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Search results 10911 - 10920 of 22819 matching essays
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10911: Adult Education In The U.S
... is important to bear in mind that most of the research that has been conducted on self-directed learning has investigated the activities of middle-class adults. Many self-directed learners are attempting to obtain new skills, knowledge, and attitudes to improve their work performance. Others conduct their self-directed learning to improve finally life and health, enjoy the arts and physical recreation, participate in a hobby, or simply develop their ... process whereby the learner takes responsibility for the construction of personal meaning. Self-monitoring is similar to responsibility to construct meaning. This may mean adding to and enriching existing knowledge structures or modifying and developing new knowledge. Internally, cognitive and metacognitive processes are involved with self-monitoring the construction of meaning. Cognitive ability is a core variable in self-directed learning. Bandura (1986) suggests that there are three self-regulated learning ... outcomes relative to others. Learners are motivated to act in ways that they believe will result in outcomes they value. Some school activities involve performance of previously learned skills, but much time is spent acquiring new knowledge, skills, and strategies. At the start of a learning activity, students differ in their self-efficacy for acquiring the new material as a result of prior experiences and aptitudes (abilities, attitudes). As students ...
10912: The Life Of George Washington
... of speech and writing. He enjoyed sports and social occasions, and he later became a surveyor for landowners on the Virginia frontier. George Washington was elected president of the United States in 1789, and in New York City on April 30, 1789, he took the oath of office as President of the United States at age 57. He was extremely influential in the initial operation of the new government. After the ballot he wrote, "My movements to the chair of government will be accompanied by feeling not unlike those of a culprit, who is going to the place of his execution." Washington's task was to organize a government but also create a role for the highest officer of the new nation. Both tasks earned him enemies. One of Washington's first duties of office was establishing a cabinet. He appointed Alexander Hamilton secretary of treasury and Thomas Jefferson secretary of state. Washington allowed Jefferson ...
10913: Slaughter House Five
It seems as though all we hear on the news lately is bad news. So it goes, right? After all, if we took to heart all the tragedies that occur everyday in the world we'd never get out of bed in the morning. We would have an overload of grief so heavy that we'd probably all die of a broken heart. What we sometimes forget is that ... for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Likewise, every time someone dies another is born. Every time a marriage ends in divorce, a newlywed couple celebrates their honeymoon somewhere else in the world. The world is in a constant state of renewal. So why do we only notice the bad things? Probably because we're human. Even though the bulk of our problems are self-inflicted or man-made, ...
10914: Zimbabwe 2
ZIMBABWE It was over twenty years ago when Zimbabwe received its independence, and the country had likelihood to become an African success story: good soil, lots of mineral resources and a new government that spoke of modernization and reform. Although today Zimbabwe looks to be caught in a downward fall in economics and politics (TIME). In April 1980, the former British colony of Southern Rhodesia was internationally recognized as the independent state of Zimbabwe. The country's new government was headed by the Zimbabwe National African Union-Patriotic Front(ZANU-PF), a group of African nationalists that had fought for a different kind of independence from that declared by Ian Smith's white regime in 1965 (TIME). Robert Mugabe, ZANU-PF's former leader, became the first head of Zimbabwe, calling for "a new spirit that must unite and not divide." Although while Zimbabwe had a fresh name and a fresh leader, it still had its former problems.The racial inequalities induced by white rule continued in the ...
10915: The Life of Kurt Vonnegut
The Life of Kurt Vonnegut The life of Kurt Vonnegut was filled with great accomplishments and great tragedies. The biggest tragedy that he faced had to be the fire bombing of Dresden in World War II. This is the topic of his book Slaughterhouse-Five. The book talks about one of Vonnegut's friends who slips in and out of reality, having flashbacks of the experience at Dresden. Kurt ... Monkey House. The next novel was Cat's Cradle in 1963, then The Sirens of the Titans and God Bless you, Mr. Rosewater in 1965 (Litz, 758). In Sluaghterhouse-Five, Vonnegut conveys the message that World War II was fought by children. He makes the vivid image of 17 and 18 year old boys in a far away place fighting for their country. That is the reason for the popular alternative ... that lead up to other devastating events in history (Reed 205). The historical allusions that Vonnegut uses are very repetitious. War seems to be a type of metaphor for the condition of people in the world and Dresden is the end result. It is Vonnegut's basis for what he thinks about society and human behavior. His cynical approach to war makes the book somewhat funny, yet every joke had ...
10916: Even Elephants are Afraid of Mice - A Creative Essay
... his prey. He fed on fear, and the greatest feast of all was just beginning. Meanwhile, the mouse began to grow restless in his hole. "Helm," the voice was confidant, "bring us about to a new bearing - 6148 mark 72." "Yes, sir, coming to new bearing." Moments ago this new voice had been sure and strong but a trace of trepidation could be detected. "Sir...", the anxiety in the sonar officer's voice grew rapidly. Now, like an animal trapped in a cage, the ...
10917: 1916 By Morgan Llywelyn
President Ben Mitchell 1916 by Morgan Llywelyn Morgan Llywelyn was born in New York City; her parents were Irish and Welsh-Irish. She is an Irish citizen and lives in Ireland year round. The majority of her books cover Ireland and Irish history. Ms. Llywelyn is the only ... ship, Ned meets Dan Duffy, and they become friends. When the ship begins to sink, Duffy and Ned are separated. After a long while, Ned jumps overboard. He was one of 675 survivors brought to New York on the Carpathia. Meanwhile, in New York, Kathleen hears of the disaster through her fiancι Alexander Campbell. Alexander worked for the White Star Line, the company that owned the Titanic. Kathleen is very worried about her family. She finds her ...
10918: The Truth of Suffering in King Lear
... evil ways. With his blindness, comes sight, or moreover insight. Gloucester, similarly to Lear, is not used to suffering. He feels his pain is more unbearable than any other. Gloucester: O you mighty gods! This world I do renoune, and in your sights Shake patiently my great affliction off. If I could bear it longer, and not fall To quarrel with your great opposeless wills, My snuff and loathed part of ... very different from that of Gloucester and Lear. They suffer simply by seeing other's suffer. Edgar's pain comes from seeing his father in the state he is in. Edgar: My father, poorly led? World, world, O world, But that thy strange mutations make us hate thee, Life would not yield to age. (4.1.10-2) Edgar suffers just watching his father. His goodness prevails in his response to ...
10919: Bus Boycott
... worked for the civil rights of African-Americans, by using the same tactics of non-violence that were used in the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Martin Luther King Jr. was elected as the president of this new organization. The SCLC went on to be one of the strongest organizations in the Civil Rights Movement. The leadership Martin Luther King Jr.in SCLC made him one of the most profound leaders of the ... souls and walk the streets of Montgomery until the walls of segregation were finally battered by the forces of justice.”5 End Notes 1Taylor Branch Parting the Water: America in the King Years, 1954-1963 (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1988) 140 2Lerone Bennett Jr. Before The Mayflower: A History of Black America (New York: Johnson Publishing Company, 1969) pg. 314. 3Branch 139 4 Branch 143 5 Juan Williams, Eyes on the Prize: America's Civil Rights Years, 1954-1965 (New York: Viking Penguin Inc., 1987) 89
10920: Julius Caesar: Addaddination
... was Caesar s overwhelming ambition and arrogant personality that resulted from his success, that made his assassination inevitable. Caesar was a fortunate man; he had lived in a great city, seen much of the western world, loved a foreign queen and accumulated enormous wealth. In a world where most rarely left their villages and were always under the shadow of debt, famine, and conquest, Gaius Julius Caesar was privileged. Throughout Caesar s life, he effectively displayed great political and military skill and ... in recent wars(Bernard, Caesar and Rome, p35). He even gave senatorial status and citizenship to non Romans from Italian cities- thus taking a momentous step towards changing Rome from a city state into a world empire(Nardon, The Importance of Caesar, p25). But Caesar had long lost the support of his people. By this time, the people had allowed Caesar become dictator strictly out of fear and idolatry. All ...

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