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Search results 10851 - 10860 of 22819 matching essays
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10851: Examine The Social Conditions
The decision to colonise New South Wales in the late 18th century was influence by a number of social and political situations, which developed throughout Britain in the 18th century. The British society was dramatically changing due to the Industrial ... prisoners sentenced to transportation were kept in old hulks on the Thames so they could clean it up, while it was decided where the prisoners would be sent. In 1786 it was decided to colonise New South Wales. The growing number of prisoners could no longer be ignored. So plans started to be formulated for the long journey of the First Fleet. Britain decided to colonise New South Wales because of desperate social conditions. The conditions of the British society in the 18th Century were one of desperation and despair for the poor. The Industrial Revolution brought about many changes in ...
10852: Victorian Doubt In God
... the reign of Queen Victoria. Carlyle doubts man s beliefs because he understands man s insignificance in the realm of things and thus wonders how any of man s answers to any questions of the world could be right. He doubts many things especially God. To Carlyle, God did not represent an answer to the problems of the world: We, the whole species of Mankind, and our whole existence and history, are but a floating speck in the illimitable ocean of the All; yet in that ocean; indissoluble portion thereof; partaking of its infinite ... which asserted that mankind, was progressing from a point when it would rely on science for understanding instead of superstition . In Memoriam presents the long struggle of a man trying to make sense of a world and a God that has taken his friend. In the process the concept of typology incorporates evolutionary thought into the Christian mythos. In that way, Tennyson presents for the reader a way to hold ...
10853: Fordham University
... my options and to consider four-year schools that I could not only excel in, but could also enjoy. While at the two-year school, I decided that I would like to be educated in New York City. Always intrigued by the diversity and opportunities in New York, I was also attracted by New York’s reputation for excellent theatre. As an aspiring theatre producer, I decided New York would be an ideal setting for me. During my first round of searching, I thought I would be happiest ...
10854: Ford Focus Copying Honda Civic
Ford Focus Copying Honda Civics? Have you ever heard of a live commercial? Or better yet ever seen one? Well Ford Motor Company is about to launch the new Focus. The Focus is targeted at the first time buyers market. Ford Motors is spending at least $100 million dollars in this new approach marketing strategy. I always thought that TV commercial's were pre-recorded. This is not the case here. Ford is actually launching a miniseries of commercials to create a following like a sitcom. With ... Honda has proven that it is not the advertisement, but loyal customers that spreads the word and the best car on the market for the resell value. I have bought my 97 Honda Civic brand new two years ago. I paid $14,700 total for the car. My car is now worth $13,800 according to Kelly Blue Book. My friend bought a Ford Escort the same year and paid $ ...
10855: Animal Farm: Utopia
... the drawing- room, even though Napoleon was against all of this in the beginning he became a big part of these activities. From this scene some animals are starting to notice their "Equal and Perfect" world is becoming not so equal any more. As the years pass by there are more incidents that prove, Napoleon wants to have more power. Also the "Utopia" idea is going away. Napoleon uses Snowball to ... animals are more equal than others. After all of this confusing the animals are very confused. They just go along with the scenario but some do not approve. The animals start to see there "perfect" world disappear. Orwell shows Old Major ideas of a Utopia vanish by having Napoleon emerge as a tyrant leader and shows that he is power hungry from the start. Throughout the story Napoleon starts to change ... only one who can read, so know one can remember the original Commandments. Napoleon like any tyrant blames his problems on everyone else and in the end ruins the animal's ideas of a perfect world completely. This story teaches people there is no perfect world and somebody always wants more.
10856: The Y2K Problem
... and the potential liability for program failures of this magnitude. One of the questions that information technology managers are being asked about the year 2000 situation is "who's to blame?". While this is a new occupancy on the millennium bug field, and not much information was available, it is conceivable that external contractors who provided software may be faced with expensive lawsuits related to the inevitable failure of their software ... solution being implemented in corporations with large IT sections and have some plan in place. Through re-engineering their existing source code they can develop applications that support the 2000 format. At the same time new features can be added and the source can be recompiled to work under improved hardware. Like any other approach, it has it's benefits and pitfalls: Makes use of existing source code, and where compilers ... to the conclusion that replacing your system altogether is a more attractive option. This step requires a great deal of planning and foresight. If your system is seriously affected, replacing your existing processing applications with new ones that can convert your old data may be an appropriate decision to make. Communicate with Business Partners What are your suppliers and customers doing? If your systems are interdependent, then you need to ...
10857: Gun Control: Simple Solution or Ticket to Trouble
... of 1994, only 3% of homicides involved the use of any type of rifle, including assault. President Clinton has also targeted ammunition in his fight against guns. He claims, along with gun ban supporters, that new ammunition has been developed to defeat bullet resistant vests. They are using this claim to make congress pass this new legislation. But there has really not been any new armor penetrating ammunition that has come out. A survey shows that of officers fatally shot during the last 10 years, 70% were not wearing vests; 95% of those who were, were shot in unprotected ...
10858: White Fang
... of the unknown. The third and most dramatic example of the wild’s influence on White Fang happened late in the book after Weedon Scott had met White Fang. White Fang was torn between his new found feeling of love and the way of life in the wild that he had enjoyed and mastered throughout his life. This proves the strength that the wild has on the creatures who live in ... house on a lake, so that I can be alone with all the things I have grown to love. The third example of the wilds influence on my life is the constant searching for something new and exciting that I have never done before. These are all ways that the wild has influenced my life. White Fangs dealings with the wild have had a similar effect to the dealing with the ... mother and the lynx. White Fang was angry at first but after having his shoulder split to the bone he became filled with fear. The third and most dramatic showing of fear was while his new master, Weedon Scott had left for the summer. White Fang was so afraid of loosing the love master that he did not eat or sleep for weeks. "White Fang, who had never known sickness ...
10859: English Gcse Media Essay
... a man in a space suit in outer space looking up beyond infinity. So as space men are looked upon as top class people who have achieved many peoples ambition to look down on the world this what he is portrayed as in the advertisement. The two advertisements reinforce gender stereotypes by showing the men as successful, and fearless. One is a business man kyaking and the other is an astronaut ... advertisements stereotyping females have the subject still and motionless with no action making them seem elegant and stylish. 2.How far do you think advertisements reflect society as it really is? In today s modern world advertisements reflect society in a materialistic way. They only show the god conditions and perfect lifestyle that people want to believe is their society I like or will become. A good example of how advertisements show a materialistic world is the models that star in them. They are usually tall, thin, and with visible curves when they are female and muscular, young and cool when they are male. In an advert for a ...
10860: Critical Review of 1984 By George Orwell
... an enemy of the people. The assembeled people go through several different reactions, some boo him, others scream and become violent. I feel that George Orwell accomplished his goal of telling how he viewed the world of the future. He used excellent description of places, events and people that I can't even attempt to repeat. He used the prospective of several different people through Winston's interaction of them, and their disscusions. He also used his imagination extreemly well to describe the technology that is used to control the people of the world. Even today we are making things that Orwell described like the telescreens. He also used comparisons of the real world to the world of his story. The image of Emmanual Goldstein was an excellent likness to Hitler. Along with the large numbers of countries that join together to form an alliance for a common ...

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