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Search results 10761 - 10770 of 22819 matching essays
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10761: "A Man for All Seasons": Common Attitude
... If we should bump into one another, recognize me." (p. 94-95) The common man's words are true not only to the time of Thomas More, but as well throughout history. Many in the world today follow the same philosophy that the common man states at the end of the play. Most people would rather avoid the troubles caused by being an individual. However, there are a few, such as ... More, who follow their conscience, who are willing to take on the extra stresses that come with being one's own person. The statement made by the common man, although practiced by many in the world today, is the wrong way to think. The man says to survive in the world one must leave behind their morals, and to forget their conscience. While this may lead to temporary happiness in life, it may lead to eternal punishment after death. In the modern world, this philosophy ...
10762: Kantian Philosophy of Morality
... The initial stage of the Universal Law Formation of the Categorical Imperative requires that a maxim be universally applicable to all rational beings. M1 succeeds in passing the first stage. We can easily imagine a world in which paramedics always answer widows truthfully when queried. Therefore, this maxim is logical and everyone can abide by it without causing a logical impossibility. The next logical step is to apply the second stage ... but ended up drowning, and he was wearing a brown suit and brown loafers, then you should tell the widow that he died instantly in order to spare her feelings." We can easily imagine a world in which all paramedics lied to widows in this specific situation. That does not necessarily mean that it will pass the second test however. Even if it does pass the first test, narrowing down maxim ... everyone else. If you create a maxim about lying to widows that is specific enough to pass the first test, so can everyone else. One must ask if rational beings would really will such a world in which there would be many, many specific, but universal, laws. In order to answer this question, one must use the rational "I" for the statement "I, as a rational being would will such ...
10763: Nuclear Energy
... reasons that most scientific studies are begun; to understand more about the universe and the laws by which the universe works. The more knowledge we have about the universe, the more we can control the world in which we live. Nuclear energy is contained in the center, or nucleus of an atom. This energy is also known as atomic energy because its obtained from atoms, unfortunately this is not a good ... There is no specific place where nuclear nergy may be found, neither is there a special geographical place a nuclear power plant must be located. There are many hundreds of nuclear power plants throughout the world, not to mention, many military and research reactors. In the United states alone there are over a hundred plants; about 15% of the nations electricity is produced at these plants. Frace is the leading user of nuclear energy throughout the world, 65% of their electricity is prduced in Nuclear power plants. Other leaders include; Belgium-60%, Sweden-50%, Switzerland-40%, Finland-38%, West Germany-30%, Japan- 22%, Spain and Britain-20%, and Soviet-Union-14%. ...
10764: The NAFTA Scam
... the U.S. has lost over 250,000 jobs. When workers lose their jobs because a plant relocates to Mexico, they usually experience a serious decline in their standard of living, even if they get new jobs. Workers rehired after losing their jobs in the early 90's suffered an annual pay loss of over $4,400. Corporations use NAFTA as a bargaining chip to limit union organizing and keep wages ... UNITE members-and all workers in North America-are painfully aware of NAFTA's impact on workers. But, someone is surely benefiting from this trade agreement. If they weren't, there wouldn't be this new push to expand NAFTA even further. So, who's reaping the rewards? Multinational corporations benefit from NAFTA The NAFTA legislation is 2,000 pages, almost all of which is concerned with reducing trade barriers and ... Canada and Mexico and the inconsistent enforcement of labor standards and workplace regulations in Mexico combine to provide a powerful incentive for multinational corporations to move production to Mexico. Now, we have to fight a new NAFTA Big business interests and their political allies are proposing to extend NAFTA, first to Chile and then to the Caribbean Basin, and ultimately to all of Latin America... The Clinton Administration's position ...
10765: Elie Wiesel Biography
... at the Sorbonne. With a strong desire to write, Elie worked as a journalist in Paris before coming to the United States in 1956. He became an American citizen almost by accident. After being in New York City on an assignment, he was hit by a taxi, and confined to a wheelchair for a year. A friend convinced him to apply for U.S. citizenship, and he eventually decided to remain ... The Fifth Son. Wiesel's most recent books published in the United States are A Passover Haggadah, Sages and Dreamers. The first volume of his memoirs, "All Rivers Run to the Sea" was published in New York by Knopf publishers in December 1995. THIS IS ELIE PICTURED WEARING HIS NOBEL PRIZE MEDAL THAT HE WON IN 1986 He has been awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the United States Congressional Gold ... Island Medal of Honor in 1992 and He has received more than seventy-five honorary degrees from institutions of higher learning. Elie Wiesel has been Distinguished Professor of Judaic Studies at the City University of New York (1972-1976), and first Henry Luce Visiting Scholar in the Humanities and Social Thought at Yale University (1982-1983). Since 1976, he has been the Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities at ...
10766: Kurt Cobain
... the age of thirty, he became known as a legend like Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Jim Morris. All were twenty-seven when they died ("Biography"). On the announcement of Kurt Cobain's death, the world sat in disbelief. For days the media reported on Kurt's suicide. On the 9th of April 1994 CNN reported: The music world stood still today, in disbelief, as news of the horrific death of rock star Kurt Cobain eco'd around the world. The 27 year old front man of the band Nirvana was discovered dead yesterday at his luxurious Seattle residence, after a self inflicted gun wound to the head. Cobain's wife Courtney Love, who ...
10767: Simile Of The Cave
... the past. Plato describes men as being chained in a dark subterranean chamber with their eyes permanently turned to a screen before them, upon which pass the shadows of men living and working in the world of light. Since the prisoners in the underground cave have never known reality other than those shadows, they take them for all that actually is "the whole truth", and if voices from the world above do reach them, they believe it is the shadows speaking. In comparison of this to our government today, many similarities can be seen. Citizens of our nation today are often "blinded" from the truths ... themselves, this is the way that they will always live their life. Plato symbolizes this by suggesting that one of these men is freed and ventures out of the cave into the light, or the world above, and sees the sun, symbolizing "the form of the good". Plato’s object in this work was not of personal enlightenment; he had the sense to understand that where communication was lacking, such ...
10768: Music Censorship
... Love will rip off her bra for the audience to marvel and glorify at her action (Bernstein 95). She acts in such a fashion because she is insane and wants to prove it to the world, where as Billy Joe just performs naked for the shock value and the love of hearing tabloids and gossip. Both performers of past and present conducted strange acts on stage for the shock value and ... could at least put blame where blame is due, the law enforcement agencies. The arrests of Tu Pac Shakur, Snoop Doggy Dog, and Flavor Flav show what little effect rap actually has in the real world (Leland 64). These people should be the classic American success story: young unknown men, who through a lot of hard work and talent, rose to be the millionaire with the mansion on the hill. Ironically ... but then evolved into something else (Leland 64). Also, he feels that we should acknowledge the "obvious" correlations between the constant, negative, violent messages that are being put out by rap and violence in the world (Leland 64). He realizes that some people take the rap they listen to very seriously and just wants to warn people of why and how these boys can sing about such violence and destruction. ...
10769: The Native American Attitude Toward the Land
... as shown by "From the Houses of Magic" the story tells of a great spirit coming to show the way of travel to the fullness of being a true member of the wholeness of the world. As he is transformed in a state of unknowing, he is shown the way others' feelings are affected by others actions. Again the same is shown by the Delaware in "The Walam Olum" in the ... first" (23-25). This shows the power they felt the earth had to them. They also had great feelings towards the animals. The Great Spirit of the animals had great influence over them. The animal world designates all the wants of the people. The animals had the power of spirit above them as a people. As animals would follow the people, the people would do the same in turn. The strength of the animal spirit was a fascination of the Native American people. The song "Song Concerning a Dream of the Thunderbirds" demonstrates the devotion of the people to the power of the animal world. "Friends, behold!/Sacred I have been made./Friends, behold!/In a sacred manner/I have been influenced/At the gathering of the clouds./Sacred I have been made,/Friends, behold!/Sacred I have been ...
10770: The Color Purple, The Bell Jar, Franny and Zooey, and Ethan Frome: Internal and External Forces On The Character's Lives
... was faced with the expectation of others that she succeed to the level of her genius brothers as well as to fit in with society. She strove to feel normal and integrated in the abnormal world in which she was raised. All four characters were confronted with internal conflicts of the self and external pressures of the outside world. Celie grew up in a poverty stricken environment where education was not available to her. She always had the desire to be educated, as were the white women of her community. Because of her race ... from her father and later her husband created a low self-image and a poor self-esteem. She was unassertive with her friends and family because she felt that she had nothing to offer the world. Celie was a tragic figure whose existence did not change until she stood up for herself and turned her life around. Esther Greenwood was a young woman who encountered problems in her relationships. Esther’ ...

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