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1091: Computer Software Piracy and it's Impact on the International Economy
... creativity. The industry is thriving and users stand to benefit along with the publishers. The SPA (Software Publishers Association) reports that the problem of software theft has grown, and threatens to prevent the development of new software products. Unauthorized duplication of software is known as software piracy which is a "Federal offense that affects everyone” ("Software Use..." Internet). The following research examines software piracy in its various forms, its impact on ... made in alleviating the problem. Software piracy harms all software companies and ultimately, the end user. Piracy results in higher prices for honest users, reduced levels of support and delays in funding and development of new products, causing the overall breadth and quality of software to suffer” ("What is...” Internet). Even the users of unlawful copies suffer from their own illegal actions: they receive no documentation, no customer support and no ... a brochure published by the SPA it is stated that a major problem arises from the fact that most people do not even know they are breaking the law. "Because the software industry is relatively new, and because copying software is so easy, many people are either unaware of the laws governing software use or choose to ignore them" ("To Copy or not to Copy" Internet). Robert Perry states that ...
1092: Charles Dickins
The "rebirth" of art in Italy was connected with the rediscovery of ancient philosophy, literature, and science and the evolution of empirical methods of study in these fields. Increased awareness of classical knowledge created a new resolve to learn by direct observation and study of the natural world. Consequently, secular themes became increasingly important to artists, and with the revived interest in antiquity came a new repertoire of subjects drawn from Greek and Roman history and mythology. The models provided by ancient buildings and works of art also inspired the development of new artistic techniques and the desire to re- ...
1093: As A Technology, It Is Called Multimedia
... of television, the publishing power of the printing press, and the interactive power of the computer. Multimedia is the convergence of these different professions, once thought independent of one another, coming together to form a new technological approach to the way information and ideas are shared. What will society look like under the evolving institutions of interactive multimedia technologies? Well, if the 1980's were a time for media tycoons, the ... demand, video games, databases, educational programming, home shopping, telephone services, telebanking, teleconferencing, even the complex simulations of virtual reality. This souped-up television will itself be a powerful computer. This, many believe, will be the world's biggest media group, letting consumers tune into anything, anywhere, anytime. The most extraordinary thing about the multimedia boom, is that so many moguls are spending such vast sums to develop digital technologies, for the ... still largely hypothetical. So what is behind such grand prophecies? Primarily, two technological advances known as digitization (including digital compression), and fibre optics. Both are indispensable to the high-speed networks that will deliver dynamic new services to homes and offices. Digitization means translating information, either video, audio, or text, into ones and zeros, which make it easier to send, store, and manipulate. Compression squeezes this information so that more ...
1094: Louis Armstrong’s Influential Career
Louis Armstrong’s Influential Career Louis Armstrong was the most successful and talented jazz musician in history. His influence and expansive career continues to make waves in the jazz world. That is what made him become what he is to many today – a legend. Born on August 4, 1901, in the poorest section of New Orleans, Armstrong grew up with his grandparents due to his parents’ separation. On January 1, 1913 he made a mistake which turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to him. At a New Year’s celebration in downtown New Orleans, Louis Armstrong, also known as “Satchmo” and “Satch”, fired a pistol into the air and was placed in the Colored Waifs’ Home. It was there that he ...
1095: Computer Viruses: Past, Present And Future
... from 1994 to 1995. More Viruses Mean More Infections Virus infections are a growing problem, in part, because there are more strains of viruses than ever before. In 1986, there were just four PC viruses. New viruses were a rarity, with a virus strain created once every three months. By 1989, a new virus appeared every week. By 1990, the rate rose to once every two days. Now, more than three viruses are created every day - for an average 110 new viruses created in a typical month. From those modest four viruses in 1986, today's computer users face thousands of virus strains. Number Of Unique Viruses Here is the frightening part: Most infections today ...
1096: The Bicycle Past, Present And
... very popular among the rich of the time, since no one else could afford them. Around 1863 many different inventors experimented with different ways to modify the out of date hobby horse, so with the new technology the new bicycle was known as the "Bone Shaker."(Lehrer 43) It was named this because of the hard materials used to make this bicycle, most were made of a wood frame with steel wheels. The movement ... bicycle as a mode of transportation as well as a recreational vehicle.(Ballantine 187) "Let me tell you what I think of bicycling. I think It has done more to emancipate woman all around the world. I stand and rejoice every time I see a woman ride by on a wheel. It gives women freedom and self reliance."(Susan B. Anthony, qtd. In Mozer) By the beginning of World War ...
1097: The 411 On Copyright For Net P
... purchase the latest National Geographic. Even if you are stuck in Peoria,[1] the family can gather around the key board, open up your Happy Meals and view some of the Best Photography in the world. You want pictures? Boy do we have pictures, click onto the Photo Net Index for a inventory of photographers portfolios, galleries, and museums. Who owns the copyrights to all these cool Net photos? This paper ... photos in relation to contemporary photographers; stock photo agencies; publishers; and Net users. THE NET PHOTOG ENTREPRENEUR NET ADVANTAGES Contemporary Photographers are creating homepages to display portfolios on the Net to advertise for jobs, learn new skills, network with colleagues, and provide pleasure to the viewing public. Stacy Rosenstock's portfolio is an example of the excellent photo art available for viewing on the Net. Photographer/author/adventurer Philip Greenspun uses ... provides a minimum of 25 years protection for photographic works and member states may provide additional protection.[21] Mr. Cinque presents the case for and against increasing global enforcement of copyright protections in the digital world and concludes that international enforcement is necessary to continue to encourage artists to share work on-line.[22] ECONOMIC INCENTIVES Mr. Cinque's view supports the widely held assumption that artists require broad copyrights ...
1098: Computer Communications
Computer Communications Communications. I could barely spell the word, much less comprehend its meaning. Yet when Mrs. Rubin made the announcement about the new club she was starting at the junior high school, it triggered something in my mind. Two weeks later, during the last month of my eighth grade year, I figured it out. I was rummaging through ... Those otherwise-incomprehensible computer magazines that my dad brought home from work ran monthly stories on communications-program this, and Internet-system that. Cleveland Freenet's Freeport software began appearing on systems all over the world, in places as far away as Finland and Germany - with free telnet access! I didn't live life as a normal twelve-year-old kid that summer. I sat in front of the monitor twenty ... to school in the fall, I was elected the first president of Teleport 2000, partially because I was the only student in-the school with a freenet account, but mostly because my enthusiasm for this new, exciting world was contagious. Today, as the business world is becoming more aware of the advantages of telecommunications, and the younger generation is becoming more aware of the opportunities, it is successfully being integrated ...
1099: Uses Of Networking
... of networks 3 Sharing 3 Communication 3 Allows 3 Allows 3 Resource Sharing 4 Automated Stock Control 4 E-Mail 4 Video Conferencing 5 The Internet in Business 6 E-commerce 6 Globalization and The New Economic order 7 Use of links in Marketing & Portal web sites 7 Security 8 Hardware Security 9 Software Security 9 Protecting confidential information 10 Hackers 11 Viruses 11 Data protection ACT 12 Possible future legislation ... people regardless of geographical boundaries, meeting can be between long distances saving money on travel expenses. -The Internet in business -E-commerce The Internet in Business E-commerce E-commerce represents nothing less than a new economic order, large High street retail outlets are now marketing there goods over the internet, there is nothing that cannot be bought in the High street that cannot be bought over the internet from the ... choose which functions/extras wanted, color, size, shape and then at the click of a button order to be delivered. It is believed this will be the next revolution in Internet sales. -Globalization and the new economy -Links in marketing Globalization and The New Economic order Every business in the world large or small now has access to a global market, the potential for this is unlimited, along with this ...
1100: Atomic Bomb
... entire country to its knees is a true testament to the awesome power they held. There is nothing in modern warfare that can compete with the devastating effects of nuclear weapons. At the beginning of World War II, the Japanese were a major threat to the Asian World. On December 7, 1941, when they decided to attack Pearl Harbor (a US naval base in Hawaii), it was evident that their intentions were not limited to Asia. The United States entered World War II as a result of this attack. The war continued for six long years, and involved most of the major World Powers. During this time, there were many battles between the United States ...

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