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Search results 10811 - 10820 of 22819 matching essays
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10811: WWII
The U.S. Entering World War II "A date that will live in infamy," (Snyder 33) was what President Franklin Delano Roosevelt called December 7, 1941. It was a calm Sunday morning at Pearl Harbor on the island of Oahu ... the base by surprise due to the Americans' tradition of not working on Sunday's. As the bombs fell, so did all the chances of the United States not joining the Allies in the second world war that was raging in Europe and the western Pacific. Up to that point the U.S. had just been supporting the Allies but they weren't technically at war with the Axis powers. All ... were a small price to pay for the possibilities of what economic fortunes laid ahead of the U.S. All the planning and effort that went into this scheme, ended up allowing Roosevelt to enter World War II. The attack on Pearl Harbor angered the general public of the United States, and if the majority of the people want something the congress will give it to them just so that ...
10812: Settings In Jane Eyre
... Jane how to forgive people and their shortcomings. "Love your enemies; bless them that curse you; do good to them that hate you and despiteful use you." (69). Helen's kind words gave her a new sense of being. "Then learn from me, not to judge by appearances" (88). This was the first time in Jane's life that she felt the sense of being accepted: "I would not now have ... his did not have a will. Jane only knew of Mr. Rochester from Mrs. FairFax's descriptions. Mrs. Fairfax described him as a person who kept to himself. She was happy and content in her new home, yet it has many mysteries that intrigue Jane. "Thornfield was a fine old home, rather neglected of late years perhaps, but still it was a respectable place." (112). Jane finally met Mr. Rochester on ... An agony of inward contempt masters me. I never loved." (344). She felt that Rochester hated his wife because she had gone insane. Jane decided that she must leave and set out to find a new home, "I must leave Adele and Thornfield." (342). Jane left Thornfield with only twenty shillings. She decided to take a coach as far as her money could take her. After she ran out of ...
10813: A Comparison Between The Dysto
... The Matrix, Neo has mechanical implants throughout his body, a painful reminder that he, too, used to be part of the Matrix. Had Morpheus not freed Neo, he would have never realized that the real world is actually a post-apocalyptic dystopia at the end of the 22nd century. In fact, the movie also explicitly says that our world right now is an imperfect society and hints that our society could never become utopic because "human beings define their reality through misery and suffering. So the perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from"(The Matrix). By choosing an imperfect person as the protagonist, the director/author is able to remind the reader that the ...
10814: The Crucible: John Proctor
... vice of god and they were pure of blemishes. Proctor also fought the court trying to keep them from convicting his spouse even though nobody else would dare to do. Another quality that made him brave was when he confessed to the court that he had an affair with Abigail just to save his life. That John Proctor is brave, is obvious but ha can also be very extreme at some times. An instance of Proctor's extremity was when he shouted, "I say - I say - God is dead!"(Pg. 119), and that he will ... because the court was controlled by religion. Keeping Mary Warren from court was extreme because he was keeping her from doing her duty and from feeling important for the first time. Even if one is brave or extreme, doesn't mean that they cannot be dignified too. Proctor acted dignified when he tries to please his wife in every way after he admitted to having an affair with Abigail. He ...
10815: Area 51
... the Air Force's replacement for the SR-71 Blackbird and F-117a Stealth Fighter spy planes. Area 51 is also one of the three supposed places parts of the UFO that crashed in Roswell, New Mexico were shipped to. Area 51 is a block of government land about 95 miles north of Las Vegas. It is surrounded by the Nevada Test Site and the Nellis Air Force Range. The name ... were flight tested here long before being made public. Since the government won't acknowledge anything about the base, it's hard to know what is going on there now. Common rumors suggest two possible new aircraft, an ultra-high speed spy plane known as "Aurora" and a smaller version of the B-2 which purportedly might replace the F-117A. This area has long been rich in UFO lore. Whatever ... not the case for Site Four employees. They were required to utilize the commuter flights from Las Vegas. A just recently released environmental impact report for TTR (1994 Site Environmental Report, TTR), contains a few new clues. While not mentioning Site Four anywhere in the document, it does identify a facility that would be immediately adjacent to where Site Four has been shown on earlier maps. It could account for ...
10816: Concentration Camps
... years in many countries. All of these camps sharing the inhumanity and cruelty of exposing other humans to such drastic extremes and torture. Millions have died in these camps due t the heartless actions of world leaders and countries in crisis and war. MILITARY CAMPS Many times in history have the strategic Military camps been used. Military camps were used during war. They were a mental and physical tool. They used ... signed a peace treaty. The remaining Boers in the camps were released. Unfortunately the Boers were still under English control. In 1914 the Boers were called on by the English to fight in the first World War. Political Camps Political concentration camps are the more well known type of camp. The most famous example of camps (the German camps) was a political camp. Political camps were created to keep control over ... camps is that internment camps were not used for genocide they were only used to intern certain people during times of crisis. Countries that have used internment camps are the United States interned Japanese during World War II and Canada interned Ukrainians during World War I and Canada interned the French in the 1970’s. Concentration camps have plagued the earth for hundreds of years taking away human rights and ...
10817: East Asian Crisis In The Econo
... to close, and property values to drop. The crisis was brought on by currency devaluations, bad banking practices, high foreign debt, loose government regulation, and corruption. Due to East Asia’s large impact on the world economy, the panic in Thailand, Indonesia, Korea, and other Asian countries has prompted other countries to worry about the affect on their own economies and offer aid to the financially troubled nations (Sanger 1). The ... turmoil and the layoffs that may result, could instigate increased discontent and possibly give rise to violent strikes, riots, and greater political instability (1-2). Reven 3 Since the financial tumult causes instability in the world market, several solutions have been proposed designed to restore the health of the Asian economy. The International Monetary Fund is offering $60 billion in aid packages to Thailand, Indonesia, and South Korea (Lacayo 1). The aid will be used for converting short-term debt to long-term debt and to keep currencies from falling lower in the world market (Passell 2). Lower currency values make repaying loans to other nations more difficult (Sanger 1 ). The aid packages are tied to measures that will ensure that the recipient countries reform their economies. Some ...
10818: Bill Gates and Microsoft
... he has believed that every home could have a computer and that became Microsoft’s corporate mission. Bill doesn’t like the metaphor “information superhighway” due to its implied landscape, geography, and distance. What this new communications technology was trying to do was eliminate this very distance. At the time of writing this book, he made a bold prediction, comparing the Internet to a market. Gates had anticipated many things that ... were pioneers in developing the personal computer. In 1975 they together created a version of BASIC for the Altair 8800, the first minicomputer kit. This was the beginning of the now giant, Microsoft. With this new computer technology came information. Information was now quickly becoming the most valuable commodity. Many engineers have used the binary system, invented by Claude Shannon in the 1930’s, to make information less redundant. This is ... because all other computer companies wanted to make their machines compatible to the IBM machines, which made the Microsoft software essential. In 1984 Apple released the Macintosh computer, this release took personal computing to a new level. The Macintosh was based on a GUI (Graphic User Interface). This type of system used a new invention called a mouse, which could point to pictures on the screen to perform activities. One ...
10819: Creative Writing: Stanley
... he would never have accepted this job if his friend Kyle had not asked him. Looking aloof, Stanley drove on. Stanley was aloof for many reasons. Even as Stanley entered the parking lot of his new employer, he thought that this was probably the worst mistake that he could have made. Stanley already was employed as a cashier at Butchered Prices town market, and constructed buildings for a general contractor. As ... given the response "Dunno." Dunno, What an asshole, Stanley thought to himself. Giving up all hope on the worthless shoe rental man, Stanley decided to go to the manager's office, hoping to see his new boss and therefore finding Kyle. Again, his presumptions were wrong. The manager's door was locked and a note attached to it: Gone fishing...You'll never find me. Stanley found this particularly annoying, but ... bowling alley, he noticed two paramedics run by with a stretcher. Stanley presumed, naturally, that the events to come could bear nothing better than a bad connotation. Proceeding farther into the corridor, Stanley saw his new boss Mike, who had his name written in large white letters above the word Staff on his shirt, had fallen into the pin-chasing machine and amputated his legs. Mike, who owned the bowling ...
10820: Canadians, And Why They Should Be Banned From America
... the U.S. border. If you agree read on, if not, continue anyway. In this essay I hope to persuade you, the reader, to fear and hate the abomination that has been brought upon the world, that is right I am referring to our northern neighbors the Canadians. First and foremost I would like to talk about the problem of Canadian unification. The Canadians cannot keep their country together; this is ... a huge problem with falling in line with other countries. They resent international harmony and that is why they must little differences in their country, that way they can not join the rest of the world in one total earth government. Many countries nowadays are becoming democracies. Why? These countries realize that although the system isn't perfect it is better than Communism or any diluted form like Socialism, which is the current system of government in Canada. A second small difference in Canada is the Mounties. Why can't the Canadians call them Police like the rest of the world, because the feel that they have to be different than everyone else. The third way is their money. Canadians do not have any of their heads-of-state, past or present on their money. ...

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