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10991: Critical Review Of 1984 By Geo
... an enemy of the people. The assembeled people go through several different reactions, some boo him, others scream and become violent. I feel that George Orwell accomplished his goal of telling how he viewed the world of the future. He used excellent description of places, events and people that I can't even attempt to repeat. He used the prospective of several different people through Winston's interaction of them, and their disscusions. He also used his imagination extreemly well to describe the technology that is used to control the people of the world. Even today we are making things that Orwell described like the telescreens. He also used comparisons of the real world to the world of his story. The image of Emmanual Goldstein was an excellent likness to Hitler. Along with the large numbers of countries that join together to form an alliance for a common ...
10992: Drugs And Their Effects On Business
... own inhereat problems because of the discomfort of a needle extracting blood. Because of the problems of conventional testing for controlled substances in the body's chemical tract, medical professionals have been coming up with new methods for testing the body to see if it has used drugs. One of the most feasible new types of test is the testing of hair. Hair keeps a permanent record of the body's chemicals including the drugs it has used. The best side of testing hair is that it requires less ... in-house employee-assistance programs, and they have even set up toll-free 800 numbe rs for workers and their families to call for advice and information. The treatment of drug impaired workers is relativity new and therefore the long term effects of the programs is not known and can only be speculated at. Companies have noticed the problems that drugs produce and they are trying to stop the use ...
10993: Mrs. Warren’s Profession
Mrs. Warren’s Profession Mrs. Warren’s profession, written by Mr. George Bernard Shaw, shows the world how women are being exploited through capitalism. The characters, stage, and themes make this an enjoyable play with a deep-rooted message. For example, during the 1800’s women could be employed as factory workers ... were able to attend college take the challenging subjects and get a degree. However, women could go to college, but would be denied the diploma and the classes needed to be competitive in the business world. There were three themes: exploiting women, greed, and Mrs. Warren’s drive to provide for her daughter and shelter her for the truth. In the opening act the focus is placed on women in general ... is a very colorful character gaining knowledge through life experience rather than a college degree. She is a very smart woman who is able to survive and make a profitable living in a man’s world. She made some hard decisions growing up as a child., as a result, she chose to be a professional prostitute. Her life style allowed her the riches, and luxuries not afforded to most women. ...
10994: The Work of Poet and Philosoher Archibald Lampman
... a rich man and lived not a happy life, and most of his poetry reflects that. "The City of The End of Things" was written in a time of great sadness and hate for the world. Published one year after his death many people fail to realize the direct connection to themselves in the poem. Lampmans poetry was divided into two moods, saddness and joy, each primarly involed with nature or ... to act as he does, and if he even does, the masters shall flee, and the machine will rule for a little while, then wither and fall apart. Thus Lampman gives a mircocasem of the world today and a world to come, We must prevent this. For Lampman, landscape offers an environment sympathic to emotional and aesthetic capacities that are starved or preserved in the city. The infinitely varied complexion of nature fosters without ...
10995: 1984: Symbolism and Irony
1984: Symbolism and Irony Imagine a cold, dark world with horrible living conditions and never quite enough to eat. A world of “Decaying, dingy cities where underfed people shuffled to and fro in leaky shoes, in patched-up nineteenth-century houses that smelt always of cabbage and bad lavatories.” Picture bombs dropping on playgrounds, blowing children to pieces. Imagine what it would be like if the government knew your every move, your every thought. This is the world of George Orwell’s “Nineteen Eighty-four.” “Nineteen Eighty-four” is a novel about a society completely different from present day. Because the government constantly monitors what one is thinking or doing, the people ...
10996: Managing Service Delivery
... changes, those that deal with improvements, Seeley asserts that these changes are connected to first order vision or program vision. An example of a change requiring program vision is an agency's adoption of a new program. Second order changes are those that require restructuring or a reconceptualisation of an organisation’s roles, rules, relationships, and responsibilities. Seeley (1992) asserts that such second order changes require system vision. "The leader has to visualise not just how a new program or practice would work, but how whole new sets of expectations, relationships, accountability structures, etc., would fit together into a coherent whole" (Seeley, 1992). An example of a change requiring system vision is the restructuring of three depots into two. Some of ...
10997: Creative Writing: The Missed Fly Ball
... that it has had an effect on my willingness to stay with something until the end. For a very long time, I would not stick with something and see it through. I would pick a new hobby every week or so. A new club every month. As I got older I gained more responsibility in the clubs and organization I was involved with. This ended up in undue stress and work. In my senior year in high school ... the junior academy of science and treasurer of the stu-dent congress. Since learning just to do it, and not to worry about the consequences I have had an easier time opening up and trying new things. A few summers ago I was invited to go roller blading with a few friends on Saturday. I first thought, I'm going to make a fool out of myself and bust my ...
10998: Medieval Castles
... Palace in Vienna. Palaces will probably be built for as long as there is wealth enough to pay for them. In the 1980s the sultan of Brunei, Sir Muda Hassanal Bolkiah Muizzaddin Waddaulah, opened his new palace. Named New Istana, it contains 1,788 rooms, making it one of the grandest palaces anywhere. Although castles are no longer readily built, because of the lack of money or just the lack of need, they will always be appreciated for their beauty, architecture, and most importantly the land that they helped to defend. Works Cited _Smith, Beth. Castles. p.18. New York: Franklin Watts, 1988. _Macaulay, David. Castle. p.54. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1977. _Clements, Gillian. The Truth about Castles. p.9. Minneapolis: Carolrhoda Books, Inc., 1990. _Macaulay, David. Castle. p.13. Boston: Houghton ...
10999: The Effects Of Rap On Inner Cities
... 4 of the 7 members were 16 years old, and 2 were highschool dropouts. Another characteristic that surprised many viewers was that all except 2 of the members were Black. On the second tour to New York City, Tabitha Soren had a chance to speak to a powerful ganged called the “Back Alley Kliq.” A member of the group Billy “P,” was asked the same question that Tabitha asked Pete “GAS ... out the Champagne bottles, and all the boos, and have one on us.” The National Bureau of Justice also took a count, and 48% of Malt Liquors, are being sold in mainly Chicago, Washington DC, New York City, and Los Angeles California. The problem with that is the majority of rap fans live in those areas, known as the slums of America. Among the 1 million violent crimes in the cities of New York, Chicago, Washington, Los Angeles, Lexington, Detroit, 45% of the time, involved an offender who had been drinking. In addition, rap artists’ are also promoting the usage of all types of drugs. In a ...
11000: The Tragedy Of Hamlet
... ruling the throne. Every tragic play must have a tragic hero. The tragic hero must possess many good traits, as well as one flaw, which eventually leads to his downfall. A tragic hero must be brave and noble. In Othello, Othello had one fatal flaw, he was too great. Othello was too brave, too noble, and especially too proud to allow himself to be led back to Venice in chains. A tragic hero must not back down from his position. He also has to have free will, in ... commits many murders, one almost feels sorry for him and his fate. Hamlet is the perfect example of the tragic hero. Hamlet has all the good traits needed to be a tragic hero. He is brave and daring. One example of this is that when he went to England, he was taking a big risk. If his plan didn't work, he would have been executed He also is also ...

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