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Search results 11051 - 11060 of 22819 matching essays
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11051: Lord Of The Flies 2 -
... If a group of well-conditioned school boys can ultimately wind up committing various extreme travesties, one can imagine what adults, leaders of society, are capable of doing under the pressures of trying to maintain world relations. Lord of the Flies's apprehension of evil is such that it touches the nerve of contemporary horror as no English novel of its time has done; it takes us, through symbolism, into a world of active, proliferating evil which is seen, one feels, as the natural condition of man and which is bound to remind the reader of the vilest manifestations of Nazi regression (Riley 1: 120). In the ... in all of Golding's works. It suggests the isolation of man in a frightening and mysterious cosmos, and the futility of his attempt to create an ordered preserve for himself in an otherwise patternless world" (Baker 26). The island in the novel is the actual island; it is not simply an island, though. It is a microcosm of life itself, the adult world, and the human struggle with his ...
11052: The Love Song Of J. Alfred Pru
... neighbors but he cannot go to them. He is bothered by the idea of the younger generation examining him. He wishes he could fit in but believes that is not a reality. Fantasizing of a world where these problems do not exist is a pleasant daydream for Prufrock. He imagines the peaceful world under the sea where social classes do not exist. This shows the internal conflict still occurring within him. Even though he has overcome his problem with his love life, he still has many other worries to contend with. The mermaids are singing beautifully, but in his opinion, they cannot possibly be singing for him. His insecurity is still present and seems incurable. His fantasy world is brought to a crashing halt easily. "Till human voices wake us, and we drown."(131) His only happiness can be found in daydreams and can be destroyed easily as such. Although giving him ...
11053: Siddhartha
... listening, he realizes that all of the voices were interwoven, interlocked, and entwined in a thousand ways. And that all the voices, goals, yearnings, sorrows, pleasures, good, and evil, all of them together was the world. Vasudeva said that he had waited for this time to come. He said goodbye to the hut, river, and Siddhartha, and disappeared into the forest, full of peace. After years, Govinda comes to the river ... in himself. Again, Siddhartha recognized him instantly, but because Siddhartha changed a lot, he couldn't recognize him till Siddhartha gave him a hint. Siddhartha says to him words is always one-sided, but the world itself is never one-sided. Because of that, nobody can learn from teaching. Things are never one-sided because there is no such thing as time. You can't divide the thing into past and ... He saw all these forms and faces in a thousand relationships to each other, all helping each other, loving, hating, and destroying each other and become newly born. When he came back to the real world, he saw on Siddhartha's face, a perfect one smile. Govinda bowed low, right down to the ground with uncontrollable tears trickling down his face. The smile reminded him of everything that he had ...
11054: Billy The Kid
... as folklore. The have made movies from his history and have also wrote many books on him. Most of Billy the Kids life remains a heated controversy throughout America. Billy the Kid was born in New York City on November 23, 1859 to William and Kathleen McCarty Bonney and given the name William H. Bonney (There are other stories of his birth but this one is the most reliable). The first ... shot the blacksmith who died the next day. He was arrested but the escaped and began running from the law, something he did all of his life. Billy the Kid eventually moved to Lincoln County, New Mexico were he began working for J.H. Tunstall. Tunstall was a rich farmland owner who had an ongoing feud with L.G. Murphy and J.J. Dolan over farmland and grazing rights. Billy the ... on Brady he was regarded as a coward for the ambush and lost the support of the people who had supported him. While the Lincoln County War went on between Billy s gang and the new sheriff George Peppin, Lew Wallace the new governor had charged Billy with murder. When Billy heard of this he told Wallace that he would turn states evidence on three killers if he received a ...
11055: The Epic of Gilgamesh
... can infer the themes that are consistently passed on to other generations of humans. It is in human nature for people to want to excel in life and strive to make a name in this world for themselves. We want to be remembered by name or for something we have done. Most, who actually succeed, are forgotten about in a matter of years. However, some are remembered for tens, hundreds, and ... character of a story; he is actually a portrayal of people and how they act out of human nature. He, like many of us, does not want his existence to end when he leaves this world. He is not content with what he has, good looks, money, and power, and desires more in life. The Epic of Gilgamesh is a story that we, as people, can relate to. There are similarities ... society and by carrying immortal themes and messages. Epics will always be present because there are certain themes about humanity that can not be denied. In this era, it is easy to say that the world is rapidly changing. But, humans aren't changing with it and there lies the root of most of the problems in society. We must recognize and maybe change the world to be more suitable ...
11056: King Lears Emotional Stages
... of the aged (Ribner 136). Through these three stages Lear mentally goes from an immature child to becoming a wise king, and his powers goes to the contrary. Work Cited Bruhl, Marshal De. British Writers. New York: Scribner s Son, 1964. Dominic, Catherine C. Shakespeare s Characters for Students. Detroit: Gale Publishers, 1997. Halio, Jay L. Double Plot of King Lear. Readings on the Tragedies of William Shakespeare. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: The Greenhaven Press Literary Companion Series, 1996. 189-193. Ribner, Irving. Patterns in Shakespearean Tragedy. London: MacMillan, 1960. Shakespeare, William. King Lear. Ed. Russell Fraser. New York: Penguin Group, 1963. Siegel, Paul N. Shakespearean Tragedy and the Elizabethan Compromise. New York: Oxford University Press, 1957.
11057: Manuscript For Experimental Ps
... make sure equal number of both sexes conduct the experiment. A larger population would also be beneficial to increase the external validity of the study. In addition, conducting the study in various parts of the world (rural, urban, 1st world countries, 3rd world countries etc.) would definitely bring about more concrete support in determining how gender and the number of bystanders affect helping behavior. Helping behaviors is important and in today's 'dog eat dog' world, it ...
11058: Movie Review: Into the West
... around, see all the wonderful things and people around him – his boys, her father, and those others of his band, all who share in this loss - and remember what good she had brought to the world, he would have realized that was not so. His decision to grieve her loss, feel sorry for himself, and reject the comforting hand of his own people in the face of her death, keeps him ... accept the loss, he cloaks himself in sorrow, which turns to fear, and anger and rejection, that of himself and his own ways. Prejudice and its effects, is an issue among peoples all around the world; it has been since the beginning of time, and will be until the end. In this film, the prejudice is ethically based. John Riley and his boys come from a society of the Travellers. Neither ... most likely occur in a desperate situation, where one is exhaustedly striving just to get by day-to-day, and would use fantasy as an escape from his or her troubles. Living in a fantasy world will cause one to lose his good judgement and common sense, and one would not be able to determine that which is physically reasonable, and that which is logical. There are those fantasies that ...
11059: Emperor Claudius
... Agrippina and Claudius\\'s Death (48-54 A.D.) The death of Messalina is presented as initiating a scramble among the freedmen, each wishing to place his preferred candidate at Claudius\\'s side as the new empress. In the end, it was Pallas who prevailed when he convinced Claudius to marry Agrippina the Younger. The marriage took place within months of Messalina\\'s execution. Agrippina was a colorful figure with extensive ... at Rome from her own tribunal, and those greetings were recorded in official documents; she also wore a gold-embroidered military cloak at official functions. It is a sign of her overt influence that a new colony on the Rhine bore her name. Agrippina\\'s powerful position facilitated the advancement of her son Nero and was, in turn, strengthened by it. Claudius already had a natural son, Britannicus, who was still ... building activities. Public building was essential for Roman emperors, and ancient accounts of individual reigns routinely include mention of imperial munificence. Matters hydraulic account for Claudius\\'s greatest constructional achievements, in the form of a new aqueduct for the city of Rome, a new port at Portus near Ostia, and the draining of the Fucine Lake. The sources are at pains to highlight the almost catastrophic outcome of the latter ...
11060: Computer Systems Analyst
... decides how data are collected, prepared for computers, processed, stored, and made available for users. (“Computer Systems” COIN 1) The main achievement as a systems analyst is to improve the efficiency or create a whole new computer system that proves to be more efficient for a contracting company. When on an assignment, the analyst must meet a deadline. While striving for a deadline, he must create and comprehend many sources of information for the presentation. He must review the systems capabilities, workflow, and scheduling limitations (“Systems Analyst” 44), to determine if certain parts of the system must be modified for a new program. First, a computer programmer writes a program that he thinks will be beneficial for a certain system. He incorporates all of what he thinks is necessary. But the hard part is when the programmer ... proof. He must organize and relate the data to a workflow chart and many diagrams. More often than not, an idea is always to good to be true unless the proof is there. For this new program that will go into the system, detailed operations must be laid out for the presentation. Yet, when the system hits the market, the program must be as simple as possible. A computer systems ...

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