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Search results 11001 - 11010 of 22819 matching essays
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11001: Dead Man Walking
Reflection on Dead Man Walking I have taken a most hesitated step from my world of serene tranquility to one of complete judgment and sin. I transgressed away from the petty feelings of unwarranted hate and suspended myself within the realms of cold-hearted, revengeful disgust. I left behind my familiar world and suspiciously entered the broken life of Matthew Poncelat. I evolved from stereotypical feelings of judgment to understandable feelings of hate and disgrace. From the sidelines, I have witnessed Matthew Poncelat's faith unfold through ... replaced Social Justice for approximately three class periods, and innocently relaxed on the cold tiled floor. What I did not know was that my life would be altered forever and that my outlook on the world would seemingly change. My eyes fixated on the movie screen, while my heart, soul, and mind slowly began to wander into the life of a murderer, but more importantly, a human-being. Dead Man ...
11002: The Scarlet Letter Essay
... congregation, but somehow can never quite manage this. He is a typical diagnosis of a "wuss". To some extent, Dimmesdale's story is one of a single man tempted into the depths of the hormonal world. This world, however, is a place where the society treats sexuality with ill grace. But his problem is enormously complicated by the fact of Hester's marriage (for him no technicality), and by his own image of ... dungeon of his own heart-of breathing the wild, free atmosphere of an unredeemed, unchristianized, lawless region." In short, fallen nature has set him free from his inner distress, but left him in an "unchristianized" world, a heathen world, damnation. He has given in to sin. He has, in effect, willingly agreed to commit more sins. Dimmesdale realizes he is doing this but is too much of a coward to ...
11003: Computer Languages
... previous two. The format and layout of the various languages are very diverse between some, and between others are somewhat similar. When programming in Basic the user has to type in line numbers before each new line of code. In an updated version of Basic called QBasic, numbers are optional. Turbo pascal does not allow the user to input numbers, it has preset commands that seperate each part of the program. This is similar to QBasic, but is much more sophisticated. Instead of using the command gosub in Basic, the user would make a procedure call. Another new language is C. C is a spinoff of turbo pascal but is capable of doing more things than turbo. The format and layout are similar, but the syntax is much more complex than turbo is. When C first came out, there were many major flaws in the language so a new version had to be put out, C++. The main addition from C to C++ is the concept of classes and templates. Many other small flaws were fixed when this new version of C came ...
11004: Romanticism in the 19th Century
... doctrines and ideology, but was also a sharp contrast from ideas and harmony featured during the Enlightenment. The Romantic era grew alongside the Enlightenment, but concentrated on human diversity and looking at life in a new way. It was the combination of modern Science and Classicism that gave birth to Romanticism and introduced a new outlook on life that embraced emotion before rationality. Romanticism was a reactionary period of history when its seeds became planted in poetry, artwork and literature. The Romantics turned to the poet before the scientist to ... was men such as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in Germany who wrote "The Sorrows of Young Werther" which epitomized what Romanticism stood for. His character expressed feelings from the heart and gave way to a new trend of expressing emotions through individuality as opposed to collectivism. In England, there was a resurgence into Shakespearean drama since many Romantics believed that Shakespeare had not been fully appreciated during the 18th century. ...
11005: James Watt
... He then thought about ways to reduce the fuel consumption and found out it was mostly caused by the pistons and other metal work heating cooling, always requiring extra heat. James Watt then constructed a new steam engine with an insulated main cylinder that allowed the metal work to stay constantly hot reducing the fuel by almost 75%. He also worked on a condenser which re-uses five-sixths (5/6 ... Watt knew at the time. Dr. Roebuck paid off Watt s £1000 debt and allowed James to continue his costly experiments. In return the patent declared that Roebuck was two-thirds the inventor of the new improved steam engine. On the very day that Watt obtained his first patent, January 5th 1769, Arkwright got a patent for his Spinning-Frame . James Watt successfully had the new steam engine put in his name in conjunction with Dr. Roebuck. His first steam engines were used to pump water out of the mines in the surrounding area and in 1783 almost all of ...
11006: Pen Pals: Based On X-Files Characters
... on them in a child's handwriting. Danni had been her nickname in elementary school, a name she had gotten through a pen-pal program between her class and a third grade class somewhere in New England. Dana had complained that her pen pal had a boy's name, and from the moment said pen pal first heard about it, she had insisted on calling her Danni, so they would be ... The envelope on the top was the last one she had received. A sad smile crept over her face as she remembered what had brought a stop to their correspondence... October 7th, 1971 11:30am - New Ridge Elementary School, Ithaca Naval Base Danni was excited. It was pen pal day, and she was expecting a letter from Sammie. These two girls had become closer than any of the other pen pals ... disappeared, Dana began to cry, holding her face in her hands. The agony Mulder had gone through all those years looking for his sister took on a more awful reality in the light of this new revelation. The doorbell rang. Forcing herself to regain control, Scully wiped her face and went to answer it, still clutching the letter tightly in one hand. The first thing Mulder saw when she opened ...
11007: French Revolution 3
... France. The revolutionaries of Paris demanded that the king be deposed, but moderates in the Constituent Assembly reinstated the king, hoping to stem radicalism and prevent foreign intervention. The Constituent Assembly was dissolved, and the new Legislative Assembly, which met in October, was divided into three groups: a majority without well-defined political opinions; the supporters of a constitutional monarchy; and a Republican faction, composed mainly of Girondins, who advocated a ... promptly placed him in confinement. Simultaneously, Montagnards under the leadership of Georges Jacques Danton took control of the Paris government. They swiftly achieved control of the Legislative Assembly and called for the creation of a new constitutional convention. In September a French army checked the Prussian advance at Valmy. Thereafter, French armies assumed the offensive, successfully capturing enemy territory. The newly elected National Convention abolished the monarchy and, in the first ... From April 1793 to July 1794, the committee presided over an extremely violent period that became known as the Reign of Terror. During this time, foreign powers resumed the offensive on all fronts. Under a new conscription decree, about 750,000 French soldiers were organized, equipped, and rushed to the fronts. The committee also struck violently at internal opposition. Thousands were sent to the guillotine. The tide of battle against ...
11008: Gullivers Travels
... beeves, forty sheep, and other victuals," along with as much bread and wine as he needs, his basic needs are to be attended to, and six scholars are to teach Gulliver the language of his new compatriots. Again, in this chapter, Gulliver is won over by the fact that the Lilliputians are well-dressed and articulate (despite the fact that they speak a language he cannot understand). He is still held ... and without warning, so the performer is obliged to change tactics midstream. Winners receive a snippet of colored thread, which they wear on their clothing with great pride. Gulliver delights the Emperor by inventing some new forms of entertainment, also; one involves making the calvary perform military maneuvers on the drum-taut surface of his handkerchief, stretched above the ground, but when a rider is thrown, Gulliver stops the game. At ... other; this is why he limps. Lilliput is also under threat of invasion from a neighboring country, Blefuscu; the nature of their aggression seems to be religious. Apparently the current Emperor‘―s grandfather initiated a new religion which demanded that believers break their eggs on the smaller end. Man y Lilliputians refused to do so, as since time immemorial their creed had been to break their eggs on the larger ...
11009: 8th Amendment
... physical chastisement in schools. However, whether a sentence is cruel and unusual or a fine is excessive continually remains to be determined by the Supreme Court. Works Cited Bernstein, Richard, and Jerome Agel. Amending America. New York: Random House, Inc, 1993. Compton’s Interactive Encyclopedia. New York: Compton’s NewMedia, Inc., 1995. Draper, Thomas. Human Rights. New York: The H. W. Wilson Company, 1982. Garraty, John A. Quarrels That Have Shaped the Constitution. New York: Harper & Row, 1987. Sundquist, James L. Constitutional Reform and Effective Government. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, ...
11010: The Press and Media Cause Rampant Swaying of the Election Votes Through Their Opinions and Reports
... be proud of the individuality and freedoms of the American press. However, when it was used against him for negative purposes, he wanted it stopped. Adams had obstacles from the beginning of his presidency. The new president had to establish his own identity among these men of his own party, and at the same time he was compelled to defend himself as best he could against the virulent Anti-Federalist press ... Were I to undertake to answer the calumnies of the newspapers, it would be more than all my own time, and that of twenty aids could effect. For while I should be answering one, twenty new ones would be invented. I have thought it better just to trust to the simple justice of my countrymen. (Tebbel 1985) His actions and reactions to the horrendously negative press certainly aided his election to ... take the "Little Magician" Martin Van Buren, to demonstrate how the press could be used to persuade without the hammer blow. However, violent passions were rising in the country over the slavery issue, and a new breed of editors was about to come into its own--editors who could declare themselves independent of any political party or candidate and not only survive but become rich and successful (Wilson 1984). He ...

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