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Search results 10921 - 10930 of 22819 matching essays
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10921: Business: A Ethical View
... cause the deterioration of an entire corporation. When the costs that are possible are taken into account, the changes required to rectify this are small in comparison. Bibliography Capitman, William. 1973. Panic In the Boardroom. New York: Anchor Press-DoubleDay Publishing Harris, Kathryn, Chips Maker Feels Attack on Four Sides Los Angeles Times April 4, 1982. Pg. B1 Pava, Moses. 1995. Corporate Responsibility and Financial Performance.London Quorum Books Reder, Alan. 1944. In Pursuit of Principle and Profit. New York: G.P. Putnams Sons Publishing Sawyer, George. 1979. Business and Society: Managing Corporate Social Impact. Boston Houghton Mifflin Publishing Schuyten, Peter. To Clone A Computer. New York Times February 4, 1979. Pg. 1 Velazquez, Manuel. 1992. Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases. New Jersey Prentice Hall Publishing
10922: What is an Education?
... indication of an educated individual, are usually very helpful in getting a good job. But alone, good grades are a completely unfair indication of how a person will perform under the pressures of the real world. Instead of looking at a person's grades during a job interview and deciding whether that person is eligible for a particular position, why not try something realistic? To determine a particular person's "education ... is the true test of what an education is. The application of knowledge acquired is a much better determinant of true education than whether or not a person got an A in Wood Shop or World History. A good percentage of people in the United States graduated from high school. A smaller percentage of people graduated from college. Are these graduates educated? Knowing when the Civil War began does not make a person "educated." Where is the real world application of this fact? For someone who is a History major it may prove to be an invaluable nugget of information. For others it will not do them a bit of good anywhere in ...
10923: Jules Verne
... written in the 1800's - years before the first sub was invented. The man who thought this story up was Jules Verne. Jules Verne was an amazing writer who predicted the science future of the world. Some of the inventions he imagined were created later in his lifetime, but some are still to be invented. He was popular with all kinds of readers: rich, poor, young, old, scientists, artists and rulers ... novels. Some of his more famous novels are Five Weeks in a Balloon, A Journey to the Center of the Earth, From the Earth to the Moon, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Around the World in Eighty Days, Mysterious Island, and Master of the World. A few of his novels have been turned into movies, like Disney's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Because of the popularity of these and other novels, Jules Verne became a very rich ...
10924: Sonnet 138
... the same time as he is deceiving himself by believing her lies, he is in effect mirroring her actions. He presents himself as "made of truth" by establishing himself as an innocent, "Unlearnèd in the world’s false subtleties." Shakespeare begins the second stanza with a wonderful pun. "Vainly thinking" refers not only to the narrator’s own vanity (which is driving him to such a deception), but also to the ... is so clearly not unacquainted with), now the tone is quite clearly regretful: the "simple truth" is repressed, held back. The phrase is also a paradox, for the poem has committed the reader to a world of intellectual complexity and sophistication, in which "truth" has become elusive and problematical: not simple at all. In this respect, the reader is able to feel the speaker’s nostalgic yearning for an innocent world of simple verities. The third stanza begins with questions from the speaker: "But wherefore says she not she is unjust? And wherefore say not I that I am old?" These questions are not asked ...
10925: Great Expectations: Miss Havisham and Disengagement
... disengagement, resulting in decreased interaction between the aging person and others in the social system he belongs to” (cumming and Henry, 1961, p. 2). Becoming disengaged from society is a way to hide from the world and the problems it contains. It is a way to hide from people and hide from dealing with relationships. This withdrawal from society is caused by many factors, which include: stress, a death of a ... dismay about Estella reflects her realization of the fact that by making the girl unable to love, she has made her unable to love her. She is undoubtedly insane, and in a well-regulated modern world, she would have been committed long ago. Dickens’ readers can be thankful that in Victorian England, eccentrics were left alone as long as they stayed indoors. Miss Havisham did stay indoors, and died there as ... was almost as if she had endured a death – a death of her own spirit. She was no longer active in her life, which can contribute to unhealthy aging. She isolated her self from the world around her. Isolation is a response to conditions that inhibit ability or opportunity to interact with others or is a result of the desire not to interact. When a person is externally imposed, it ...
10926: Autumn A Magnificent End
... should not feel sad seeing their elder loved ones change their colors and whither but rather rejoice from the knowledge that they lived a magnificent life and their death is merely the start of a new beginning. After all the leaves have fallen, and the ground is littered in seas of immense color, the very structure that carried the leaves remains-the trees. They live on long after the leaves have fallen and died and remind us that no matter how long, cold, and terrible the winter is a new spring will come. Even though loved ones die and leave the earth behind the memory of them still remains planted firmly in the soul of the family. Eventually after the winter of pain and sorrow is over a new realization occurs that they have gone on to a better place and that they will see them again. Following the complete dismissal of the leaves from the trees, they still bring about good to ...
10927: Womens Development
Civic engagement in urban governance requires new forms of urban partnerships between users, designers and decision-makers. To achieve these, it is important to foster horizontal linkages between different organisations and actors involved in human settlements development: politicians, activists, advocacy groups, self ... on Women's Terms", March, 1990. All too frequently women are included in urban partnerships only at the implementation stage and remain excluded from the formulation, design and resource allocation stages of programmes and projects. New forms of partnership, therefore, need to adopt an enabling approach. This should foster (on the part of all parties involved) a commitment to developing inter-organisational relationships conducive to genuine participatory processes that include both women and men, and at all stages. Moreover, it is also acknowledged that genuine participation by diverse groups means "reconceptualising the meaning of "successful" organisations and defining new contractual procedures" (OECD 1995). Strong linkages are needed between grassroots organisations, urban professionals and their organisations and the decision-makers responsible for policy. The more women are involved in all these arenas, the easier ...
10928: James Baldwin
... 20th century ever saw. In 1924 Harlem, Baldwin was born an illegitimate child to Emma Jones, who 3 years later married David Baldwin. David Baldwin, the stepfather of James, was a very strict preacher from New Orleans who later became the center of conflict in James’ life and also the main character in much of his work. In 1938, at the wish of his stepfather, James converted and preached for three ... life in chronological order. He grew up in Harlem as an admired idol of his younger sister but sees his own memories of the time as a boy being carried by his father. While in New York, he is a drummer achieving minimal fame. He soon becomes friends with a wide variety of people. First, there is Vivaldo Moore, Cass and Richard Selinksi. Eric, the last member of the group, is ... mental hospital. The next pair of characters in the story are Richard and Cass. They seem to be the template of a normal perfect family. Both are white coming from good backgrounds. Cass is a New England debutante and Richard is a writer. Vivaldo and Ida are the next two character that were friends with Rufus. Vivaldo, a white Italian, was a struggling, unpublished writer. Vivaldo was one of Rufus’ ...
10929: What Is Macroevolution?
... the level of species. It means the splitting of a species into two or the change of a species over time into another. Any changes that occur at higher levels, such as the evolution of new families, phyla or genera, is also therefore macroevolution, but the term is not restricted to the origin of those higher taxa. Microevolution refers to any evolutionary change below the level of species, and refers to ... is between-species evolution of genes and microevolution is within-species evolution of genes. There are various kinds of dynamics of macroevolution. Punctuated equilibrium theory proposes that once species have originated, and adapted to the new ecological niches in which they find themselves, they tend to stay pretty much as they are for the rest of their existence. Phyletic gradualism suggests that species continue to adapt to new challenges over the course of their history. Species selection and species sorting theories claim that there are macroevolutionary processes going on that make it more or less likely that certain species will exist for ...
10930: Affirmative Action in Florida
... protect the rights and opportunities of women and minorities, it has cascaded into policies that favoritize but do not necessarily achieve the fundamental goals behind affirmative action. Governor Jeb Bush of Tallahassee recently implemented a new initiative in the Florida Affirmative Action Plan. His new plan reflects the true spirit of affirmative action by eliminating ineffective practices and replacing them with more efficient manners of aiding minorities and women in our society. Affirmative action can be viewed as a way ... the disadvantaged millions of poor minorities and low income whites that do not have the means to profit from policies. For this reason, Governor Bush is completely justified in his state-contracting component of the new initiative. These programs do not fully achieve the goals they were designed for. Affirmative action is also ineffective in increasing educational opportunity in minority groups. Governor Bush is implementing a program that will ultimately ...

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