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Search results 11061 - 11070 of 22819 matching essays
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11061: Louis Armstrong
Louis Armstrong (1900-1971), known as "Satchmo," was born in New Orleans. He occupied himself as a street-singer for much of his childhood, until he was arrested for firing a bullet into the air on New Year's Eve. He was then placed in a home where he was taught to play cornet by one of the directors of the home. Eventually released from the home he returned to New Orleans where he played in various bands. In 1964 he had the number one album "Hello Dollie". Besides playing music Louis Armstrong also acted in many movies. He did well for his time because ...
11062: Emily Dickinson: Life and Her Works
... 2) Other poems that Emily wrote were mostly about the exploration of the concept of religious faith. Her father was a very religious man who practiced a Protestant sect that closely followed the tenets of New England Puritanism, but she was never able to practice his faith with dedication. She was drawn to transcendentalism of Ralph Waldo Emerson, who was one of the leaders of this movement in the belief in the essential unity of creation, the goodness of humanity, and the supremacy of insight over logic and reason. This philosophy also taught a renunciation of authority, whether it be religious, scientific, or political. These new ideals led her to think a lot more about life and it's ultimate destiny. The concepts of good and evil, life and death and where you go when you die turned into an obsession ... The Roof was a Scarcely visible- The Cornice-in the Ground- Since then- ‘tis Centuries-and yet Feels shorter than the Day I first surmised the Horses' Heads Were toward Eternity- (Benfey 1986, 83) The "New Critics who were Allen Tate, R,P. Blackmur and Yvor Winters said this about "The Chariot" "If the word great means anything in poetry, this poem is one of the greatest in the English ...
11063: Hubble Space
... NICMOS) has uncovered the faintest galaxies ever seen. Astronomers believe some of these galaxies could be over 12 billion light-years away (depending on cosmological models) making them the farthest objects ever seen. A powerful new generation of telescopes will be needed to confirm the suspected distances. "NICMOS has parted the dark curtain that previously blocked our view of very distant objects and revealed a whole new cast of characters. We now have to study them to find out who, what and where they are. We are still finding new frontiers," says Rodger I. Thompson of the University of Arizona in Tucson. "This is just our first tentative glimpse into the very remote universe," says Alan Dressler of the Carnegie Observatories in Pasadena, CA. " ...
11064: Dance 2
... would use themes relating to American life, Greek Mythology, American Pioneers and American Indians. Learning About Dance pg.63&71 Merce Cunningham was the first choreographer to not use “traditional” choreographic methods. He developed a new style of choreography. He did not believe dance had to have a certain storyline or theme. His theory of dance revolved around the idea of “movement for movements sake.” He felt that any part of ... main idea is about the human body moving.. In his dances he uses “chance” and “indeterminacy” methods. He uses these methods because he feels it helps him to break old habits and create exciting and new movements in dances. By using these methods what a dance is one night might be something else by the next night. Learnig About Dance pg.65-66 2. In depth discuss one of these artistic ... the “restrictions” of ballet. Isadora Duncan, (1877-1927), is given the credit of being the first dancer to present “modern dancing”. Other dancers, such as Loie Fuller and Maud Allan did perform dances that were new and different also. But, Duncan’s reasons for creating and moving were different to those of Allan’s and Fuller’s. Duncan began to feel that the costumes and pointe shoes were to restricting, ...
11065: To Be, Or Not To Be
... gave him a very sinister quality. The evil quality of the captain s doppelgänger become obvious very quickly. In the 1940s, R.W. Stallman insisted that Leggatt represents the captain s moral consciousness and the world that lies below the surface of our conscious lives (Graver 151). If that is true, we can see that the evil in the captain is really characterized in Leggatt. It is not evident to others ... from the experiences he went through as a young child. Whatever, the reason, Conrad s pessimistic view of life was obvious (A.I.P.C. online) Conrad took part in many voyages all over the world. He truly enjoyed the life he led as a sailor. In 1880 he passed his examination for second mate. In 1886 earned his British citizenship and his master mariner s certificate. Conrad remembered his experiences ... His influence on later novelists has been profound. He is the novelist of man in extreme situations. Those who read me, he wrote in his preface to A Personal Record, know my conviction that the world, the temporal world, rests on a few very simple ideas; so simple that they must be as old as the hills. It rests, notably, among others, on the idea of Fidelity (A.I.P. ...
11066: Montgomery Ward & Co.
... July 7, 1997, the company announced they would be filing for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. The writing, however, was on the wall long before the July 7 declaration. As of January 1997 Roger Goddu became the new chief executive at Wards, replacing Bernard Brennan. Roger Goddu was brought on board to turn the company around and to avoid a Chapter 11 filing. He believed he could do more than stop the bleeding ... projections were now showing a $140 million loss for the first quarter, rather than the $41 million that was originally projected, and a $108 million loss for the second quarter, rather than $18 million. This new information is, in effect, a $248 million loss in just two quarters, compared to the loss of $237 million that Montgomery Ward Holding Corp. had reported in the entire fiscal year prior. Reaction to the ... by GE Capital Corp., and then-Wards chief executive officer Bernard Brennan. The closing of these stores will affect 3,200 Lechmore workers and 700 associates employed by Electric Avenue & More. The company will offer new jobs at other Montgomery Wards stores to as many associates as possible. Those who are offered or do not accept reassignment will be offered severance and outplacement assistance. A judge in the bankruptcy court ...
11067: Tintern Abbey
... restoration Wordsworth has changed from the state of observing to the state of recalling his unremembered pleasures[s] (31). He had many times returned in spirit to the Wye, to escape the fever of the world (53). These memories have produced emotions beyond his understanding; enlightening him and relieving his frustrations. It is the abbey, in which the heavy and the weary weight of all this unintelligible world, is lightened and makes him become a living soul . (40-49) Wordsworth was claiming that his perception of nature brings life to him. Wordsworth acted as if he had gained an inner peace and appreciation ... those thoughts were what had comforted and encouraged him to connect with nature through his mind. He wanted to affirm to his readers that his mind not only receives sensation and knowledge from the outside world (nature) but it also half creates by its (minds) own perception of eye, and ear (106). One example is when he had previously described returning to the Wye and how it had brought him ...
11068: Demystifying The A-Team Formula
... Mr. T) say "Shut up fool!"; were they that interested in seeing if Hannibal's (George Peppard) plan always comes together, or was it truly the violence that sold the show? Compared to NBC's new experimental shows like Hill Street Blues, and St. Elsewhere, whose innovative use of realism sparked the Third Golden Age of Television and quality TV as we know it; The A-Team (TAT) is just another parody of the action/adventure genre. Or is it? The truth is The A-Team 's popularity was so brilliant because it provided something for everyone. TAT created a new genre by mixing old ones. I intend to demystify the formula that was exclusive t o TAT created by exploring the character personalities and old genres that the show employed. At the time of the ... to represent the stereotypes of minorities. Does B.A. just have a bad attitude, or does it come from something deeper? B.A. is the stereotypical angry and feared black man. Due to all the new poli tically correct and sensitive changes that network television has undergone, Mr. T's character can only survive in syndication in today's television. On the show B.A. and Murdock do not always ...
11069: Living In A Residence Hall
... other people. Residential life also helps you adjust to college life and develop skills that attribute to academic success. One of the most attractive things to me about living in a residence hall is meeting new people and making new friends. Living with others gives you an opportunity to make new friends and participate in group activities. By making new friends and building relationships with them you will always have someone close by to be there for you and help you when you need it. ...
11070: George Berkley
As man progressed through the various stages of evolution, it is assumed that at a certain point he began to ponder the world around him. Of course, these first attempts fell short of being scholarly. As time passed on, though, these ideas persisted and were eventually tackled by the more intellectual, so-called philosophers. This, excavation of "the external world" began. As the authoritarianism of the ancients gave way to the more liberal views of the modernists, two main positions concerning epistemology and the nature of the world arose. The first view was exemplified by the empiricists, who stared that all knowledge comes from the senses. In opposition, the rationalists maintained that knowledge comes purely from deduction, and that this knowledge is ...

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