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Search results 10971 - 10980 of 22819 matching essays
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10971: Is More Than One Cause of AIDS Possible?
... cannot be ignored. HIV is however not the only cause of AIDS. This is proven by the thousands of AIDS victims that do not have HIV. It is widely assumed by nearly everyone in the world that HIV is the only cause of AIDS. It is puzzling, however, that this is believed, because there has never been any solid evidence to say that this is true and there has not been ... AIDS. Without the immune system to fight off tuberculosis, the victim dies. According to Dr. Peter Duesberg, who is the professor of molecular biology at the University of California at Berkely, and one of the world's experts on retroviruses, which, according to the scientific community, is what HIV is, “Every virus I've ever seen gets its job done by killing a cell at a time and when it has ... seem to begin to prove that HIV is the only cause of AIDS. According to Duesberg: “There are a million Americans with HIV who are totally healthy. There are six million Africans according to the World Health Organization who have HIV; 129,000 had AIDS by the end of last year, that means five million, eight hundred and so many thousand had no AIDS. Half a million Europeans have HIV ...
10972: Welfare
... nation's fourth largest chemical maker. Clinton singled out the Monsanto company and other companies for helping out welfare workers. Monsanto has hired five recipient and found almost twenty more jobs for others. Under the new laws of the welfare reforms, the able body workers should work within the two years of recieving benefits. Some of the good things out of this plan is that by the year 2005, only 14 ... to absorb more welfare recipients is limited by the high- technology chemical, agricultural, fiber and pharmaceutical development and manufacturing. These workers would have limited skills. Monsanto is highly protecteive of the privacy of its special new hires. The new employees are hired to fill a variety of clerical and light general- labor positions. They will not be identified as the company's welfare-to-work initiative. The possible short-term effect this would ...
10973: Welfare: Toil and Trouble
... about how the minimum wage is too low, and that the jobs offered have no dignity. The nerve. Then there are the immigrants. Not the immigrants who come to America looking for freedom and a new life-I'm talking of the ones who invade our beaches and our borders, and head straight for the welfare sign up desk. These people suck up tax dollars from the honest and hard working, and give the society nothing in return. No more. These people will all be cut off with the new bill. The greedy mothers, the lazy families, the leeching immigrants-they all signal that we need to change the system. So we begin anew. Starting over with a new plan, and a new attitude, destined to succeed, and not likely to fail. No, it is not harsh or discriminating, and yes, it is very necessary.
10974: Intel
... increased by 40% from 1994 to 1995 and by 71% from 1993 to 1994. The growth in cost of sales from 1993 to 1995 was driven by Pentium microprocessor and board-level unit volume growth, new factories coming into production, shifts in process and product mix, and in the fourth quarter of 1995, by costs associated with unusually high reserves related to inventories of certain purchased components. Gross margin for the ... Intel's gross margin percentage varies depending on the mix of microprocessors and related motherboards within a product family. Various other factors, including unit volumes and costs and yield issues associated with initiating production at new factories or on new processes, also will continue to affect the amount of cost of sales and the variability of gross margin percentages in future quarters. From time to time the Company may forecast a range of gross ...
10975: How Does Arthur Miller Expect
... chance to tell Eddie her news, he tells them about the cousins arriving, Beatrice is overwhelmed at the thought, she then starts going through all the things wrong with the house, like she needs a new tablecloth and a new cover for the chair. This shows that she wants everything to be good for them, and just right. When Beatrice tells Eddie about Catherine getting a job, he looks for excuse not to go: She ... job. Eddie proves that he didn t want Catherine to do the job by saying: And then you ll move away And you ll come visit on Sundays, then once a month, then Christmas and New Year s, finally. Catherine is hurt by this remark, she knows that he s saying it to keep her with him, but she also knows that it s true. Later that evening, The cousins ...
10976: Steroids
... it very close to the cells-steroids then attach to the cells by receptors. Then draws testosterone into the cell. Then transported to the nucleus. Then the cells machinery begin to run faster and causes new deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) to be produced. DNA is the blueprint for making every living proteins. These new proteins are then transported outside the cell and new tissue of muscle is made. Steroids can also increase the production of red blood cells. These special cells are found in our blood and carry oxygen to all other tissues. It takes a few ...
10977: Personal Writing: Exchange Student in Japan
... to walk from the monorail to customs. It was quite a tour of the airport that I got. It was so clean and the people there were so quiet and polite, this was something really new to me. As we went through customs, all that I could think about was trying to find Mr. Mano, the man that was supposed to be meeting us right outside of customs. I knew that ... next morning we awoke early to go to school. This was a very exciting day for me, because I would get to meet my friends from America at school, and I would get to meet new people from Japan. In the way that American Children take the bus, Japanese children take the train. We got on a train at around 7:35, switched trains along the way and then continued to ... on the board. The first day of school was great. We met the principle, and prepared speeches for the next day. We would be speaking to the entire school in Japanese the next day. Something new for us to anticipate. That night we went to Happy Town, the same place that I had been the night before. We all went, with our host sisters. Just the eight of us. It ...
10978: Human Evolution In Africa
... nothing more than a shrew in the shadow of the dinosaurs. However, with the event that killed the dinosaurs, they where finally allowed to reproduce and spread. At this time, according to isotope dating, the world was averaging 4 times warmer than it now is. As time went on, the small mammal had spread throughout Eurasia. All of Eurasia then was covered in tropical forests. Primates evolved in what is now the Indian Subcontinent. From their placement in India, then still lowland, primates spread throughout the world once more. Some returned to North America, only to be wiped out by rodents already living there. Others spread to Europe and the Middle East. By this time, Africa had just split from marsupial overrun Gondwanaland. About a million years later it reached the Middle East, and primates moved in. By now the world had cooled enough that the primates in Europe had been decimated to near extinction. They also migrated south, for the Mediterranean Sea was at that time dry lowland. Now almost all of the primates ...
10979: Explain What Is Meant By The T
... shows the relationship between price and supply. The economic theory here is that the higher price a good commands, the higher your profit margin will be (assuming costs of production remain constant). This results in new firms being attracted to the market, so supply will increase. We describe this as a directly proportional relationship. As price is determined by supply and demand, output is determined by the factors of supply and ... which there is greatest economic efficiency. Any point right of point “E” means that the market is either in excess demand or supply- this may lead to a shift in the respective curve and a new equilibrium price. For example, how does a change in real disposable income affect equilibrium price and output? Disposable income is income minus tax and National Insurance contributions. Your real disposable income is the purchasing power ... quantity demanded at any given price. The demand curve shifts outwards and there is movement along the supply curve, indicating an expansion in quantity supplied. The point at which the curves cross changes and a new equilibrium price is set. More is supplied and demanded at the higher equilibrium price. Output increases at any given price. A reduction in real disposable income tends to reduce the quantity demanded at any ...
10980: Mother 2
... now she had to stand up and fight for her right, liberty, and position. She was convinced of what was her right and with no doubts at all she started to move everything to the new barn. Before the next morning the man who milked the cows "spread the story of Adoniram Penn's wife moving into the new barn all over the little village" (252). However, the revolt of "Mother" was full of courage and boldness, and she did not pay attention to the comments of her neighborhood. When Mr. Hersey, the minister of the church, comes to the new home she stands up and talks about her rights to dictate what happens in her own house. She says: "I've thought it all over an' over, an' I believe I'm doing' what' ...

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