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Search results 10711 - 10720 of 22819 matching essays
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10711: Child Protecetive Services
... even two weeks after they are received. Investigations often miss key facts, ads workers rush to clear cases, and dangerous home situations receive inadequate supervision as workers must ignore pending cases as they investigate the new reports that arrive daily on their desks. Decision making also suffers. With so many cases of unsubstantiated or unproven risk to children, caseworkers are not sensitive to the obvious warning signals of immediate and serious ... child mistreatment deaths, 42 percent had already been reported to the authorities. Tens of thousands of other children suffer serious injuries short of death while under child protective agency supervision. Case examples In a 1992 New York City case, for example, five-month-old Jeffrey Harden died from burns caused by scalding water and three broken ribs while under the supervision of NYC's child welfare administration. Jeffrey Harden's family ... known to the administration for more than a year and a half. Over this period, the case had been handled by four separate caseworkers, each conducting only partial investigations before resigning or being reassigned to new cases. It is unclear whether Jeffrey's death was caused by his mother or her boyfriend, but because of insufficient time and overburdened caseloads, all four workers failed to pay attention to a whole ...
10712: Principle of Management Course: My Experiences
... team problems, we needed to identify the symptoms and treat the causes of these symptoms (not the symptoms themselves). Also, the problems which arose forced us to evaluate our present processes and attempt to create new processes. We had to learn to adapt to the new environment. One problem which occurred and caused us to ์re-invent๎ ourselves was the absenteeism of team member Raquel. Due to various health reasons, Raquel was unable to attend team meetings. We had just lost ... deal with tumultuous work environments instead of the stable environments of the past. A metaphor used to compare the past management environment and the future business environment is: "The old environment was like sailing. The new environment is like a kayak race." The calm, secure conditions of sailing best reflect the old business and management environments. However, the new environment is best represented by the chaos and instability of a ...
10713: "An Ecosystem's Disturbance by a Pollutant
... can affect the carrying capacity curve of several organisms (Chiras, 127). This effect on the curve is caused by the killing off of the intolerant and allowing more room for both the resistant strain and new organisms. In some cases the pollutant will create unsuitable habitats causing migration. Another important part of the idea of a carrying capacity is the Verholst (logistic) equation: The actual growth rate is equal to the ... with the two polynucleotide chains linked by complementary base-pairs (Adenine (A) with Thymine (T), and Guanine (G) with Cytosive (C). Replication occurs when the two strands separate and both act as templates on which new complementary strands are formed (Moriarty, 62). Occasionally, something goes wrong with the replication process and one or more genes may be altered, lost or gained. These changes, or mutations are usually less favorable to the organism than the original gene, and are often sufficiently unfavorable to be lethal. Nevertheless, mutations in the reproductive cells are of crucial importance: these are in favorable, the source of new genetic variation in subsequent generations. This knowledge about gene structure and function modifies the Mendelian view of inheritance. Now, after the brief introduction and history of genetics it is time to consider the relevance ...
10714: The Battle of 3rd Ypres (Passchendaele)
... due to begin thye had carried out a tactical retreat from their front line back to the Passchendaele ridge. This left a zone of real and potential marshland in the low lying land between their new front line and the British. Their new positions, the Hindenburg line, were a defence in depth of three lines, the third being beyond the range of the British guns. Between these lines was barbed wire, scattered concrete pillboxes and machine gun nests ... barrage, however this would, of course, be impossible if it rained and the ground turned into liquid mud. The Battle of Menin Road on September 20th. was the first of three famous victories using the new tactics. At dawn on that day, after a 5 day bombardment, the Anzacs made a successful attack with two Australian Divisions side by side and supported by a Scottish Division on their left. It ...
10715: Satire in Lilliput
... beeves, forty sheep, and other victuals," along with as much bread and wine as he needs, his basic needs are to be attended to, and six scholars are to teach Gulliver the language of his new compatriots. Again, in this chapter, Gulliver is won over by the fact that the Lilliputians are well-dressed and articulate (despite the fact that they speak a language he cannot understand). He is still held ... and without warning, so the performer is obliged to change tactics midstream. Winners receive a snippet of colored thread, which they wear on their clothing with great pride. Gulliver delights the Emperor by inventing some new forms of entertainment, also; one involves making the calvary perform military maneuvers on the drum-taut surface of his handkerchief, stretched above the ground, but when a rider is thrown, Gulliver stops the game. At ... other; this is why he limps. Lilliput is also under threat of invasion from a neighboring country, Blefuscu; the nature of their aggression seems to be religious. Apparently the current Emperor's grandfather initiated a new religion which demanded that believers break their eggs on the smaller end. Many Lilliputians refused to do so, as since time immemorial their creed had been to break their eggs on the larger end, ...
10716: Food Production 2
... involving the use of biological and chemical controls to improve the timing and effectiveness of pest control and to minimize environmental risk. A wide diversity of crops are grown by the subsistence farmers of the world, but larger commercial farms frequently concentrate on a few crops or even a single crop that bring them greatest returns. The continuous growing of a single crop can be financially efficient but can lead to ... it more difficult to meet future needs of changing climate, soil, and challenges from unforeseen pests. In an effort to preserve the size of the gene pool, international centers and experimental stations scattered throughout the world are beginning to develop collections of genetic samples of these local crop strains. Much irreplaceable material has been lost, but an increasing commitment by funding agencies and scientists offers hope that this genetic waste will cease. Accurate statistics on world crop production are difficult to assemble. Much crop food is consumed privately or sold in local markets for which statistics are not gathered, and many countries do not perform regular crop surveys. Several organizations, ...
10717: Analysis The Impact Of Shift Work
... suggests that from the point of view of the economy as a whole, the introduction of shift work, by reducing the stock of capital required to produce a given output, can encourage the entry of new firms into an industry and thus makes the economy more competitive (Walker 81). However, despite the economy advantages, we must take human costs into account too. Shiftwork has side effect on worker in the physicalogical ... for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 1988 Maurice, Marc. SHIFT WORK: Economic advantages and social costs. Geneva: International labout Office, 1975. Morgan, David. Sleep Secrets for shift workers & people with off-bear schedules. New York: Labrary of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data, 1996. Perlow, Leslie. Finding Time: How Corporations, Individuals, and Families Can Benefit from New Work Practices. New York: Cornell University Press, 1997. Simon, B.L.. "Impact of shift work on individuals and families." Families in Society. 71(6):342-48, June 1990. Siroonian, Jason. Work arrangements. Ottawa: Statistics ...
10718: Importance of Higher Education
Importance of Higher Education The new millennium will catapult society into a greater than ever need for higher education. A variety of forces such as advances in technology, rapidly expanding competition and social and economic needs have transformed higher education into a matter of necessity. As we continue to evolve, it will be essential that administrators, teachers, students, and higher education officials develop new tools and techniques to meet the standards of higher education. The benefit(s) of higher education is not a new phenomena. In fact, one of the most influential proponents on this subject was Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson’s autobiography describes how education would influence the nation’s democratic values while preserving individual liberties. In the ...
10719: Cirrhosis Of The Liver
... it needs to function. Beyond that there is not much one can do. If you are currently infected with chronic liver cirrhosis, there is still hope for you. On February 2nd, this year, Scientist in New York reported that they wiped out liver cirrhosis in rats by injecting their muscles with a human gene, raising early hopes for a new treatment for people. Where as before the only cure for cirrhosis was a successful liver transplant, now through the injection of a protein called hepatocyte growth factor HGF, which promotes liver regeneration and suppresses cell ... that statistic. Cirrhosis of the Liver is a serious disease and with many treatments and preventative techniques. Once acquired, being that it is a chronic and degenerative disease, it in most cases cannot be cured. New studies are showing the possibility for a cure sometime in the near future but nothing has reached the market yet. To date, the only way out is a successful liver transplant. Chronic and degenerative ...
10720: Global Positioning Systems
Global Positioning Systems The new Avionics Modernization Program (AMP) systems installed in the F-111E and EF-111A have raised their share of questions, so I have decided to continue my series of "Everything You Always Wanted To Know" handouts ... onto the signal using Automatic Gain Control (AGC) circuits. When three satellites are locked up, navigation can begin. This is why a receiver can get by with a very small, relatively non-directional antenna. The new handheld GPS units have antennas that are only a couple of inches square or perhaps the size of a cigar. Not coincidentally, pseudo-random code and low power makes the GPS system very hard to ... band at 2227.5 MHz and confirming messages are downlinked on 1783.1 MHz. What do the ground guys tell the satellites? Well, we mentioned basic maintenance items, including clock commands, power and attitude messages, new programming instructions. Occasionally, the satellite must undergo what's called a "momentum dump." Each satellite has a series of gyroscopic wheels for stabilization. In space, these wheels tend to accelerate and would do so ...

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