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10741: The Health of President Boris Yeltsin
... that drug treatment has stopped the bleeding and surgery will not be required. It will, however, keep Yeltsin in the hospital for at least two to three weeks. The impact Russia has had on the world is astounding. They took the idea of Communism and turned it into a type of government that is still used today. President Boris Yeltsin has played a major role freeing Russia from Communism and still does today. His health could interfere with how the country is run and the whole world would be effected in some way. If Yeltsin was forced to leave office, who knows what kind of person would take his place. With the amount of nuclear weapons Russia has, a bad leader could ... Russia is an important country for us to watch. With some many weapons of mass destruction and a president who has had numerous health problems, Russia could present countless problems for the rest of the world. I also believe that the condition of Yeltsin is worse than it's being made out to be. In the past his doctors claimed he has just not feeling well when in reality he ...
10742: Y2K: A Problem Or Not?
... databases they have created. Somehow this problem needs to be fixed before the turn of the century. A computer genius named Herbio, prepared for this dreadful situation. He designed a woman who could protect the world using her powers. Her name was Mother Nature and her powers consist of wind, water, earth, fire, and mind combined. She was to find out who started this problem and tell Herbio so he could fix it using his computer skills. On the other side of the world lived the cause of the problem, Morpheus. Morpheus could change into different people but for only two hours. Morpheus knew Herbio and they had been enemies for a very long time. Morpheus also knew that ... rushing her. When they arrived back at the main computer, Herbio made Mother Nature use her power to change bad to good. Mother Nature used her power on Morpheus so Morpheus couldn't destroy the world or the people living in it. Once again, Mother Nature tried to explain an important method to Herbio, but he insist on not being bothered while fixing the system. Mother Nature grabbed his arm ...
10743: Historical Analogies Have A Great and Significant Value to Everyone
Historical Analogies Have A Great and Significant Value to Everyone Historical analogies have a great and significant value to everyone. They are used compare past wars and events, such as World War 1 and Vietnam. They could be used as guidelines for the future, and a reminder of the past. “All human events possess unique qualities, thus making reasoning by historical analogy a precarious enterprise.” as ... course we take in life, it somehow relates to the past, which could be compared with past events to the future in order to show negative and positive consequences of historical events. For example, after World War II, the United States had realized aggressions from Japan, Italy, and Germany should have been halted way before those powers became so strong that only a major World War could stop them. And now with question in everyone's mind whether or not our troops should be sent into Iraq in order to stop the mad man Sudan Hussein before he turns ...
10744: Lymphoma
Lymphoma Lymphoma or lymphatic cancer is a very serious and life threatening disease. In this country there is an estimated 63,900 new cases, 7,100 of which are Hodgkin s lymphoma as opposed to non-Hodgkin s lymphoma. Since around the 70 s the occurrence of non-Hodgkin s lymphoma has almost doubled while the occurrence of ... an injection of gallium, and because of the way Hodgkin s disease takes up gallium parts of the nodes which are otherwise difficult to see are visible. Blood tests are often done as well and new methods of testing are being developed. In any of these cases if a Reed-Sternberg cell is found it is sure that it is Hodgkin s disease. (Buckman, 1995) There are two main types of ... REAL classification system. REAL stands for Revised European-American classification of Lymphomas. This takes into perspective how the cancer spreads or grows instead of what it looks like under a microscope. Since this is a new system it is still under debate and not all centers for cancer use it. Non-Hodgkin s lymphoma are split into two main groups. Slow growing or low grade and fast growing or high ...
10745: The Cathedral
... his misunderstanding of the people and the relationships presented to him in this story which show most clearly his tragic flaw: while Robert is physically blind, it is the narrator that cannot clearly see the world around him. In the eyes of the narrator, Robert’s blindness is his defining characteristic. The opening line of Cathedral reads, "This blind man, an old friend of my wife’s, he was on his ... narrator’s naivete leaves him amazed by Robert, who does things which the narrator would view as atypical of the blind. This reinforces the idea that the narrator is blind to the reality of the world. The narrator’s blindness is certainly not limited to Robert – he no better understands the relationship between his wife and the blind man: They’d become good friends, my wife and the blind man…On ... sweet lips: "And then my dear husband came into my life"—something like that. But I heard nothing of the sort. This only reaffirms that once again, the narrator completely misreads the situations in the world around him. Notwithstanding, the narrator’s emotional blindness can be seen most clearly in his inability to comprehend Robert and Beulah’s relationship. The narrator muses, "They’d married, lived and worked together, slept ...
10746: The Grateful Dead
... up his guitar and started playing music with his friend Robert Hunter. Robert Hunter would later become the Grateful Dead's non- performing song writer. Robert and Jerry lived in San Francisco, California. On one New Year's Eve party, Garcia and Hunter met Ron "The Pig Pen" McKerman, who played harmonica, keyboard and was also a vocalist. Pig Pen was the janitor at the music shop where Jerry gave banjo ... s Uptown Jug Champions. A few weeks later Bob Matthews,who later became a part of the Grateful Dead electronics and recording family,joined the group along with John "marmaduke" Dawson,who later joined the New Riders of the Purple Sage. Work was scarce for the Jug Champions until Dana Morgan, owner at the store where Jerry taught banjo and Pig Pen worked,provided the money and equipment for them to ... Dead and their incredible sound. By 1967, the summer of love, they were regulars at the Avalon and Carousel Ballrooms and the Filmore West. In 1969 the Dead packed their bags and headed to Woodstock, New York. This outdoor concert would go down in history as the largest outdoor rock concert. On August 16, 1969, the Grateful Dead, along with many famous rock and roll groups, played in front of ...
10747: Privilege And Justice
... the recipient is. The privilege of luxury bestowed upon a wealthy person may not be as greatly cherished as the privilege of health insurance given to a person of a lower economic class. In our world today, privilege is dispersed in many forms and among many social classes. However, privilege seems to favor the wealthy as they seem to promote from within their own groups. Social and economical privileges are necessary ... were not born “beautiful”. It not only cost money to make physical changes in order to stay beautiful, but it also takes money to keep your wardrobe up to date with the ever changing fashion world. It is my opinion that the greatest advantage of wealth would be the opportunity for educational and technological enrichment. Being blessed with the finest education and most up to date technology only solidifies the foundation for growth and further advancement in life. Nearly everything that exists on the planet can now be researched through a web site; that literally puts the world at your fingertips if you are lucky enough to have a computer. In addition, high school and college students are being prepared for professional career situations where it is likely they will be tested ...
10748: Wright's "Black Boy": An Oppressionist Impression
... the future. He allows his readers to feel as he did under the light of strong persecution with the use of an intimidating, heartfelt tone. “The cosmic images of dread were gone and the external world became a reality, quivering daily before me. Instead of brooding and trying foolishly to pray, I could run and toam, mingle with the boys and girls, feel at home with people, share a little of ... anger and fear, Wright converses with the reader as though he were a youth leader telling a story to a group of boyscouts outside by a campfire. His spellbounding words chant the reader into his world and produce a map through which the reader follows his life in the shadows of others. “ I mingled with the boys, hoping to pass unnoticed , but knowing that sooner or later I would be spotted ... voice that softens the reader to his pains. “... I was reserved with the boys and girls at school, seeking their company but never letting them guess how much I was being kept out of the world in which they lived, valuing their casual feiendships but hiding it, acutely self consious but covering it with a quick smile and a readt phrase.” When there was action; however, Wright made sure the ...
10749: The Ocean
The Ocean The world's ocean covers about 70% of the Earth's surface. It is use to produce us many things. It is more than a place to swimming, sailing and other recreation. The ocean serves as a ... and the clean oil can be the fuel. South china sea has a big processing plant that produces the oil and natural gas. In late 1980¡¦s, offshore wells produced about 25 percent of the world¡¦s oil and about 20 per cent of the world¡¦s gas. Scientists estimate that 3 trillion barrels of oil lie undiscovered beneath the ocean. Equally huge amounts of untapped gas accompany the oil. As gas and oil reserves on land are use up ...
10750: “Sin in the Global Village”: Privacy In Cyberspace
... privacy in cyberspace. The Internet is a rapidly growing web of information that more and more people are using. The benefits of connecting to the Internet are: immediate access to information from all around the world, electronic mail that arrive at a blink of an eye, being able to publish ideas on personal web pages, and even downloading a contemporary picture from thousands of different locations around the world. Robert Wright is introducing the idea that the Internet has become an instrument of privacy killing. In the same way that the public is getting access to countless bytes of information, the accomplished computer user ... it isn’t a credible source. The quality and quantity makes for a credible source, and you can find more quantity and quality on the Internet than you would in the largest library in the world. The Internet is a lot more than just a gigantic library. It is also a way for people to seek entertainment and meet other individuals all under the privacy of first names and nicknames. ...

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