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Search results 10961 - 10970 of 22819 matching essays
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10961: Strengths And Weaknesses Of Lo
... the wars left France on the brink of bankruptcy. Peter the Great had many strengths, but his best was he modernized Russia. By seeing Europe, he changed many things. He changed the calendar so the New Year would be January 1. He increased agriculture by growing new crops and increased the number of factories in Russia. He also started the first Russian newspaper and enlarged their army to 200,000 men. He also got a warm water port for his “window on ... weakness for Peter the Great was he ignored and abused the people of his country. Many of the changes were for the sake of increasing his own power. He ordered many Serfs to build his new capital of St. Petersburg. 25,000-100,000 were killed in the unfit environment. After the city was built, he ordered all his nobles to move to the new capital. Personally, I would not ...
10962: Sports in Rome
... who played his fiddle as Rome burned, but he is probably the greatest Olympic hero of all time. Nero earned six individual gold medals, which has never been equaled. Of course, he broke and made new rules as the games went along. And he did make some of his opponents withdraw from races. But he was a very courageous man. One time, Nero fell off of his chariot and had to ... drunk most of the time during the competitions, he still was an amazing athlete and not just a crazy man playing a fiddle. (Picture of Nero.) Bibliography Cowell, F.R.. Everyday Life in Ancient Rome. New York: G.P. Putman's Sons, 1961. Robinson, Charles. Ancient Rome. New York: Franklin Watts Inc., 1964 Imperial Rome. New York: Time-Life Books., 1971
10963: Epic Of Gilgamesh
... can infer the themes that are consistently passed on to other generations of humans. It is in human nature for people to want to excel in life and strive to make a name in this world for themselves. We want to be remembered by name or for something we have done. Most, who actually succeed, are forgotten about in a matter of years. However, some are remembered for tens, hundreds, and ... character of a story; he is actually a portrayal of people and how they act out of human nature. He, like many of us, does not want his existence to end when he leaves this world. He is not content with what he has, good looks, money, and power, and desires more in life. The Epic of Gilgamesh is a story that we, as people, can relate to. There are similarities ... society and by carrying immortal themes and messages. Epics will always be present because there are certain themes about humanity that can not be denied. In this era, it is easy to say that the world is rapidly changing. But, humans aren't changing with it and there lies the root of most of the problems in society. We must recognize and maybe change the world to be more suitable ...
10964: Dantes Inferno
Dante's use of allegory in the Inferno greatly varies from Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" in purpose, symbolism, characters and mentors, and in attitude toward the world. An analysis of each of these elements in both allegories will provide an interesting comparison. Dante uses allegory to relate the sinner's punishment to his sin, while Plato uses allegory to discuss ignorance and ... While the cave dwellers in the "Allegory of the Cave" have no interest beyond what they see, the sinners have experienced life outside of Hell, and are curious about it. Plato and Dante criticize the world from different perspectives. Plato criticizes the world from a sociological point of view, while Dante criticizes it from a religious perspective. Plato implies that members of society are myopic in their views. They do not want what they have come to ...
10965: The Gilded Six Bits Critique
The Harlem Renaissance of the 1920 s and early 1930 s was a period of immense African American literary and intellectual activity, centered in Harlem, New York City. During this time many writers emerged, among them Zora Neale Hurston and Richard Wright. Respectively their works The Gilded Six-Bits and Almos A Man are literary reminders of the early South. While attending college in New York, Zora Neale Hurston became part of the Harlem Renaissance s literati and hung out with the likes of Langston Hughes, Wallace Thurman, and Jessie Fauset. She termed the black literati the niggerati . She became ... of blacks, which was not directly associated with the advancement of the race. Richard Wright began his career in the early thirties publishing poetry and short stories in such magazines as Left Front, Anvil, and New Masses. Unlike Hurston, Wright was propelled to international fame while still in the prime of his career. His works were acclaimed by numerous noted individuals; often comparing him to the likes of Theodore Drieser ...
10966: The Investment Industry
... trust with the investor. This is of extreme importance to the potential client because of the amount and importance of the funds that they are investing. More importantly, trust is needed in order to attract new clients, through word of mouth, and maintain existing ones. Second, the client is greatly concerned with the performance or returns of their portfolio. Even though the market is volatile, the investment dealer is trusted to ... this reason, customers would prefer to have immediate accessibility to the trading floor without going through the middleman. Present changes indicate that the industry is headed in this direction. Presently, Instinet Corp. has introduced a new technology, Instinet, which allows foreign securities to be traded through electronic trading terminals thereby bypassing the broker's responsibility to contact a trader on the costly exchange floor (TSE). The trade would no longer require ... stock market itself. Thus if the stock market is lagging, profits will fall due to a lower number and value of transactions. In addition, firms are much less willing to enter a bearish market for new financing. This is also the case when firms are doing well since they may not require increased financing and may not need the services of an investment dealer (for underwriting) (IDA bulletin p2). Unlike ...
10967: Ts Eliot Mood And Theme
... Eliot -mood and theme WITH REFERENCE TO THE LOVE SONG OF J. ALFRED PRUFROCK AND PREDULES. DISCUSS HOW T.S. ELIOT CONVEYS MOOD AND THEMES. Both Prufrock and Preludes are based in the same rootless world of sordid tedium. In Prufrock Eliot is conveying a theme a strong theme and is based heavily in the Persona of Prufrock himself. Preludes is a poem of changing moods, some subtle, some profound but ... the superficial judgments his society passes on him, Prufrock is still hesitant in speaking out against their empty lives. Prufrock is an extraordinary character and one who, despite his struggles, could easily erode into a world content with the futile pleasures of the society he scorns. Preludes is a series of four lyrics describing a modern city. The poem moves through four different time periods, beginning with one evening and continuing ... conveyed throughout the careful use of diction, imagery and repetition. Prelude I begins with an attractive, familiar setting, a winter evening. This however is short lived as we are immediately confronted with a decaying, suffocating world, 2 With smells of steaks in passageways... 4 The burnt-out ends of smoky days. Eliot creates a mood of desolation and loneliness through diction and imagery. The precise use of descriptive words compose ...
10968: Medical Article
... years to sell cord-blood banking as a form of "biological insurance" against such dreaded diseases. The pitch is based on reports in medical journals, such as a major study published last week in the New England Journal of Medicine, showing that cord blood can sometimes be used in place of a bone marrow transplant. Like bone marrow, cord blood is rich in stem cells, which can churn out many different ... to a spokeswoman, Scoti Kaesshaefer, the company reaches parents-to-be by promoting itself to doctors, nurses and childbirth educators, and by leaving information at hospitals. Among the promotional materials the company provided to the New York Times were copies of articles from other newspapers suggesting that cancer among children is on the rise. The company also has a Web site and an 800 number with a recorded greeting that instructs ... have retrieved their cord blood for use in medical treatment, said Kaesshaefer. All eight samples were used for siblings or relatives, she said. By contrast, the largest public-access bank of cord blood, at the New York Blood Center in Manhattan, has collected only 8,686 specimens in six years. But nearly 800 of those samples have been used to treat patients, many of them children, in the United States ...
10969: Descartes Existence Of God
... quest for truth and certainty. Descartes second meditation gives a definite certainty for which to use as his foundation to build his beliefs. Then his third meditation proves the existence of God and the external world, while disproving the evil genius theory. That definite certainty that cannot be doubted, is the fact that I exist. Whenever I utter or think “I am” I know this to be absolutely true, without doubt ... could not have been created by us because God is more perfect than us thus undoubtable and certain. The idea that God exists disproves the Evil Genius theory therefore proves the existence of an external world. Anslem and Descartes’ theories both prove that there is a God and they both use some similar ideas in their premises’. For instance, they both rely on the faith that there is an idea of ... can not create something more perfect or better than itself, and that we are less perfect than God therefore we could not have created God. So, this proves the existence of God and an external world. On the other hand, Anslem says Existence is greater than conception and nothing greater can be conceived then God. Therefore God must exist. In my opinion descatres has successfully proven the existence of God ...
10970: The Jungle: Character Analysis
... end of the book, Upton Sinclair shows the reader how to solve Capitalism’s problems: replace it with Socialism. The Socialist party is promoted as an international political party that will solve all of the world’s problems. Every member of the party was told about the "Socialist revolution", when the entire planet would become Socialist. Not once does the book mention the possibility of failure. It even claimed Socialists would control the country by 1912. The Socialists despised the concept of competition. They considered the commercial world to be the essence of corruption. The goal of the Socialist party in The Jungle was to end the corrupt and powerful Beef Trust. "In the national capital it had power to falsify government reports ... to work though, or loose their job. Often, the wounds would become infected, and the butcher would die of blood poisoning. The book discusses all the things that were being shipped out to the civilized world as "meat". Sausages were not really made of sausage meat. They were mostly composed of "potato flour"; an odorless and tasteless potato extract with almost no food value. There were the cattle that had ...

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