shakesperean Poetry
... passive about the course that their life takes. Renaissance man was expected to strive for higher achievements in every aspect of life. This included political, financial and cultural aspects. These ideas paved way for a new concept of immortality - immortality through art. Da Vinci painted "Mona Lisa" and became immortal through legacy that he left behind him. Beethoven wrote his "5th Symphony" and he is still remembered for it. These ideas ... his sonnets Shakespeare talks about immortality from diverse points of view. It is a wonder how Shakespeare can take an issue and approach from different perspectives and each time the same issue is presented in new light, and charged with new emotions. There are two basic ways in which Shakespeare relates to the idea of immortality. In first approach the author describes eternal life through a chain of comparisons and multiple meanings of the same ...
11133: America And Individualism
The United States of America is the land of the free, the land of opportunity, the wealthiest country in the world, a country that half the modern world is modeled after. Its President is referred to as the "Leader of the free world". Thousands of people come to this country every year, learning about the country in hopes of becoming citizens. William Hudson in his book 'American Democracy in Peril ' talks about the seven biggest challenges to ...
11134: Heatcliffe Vs. Hamlet
Most religions in the world believe that there is some higher power that exists in this world and in the afterlife to do justice where it needs to be done. If someone were to commit a crime in this life, the higher power would deal the person accordingly in their lifetime. If ... someone, death. Prince Hamlet however takes longer to deliver the verdict for personal beliefs, but inevitably does so by the end of the play. The two books show that some higher power exists in their world that helps them achieve justice, but Hamlet's representation of such phenomenon is better displayed. Although one may not get the deserved justice during this lifetime, whether it be praise or punishment, both books ...
11135: European Union
... report suggesting corruption and mismanagement in the European Commission, all 20 commissioners were forced to step down. At the same time negotiations to reform the EU budget were deadlocked, jeopardizing ambitious plans to take in new members from Eastern Europe. It took a meeting of the EU heads of state and government at the Berlin summit on 24-25 March to resolve the crisis. EU Budget breakthrough After 20 hours of ... Netherlands are the other big contributors to the EU's coffers and they did not achieve the big cuts they hoped for either. Italy could soon become one of the big spenders. In two years new rules for calculating each country's budget share will sharply drive up the size of Italy's contributions. The Union's aims and prospects During its brief history, the European Union has grown greatly in ... European Union has its own flag, its own anthem and celebrates Europe Day on 9 May. The Union's main objectives for the coming years are: othe implementation of the Treaty of Amsterdam (which contains new rights for citizens, freedom of movement, employment, strengthening the institutions) oenlargement of the EU, to take in the applicant countries from central and eastern Europe (Agenda 2000) othe launching of the euro. Citizens rights ...
11136: Six Hours of Television
... I chose is perhaps the most popular programming this year, consistently topping the Nielsen ratings. For the remaining two hours of programming I decided to look at two police drama shows, one that was brand new this season and one not brand new, but still going strong. For the two hours of police dramas, I looked at programs with different angles. NYPD BLUE is the story of police detectives, and HIGH INCIDENT was a new show that looked at the view of policing from the Œbeat.' HIGH INCIDENT represented one of the first t.v. shows to come from the SKG works of Steven Spielberg. However, just like Spielberg' ...
11137: The Artist Verses Society
... been seen as incompetent than to let people really know what he was thinking. If people had known what he was really writing he would have been branded a heretic and exiled from the painting world. A second example and perhaps one of the best was also a painter, Vincent Van Gogh. Van Gogh also one of the world's best painters was effected in the deepest ways by things that most people wouldn't give a second thought to. This sensitivity effected every aspect of his life; from the lifestyle he lived to ... his family relationships. These stranded family relationships drove Van Gogh to cut his own ear off . The only joy he ever found was in his paintings. His paintings were his therapy, his window to the world. Through these paintings he was able to express his anger, joy, sorrow, and grief. This artist against his country feud still happens today. It is most apparent in the music world. If a singer ...
11138: The Art Of War
... talent only during and after war. They use their art as a place for catharsis. Only after they are done healing the torment of the war, they can be done with art. One artist in World War One, Braque, fought in 1914, a year later he was wounded. During his convalescence, he painted. A year later he returned to his home. He left not a single drawing or canvas alluding to ... is showing how so many boys, not men, are pushed into fighting, even when they aren’t ready to fight, then they criticize the boys more when they can’t fight. By the time of World War One, artists were no longer trying to put a pretty, sweet spin of their works. Artists were giving plain forthright depictions of the blood and gore of the war. In C.R.W. Nevinson ... and immense devastation. It was a mechanized war with trajectory shells and bullets, toxic cloud of chlorine gas, barbed wire entanglements. In this picture, he shows the destruction and death of war. Another artist of World War One was Eric Heckel. In his painting Zwei Verwundete, he shows the face and boy of two wounded soldiers. The drawing cut out of wood doesn’t show any subtlety. It is either ...
11139: The Effect of Major Symbolic Elements in The Yellow Wallpaper
... of the house that symbolizes not only her potential but also her trapped feeling is the window. In literature, traditionally this would symbolize a prospect of possibilities, but now it becomes a view to a world she may not want to take part in. Through it she sees all that she could be and everything that she could have. But she says near the end, "I don’t like to look ... not represent a gateway for her. She can not enter what she can see outside of the window, literally, because John will not let her, (there are bars holding her in), but also because that world will not belong to her, she will be oppressed like all other women. She will be controlled, and be forced to suffocate her self-expression. The only prospect of possibilities that this window shows are all negative. It shows a world in where she will be oppressed and forced to creep like all the other women. It is common to find the symbol of the house as representing a secure place for a woman's ...
11140: Aggression
... t causing aggression, it’s exaggerating the aggression that is already there.”4 Notes 1Robert Sapolsky, “The Trouble with Testosterone,” in The Trouble with Testosterone and Other Essays on the Biology of the Human Predicament (New York, N.Y.: Scribner, 1997), 158. 2Sapolsky, 152-153. 3Robert Prentky, “The Neurochemistry and Neuroendocrinology of Sexual Aggression,” Aggression and Dangerousness (New York, N.Y.: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 1985), 18 4Sapolsky, 155 Works Cited Prentky, Robert. “The Neurochemistry and Neuroendocrinology of Sexual Aggression,” Aggression and Dangerousness, 9-19. New York, N.Y.: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 1985. Sapolsky, Robert. “The Trouble with Testosterone,” In The Trouble with Testosterone and other Essays on the Biology of the Human Predicament, 149-159. New York, N. ...

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