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Search results 10801 - 10810 of 22819 matching essays
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10801: The "Invisible" Problems of Racism
The "Invisible" Problems of Racism The problem with racism is that many people don't think it is. Many live their lives not even realizing what is happening the world around them. "Racism, here, nah." Others know all about it, but they don't realize that they themselves, yes, themselves, are racists. "Huh, I'm not racist. What do you mean? I'm more open ... they could have been a criminal. A robber from "the hood." After all, isn't that what most of "them" are. No one deserves to be prejudged like that. The prejudice of people in the world is disgusting. The worst part of it all is that they don't even know that they are doing it. They think it's j! ust no rmal behavior. It doesn't even phase them when they do it. Then there are those who are completely unaware of racism in the world. They walk down the streets, through the stores and working at their job, completely oblivious. They're so blind! Why can't they see what is happening around them? Have they really lived such ...
10802: Tom Clancy: Rainbow Six
Tom Clancy: Rainbow Six This book was published by G.P. Putnam's Sons in New York, USA. Copyright date is 1998. There are 740 pages in this book. Thomas L. Clancy, Jr. was born on the 12th of April 1947, he is married and lives in Maryland, USA. Clancy's ... Popov, he is an ex-KGB agent who is now working as a ‘special consultant'. He will become very important later on in the book. Clark is the commander and in charge of starting a new European anti-terrorist group called Rainbow Six. Rainbow Six is split into two teams; Team 1 and Team 2. These teams are the best there is. They are based in Hereford, England, but any European ... he is extremely wealthy. Lets call him the Boss (sorry forgot his name). Popov has nothing to do with the hostage taking of the children in Spain, that was the Jackal. Popov is living in New York will he is organizing these jobs and flies back and forth from Europe to organize them. After all three incidents happen, Popov thought there was something weird about the way the take downs ...
10803: The Scarlet Letter: Do You Dread Guilt?
... guilt in another way. Instead of worrying about it day after day and letting to fester, she makes it outward. At the beginning of the book she wears the most awesome clothes and shows the world she's not guilty for what she has done. An example of this is, "And never had Hester Prynne appeared more lady-like, in the antique interpretation of the term, than as she issued from ... young wife that also didn't love him. But Roger doesn't notice is second sin, taking revenge on Arthur Dimmesdale. An example of this is, "We are not, Hester, the worst sinners in the world. There is one worse then even the polluted priest! That old man's revenge has been blacker then my sin. He has violated, in cold blood, the sanctity of a human heart. Thou and I ... fate was the most horrible of the three. To overcome this great guilt the character's handle it in there own way. Hester Prynne handles it by trying to hide nothing, trying to show the world, see what I did and I'm proud of it! Arthur Dimmesdale handles his terrible guilt by concealing it to himself. To overcome it he would whip himself, take long walks into the forest, ...
10804: Slavery
... domance in the slave trade that brought African labor to the colonies. The trasatlantic slave trade between Africa and North America lasted less than 170 years, even though slavery existed in the colonies and the new United States. The constitutional delegates were able to reach a compromise on the issue of slavery representation. They decided that for the purpose of representation, each slave would count for three-fifths of a person ... the 1860's southern plantations were producing 75 percent of the worlds cotton. This meant that they needed more land, but also more hands to do the terrible and painful labor. The slave traders of New England and the native cheifs of Africa produced the necessary slaves. There have been two basic types of slavery in the past. The most common was the household slave or domestic slave. Although these slaves ... Many of the American Statesmen felt that slavery was a dying insititution and they hoped it would end as soon as possible. When the Continental Congress met in 1787 to write a constitution for the new nation, many of the slaves were far from abolishing slavery. Many people were disgusted by the cruleties of the slave trade. By 1787 seven northern states had outlawed slavery. Unfortunately, because of the huge ...
10805: Watership Down 2
... reader in and the plot is a well constructed to hold their attention. Watership Down's plot is an interesting story of all the hardships that a few rabbits have to overcome to find a new home. They leave the safety of their warren and set out across unknown land to find a new home. Watership Down is filled with personification. Adams wanted to try to give the reader an understanding into the life of rabbits. During the book he goes into explanation of certain things that rabbits do ... the many antagonists that the rabbits have to overcome. This plays a big role in the book because the book is about the rabbits being faced with obstacles that stand in the way with their new warren. The antagonists are other rabbits, nature, and themselves. After they have been traveling for a while, they start to doubt if they can make it much farther. Most of the rabbits think it ...
10806: Battle Of Gettysburg
... become accustomed to losing. Fresh from two devastating defeats within the past six months, the AOP was chasing a seemingly invincible fighting machine. To heighten the odds against the blue underdogs, they were given a new commander, Major General George Meade, only four days before they were to fight what would become the battle of their lives. So why did the Union win at Gettysburg? The men in blue fought like ... in a desperate attempt to blunt the Confederate attack. Even Doubleday's unit placed in reserve, the Iron Brigade's 6th Wisconsin, engaged the 2nd Mississippi when that Confederate regiment was roughly handling the 147th New York. These Federal regiments, charging under the leadership of Major Edward Page of the 90th New York and Lt. Colonel Rufus Dawes of the 6th Wisconsin, finally captured close to 1,000 prisoners in Gettysburg's infamous unfinished railroad cut. History does not usually treat the fourth Union commander of ...
10807: Stress On Police Officers
... departments almost doubled. What is the difference? You can't choke them anymore! Street justice is all but gone. Everyone has video cameras. The media gets off on putting down cops. Politicians continue to throw new laws and restrictions for police officers that further tie their hands, and you can't choke anyone with your hands tied! So you start to feel that you're choking yourself. Lets take a quick ... of stressors by police officers. One of the worst effects of stress on police officers is of course suicide. We are becoming too familiar with police suicide, especially with the attention the media has given New York City. Twice as many police officers die by their own hand as do in the line of duty. (New York Times, 1994) A study of 2376 Buffalo NY police officers found that, compared to the white male population police officers, there were higher mortality rates for cancer, suicide, and heart disease. The suggested ...
10808: Native Son: Bigger
... identity for himself. Book three of the novel offers an emotional confusion within the mind of Bigger, which soon leads him to contrive a self-realization. Immediately one observes that "toward no one in the world did he (Bigger) feel any fear now"(254). This is a recent change in Bigger's mind set. He knows that he has pushed himself to the limits, and he is in control of what ... them feel guilt, they will try desperately to justify it on any grounds"(360), which is precisely what Bigger is attempting through mental detachment. Bigger "didn't know I (he) was really alive in this world until"(392) he killed Mary Dalton. Bigger realizes that he committed the murders in order to establish his existence in this world. Wright utilizes this perception to elevate Bigger to the stature of a tragic hero. In addition, he also uses the argument that Bigger is a victim of his environment to achieve the same status. ...
10809: Henrik Ibsen
... Gregers confronts Hialmar and begins to rescue his friend from a life of self-indelusion. Here is where Ibsen introduces the wild duck to the play. In the first place the wild duck represents the world of fantasy through which Hialmar and his father compensate for the drabness and mediocrity of their lives. The wild duck is the final touch, which brings their hunting ground in the garret to a state ... to self-fulfillment. The final act begins with a discussion between Relling and Gregers. Relling’s happens to be the dominant force in this one. He explains his methods, telling the reader that “all the world is sick,” and the usual treatment is “trying to keep up the make-believe of life in him.” This gives the reader an insight to Relling’s realistic character in that he believes that most ... his life as the “thirteenth table.” At the conclusion of this play it is unclear which side Ibsen wishes the reader to take. Gregers possesses righteous ideals of the truth, while Relling encourages a fantasy world. Under Relling’s guidance Hialmar is happy but he quickly falls into a depression when Gregers shows him the truth about his life. Yet after Hedvig’s sacrifice both men offer arguments, which further ...
10810: Men And Women
... long. Our roof or shingles has been on our house for 29 years and has received some fading due to the long sunny days.. My dad and I both agree that the house needs a new roof. Inside, we are having the color changed to an even lighter white than it is now. I like the idea because it will brighten up the rooms and make them look even bigger. But ... this color. My mom has just completed painting her bedroom and bathroom. It now looks much like a room she saw at some better homes and garden magazine. She put up wallpaper and added some new moldings. She also put in a whole new sink with a brand new vanity. Best of all, she even convinced my dad to help her do it. I think they did a great job and it looks really nice, but what is ...

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