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Search results 10751 - 10760 of 22819 matching essays
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10751: Chemical Warfare and Its Uses
... Mustard agent was produced for the first time in 1822 but its harmful effects were not discovered until 1860. Mustard agent was first used as a CW agent during the latter part of the First World War and caused lung and eye injuries to a very large number of soldiers. Many of them still suffered pain 30-40 years after they had been exposed, mainly as a result of injuries to ... by Iraq in the war against Iran and against the Kurds in northern Iraq during the 1980's. Hydrogen cyanide has high toxicity and in sufficient concentrations it rapidly leads to death. During the Second World War, a form of hydrogen cyanide (Zyklon B) was used in the Nazi gas chambers. Symptoms of cyanide poisoning vary and depend on, for example, route of poisoning, total dose and the exposure time. If ... giddiness, headache, palpitations and respiratory difficulty. These are later followed by vomiting, convulsions, respiratory failure and unconsciousness. Nerve Agents Among lethal CW agents, the nerve agents have had an entirely dominant role since the Second World War. Nerve agents acquired their name because they affect the transmission of nerve impulses in the nervous system. All nerve agents belong chemically to the group of organo- phosphorus compounds. They are stable and ...
10752: The Growth of the Internet
... physics laboratory) named Tim Berners-Lee started to work on hypertext. By using hypertext he could link together all the different kinds of information available on the Internet. Berners-Lee called the software pack the World Wide Web. For the World Wide Web to work, each page has it’s own address that the web recognizes using a system called HTTP (Hypertext Transport Protocol). Each page has to be written with a special language called HTML ... a vase she bought for $5 sold for $585, both on eBay. She could make nowhere near that much by selling these items in her hometown. Now thanks to the web everyone all aver the world can have a chance to bid on these items and help make Sharone richer. E-commerce is still in its developmental stage at this point. There is room for improvement form the creators as ...
10753: A Comparison Of Framing, Light
... What time is it?" The shot reverses to Kane approaching. He is almost entirely shadowed in darkness. "Eleven thirty." Kane replies. Still walking, Kane turns to his left. The camera pans right, following him. "In New York?" Susan asks. "Hmm..?" Kane asks not hearing. "What time is it in New York?" she asks impatiently. "Eleven thirty," he repeats. Kane continues across the room still engulfed in darkness. As the camera pans right, more of the room's immense grandeur is revealed. A huge staircase leading ... as Kane stops beside Susan seated in front of the fireplace. Susan's voice takes on a sarcastic then pleading tone as she tells Kane she is bored, then begs him for a trip to New York to have some fun. Kane walks to the fire place, turns to face outward in a stance of stolid resolve. "Our home is here Susan. I don't care to visit New York." ...
10754: Florence D. Griffith
... earned a position as a member on the United States Olympic Team. At the Olympics she won the silver medal. The gold went to Valerie Brisco. In 1987, Florence won the gold medal In the World Championships in Rome. In the 1988 Olympics she set the world record of 10.49, an incredible .27 seconds faster than the existing world record. No one had ever beat the record by more than .13 She finally her rival Valerie, She went on to win 3 gold medals and one silver. She was no longer called Dee ...
10755: Analysis The Impact Of Shift W
... suggests that from the point of view of the economy as a whole, the introduction of shift work, by reducing the stock of capital required to produce a given output, can encourage the entry of new firms into an industry and thus makes the economy more competitive (Walker 81). However, despite the economy advantages, we must take human costs into account too. Shiftwork has side effect on worker in the physicalogical ... for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 1988 Maurice, Marc. SHIFT WORK: Economic advantages and social costs. Geneva: International labout Office, 1975. Morgan, David. Sleep Secrets for shift workers & people with off-bear schedules. New York: Labrary of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data, 1996. Perlow, Leslie. Finding Time: How Corporations, Individuals, and Families Can Benefit from New Work Practices. New York: Cornell University Press, 1997. Simon, B.L.. "Impact of shift work on individuals and families." Families in Society. 71(6):342-48, June 1990. Siroonian, Jason. Work arrangements. Ottawa: Statistics ...
10756: Neil Young in Halifax
... me. I paid no attention to the idiots in front of me smoking pot or the guy who kept falling off his chair a few seat down. For the entire time I was in a world of my own. Just me and Neil. He didn't talk much. At one point he said into the mic "How ya doin'?" But that was pretty much it. He played a lot of songs ... I didn't know. But he played a lot of old songs too like "needle and the damage done" and "heart of gold" which were crowd pleasers. But when he played "rocking in the free world" I ran down to the front of the stage. I was about four feet away from Neil Young and this giant hand grabbed me from behind. That giant hand was attached to a giant security ... I said that my mom was holding on to my ticket and I ran from him before he decided whether he believed my story or not. When Neil was done with "rocking in the free world" they just went bananas for about two minutes. They would build up all this musical tension and then release it and build up this tension again that was just asking to be resolved. I ...
10757: Moses
... established a covenant with the Israelite people. The Israelites pledged to follow God's laws, and God promised to be their God forever. These laws were intended to establish the moral principles by which the new Israelite nation would govern itself and through which it would manifest God's hope for just and right relationships among people. When Moses first came down from Mount Sinai, he saw that many Israelites had ... the people from Mount Sinai to the promised land of Israel. However, the Israelite people, accustomed to slavery and uncertain of freedom, soon rebelled against God. They became convinced that they could not conquer the new land, and they constantly questioned Moses' leadership and their own faith in God. As a consequence, the generation that left Egypt was not allowed to enter the promised land. The Bible describes Moses himself as ... people and seeming to doubt God: rather than speaking to a rock to get water as God commanded, Moses struck the rock with his staff. For this, Moses was also destined not to enter the new land. Near the end of his life, Moses taught the laws of the Torah to the new generation that had grown up in the desert. He then transferred leadership to Joshua. The Torah ends ...
10758: Law Essay
... School. Served on U.S. court of Appeals, First Circuit from 1981, in 1990 he became chief judge, then in 1994 President Clinton appointed him to the Supreme Court. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, born 1933 in New York, graduated Columbia Law school. Was appointed to the U.S. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia in 1980, then in 1993 was appointed to the Supreme Court by President Clinton. Anthony Kennedy, born 1936 ... born 1930 in Texas, graduated Stanford Law school. Served as judge of the Arizona Court of Appeals from 1979 till 1981 when President Reagan appointed her to the Supreme Court. Antonin Scalia, born 1936 in New Jersey, graduated Harvard Law School. Assistant attorney general in the Justice Department from 1974-1977, then served from 1982-1986 on the U.S. court of Appeal for the district of Columbia. In 1986 President Reagan appointed him to the Supreme Court. David Hackett Scouter, born 1939 in Massachusetts, graduated Harvard Law school. Served as attorney general for New Hampshire (1976-1978), served as associate justice of the New Hampshire superior court and supreme court until 1990 when President Bush appointed him to the Supreme Court. John Paul Stevens, born 1920 in Chicago, ...
10759: Symbols in Poe's Writing
... self kicked out of school by cutting classes and disregarding orders. HE was court marshaled for neglect of duties in January of 1831, and left West Point the next month. In 1831, Poe published a new edition of poems entitled, Poems. Poe went to New York, but could not find a job. Eventually he found refuge with his aunt, Mrs. Clemm in Baltimore. There he decided to seek employment and make a living by writing. With failure in writing poems ... the Southern Literary Messenger, published in Richmond. While in Richmond, Poe married his cousin, Virginia, who was almost fourteen years old. Poe was fired in January of 1837, due to alcohol. Edgar went back to New York, were he was again unsuccessful. In the summer of 1838 Poe moved to Philadelphia. While in Philadelphia, he worked as an editor of two magazines. Poe moved back to New York once again ...
10760: Scarlet Letter 4 =
In the Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Pearl serves as the apple of Eden . She is plucked from the hands of God in heaven and sent to the mortal world as a baby to make out its [the scarlet letter s] hidden import (155), causing Prynne and Dimmesdale to face their consequences. Pearl functions in the story on three levels: as a real child, as ... good child, an infant worthy to have been brought forth in Eden; worthy to have been left there, to be the plaything of the angels (75), but she is a born outcast of the infantile world an imp of evil, emblem and product of sin (79). Her physical features did not show she is different: she has perfect arms and legs and has a native grace with innocent beauty. She is ... the rose bush, while the ugliest weeds of the garden were their [Puritans ] children, whom Pearl smote down and uprooted, most unmercifully (80). Prynne, the adulterous mother, feels the guilt of bringing Pearl into the world and is reluctant to discipline the child, because Pearl is Prynne s sole treasure, whom she had bought so dear, and who was all her world (78). Pearl also represents the living embodiment of ...

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