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Search results 10641 - 10650 of 22819 matching essays
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10641: Billy The Kid
... as folklore. The have made movies from his history and have also wrote many books on him. Most of Billy the Kids life remains a heated controversy throughout America. Billy the Kid was born in New York City on November 23, 1859 to William and Kathleen McCarty Bonney and given the name William H. Bonney (There are other stories of his birth but this one is the most reliable). The first ... shot the blacksmith who died the next day. He was arrested but the escaped and began running from the law, something he did all of his life. Billy the Kid eventually moved to Lincoln County, New Mexico were he began working for J.H. Tunstall. Tunstall was a rich farmland owner who had an ongoing feud with L.G. Murphy and J.J. Dolan over farmland and grazing rights. Billy the ... on Brady he was regarded as a coward for the ambush and lost the support of the people who had supported him. While the Lincoln County War went on between Billy’s gang and the new sheriff George Peppin, Lew Wallace the new governor had charged Billy with murder. When Billy heard of this he told Wallace that he would turn states evidence on three killers if he received a ...
10642: Bierce
... E. Bates, "Bierce began to shorten the short story; he began to bring to it a sharper, more compressed method"(Short Story Criticism 49). Bierce who was often considered bitter, opened a door to a new type of writing.[Unlike most of the authors before his time, his works did not always feature an optimistic viewpoint.] From his wartime experiences Bierce gained a different perspective on war than earlier war writers ... movement, Ambrose Bierce's cynical views of live and human existence gave him the nickname, "the wickedest man in San Francisco."(Contemporary 41). Works Cited "Bierce, Ambrose Gwinett 1842-1914?" Contemporary Ed. Frances C. Locher. New Revised Series, Vol. 9. Detroit: Gale Research, 1982. 75-76. "Bierce, Ambrose Gwinett 1842-1914?" Contemporary Ed. Frances C. Locher. New Revised Series, Vol. 104. Detroit: Gale Research, 1982. 41. "Bierce, Ambrose" American Edition. New York : The N.W. Wilson Company, 1964. 76-77. "Bierce, Ambrose 1842-1914." DISCovering Research Inc., 1993.
10643: The Cold War
... of struggle between the United States (U.S.) and its allies and the group of nations led by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [USSR] for power and influence that began at the end of World War II. The Cold War was not a war of military conflict but instead was an ideological war between the two world superpowers. The two superpowers became rivals through conflicting governments (Communism and Capitalism) and mutual distrust and constantly competed for power. USSR wanted to spread Communism; a social system marked by the common, throughout Eastern Europe ... missles. The Cold War involved many important people but the main people involved were Joseph Stalin, Harry S. Truman, Nikita Khrushchev, John F. Kennedy, Fidel Castro and Mikhail Gorbachev. Joseph Stalin led his country through World War II, and was mostly responsible for splitting up Germany into its territories. Stalin was also responsible for creating the environment of the Cold War. Harry S. Truman, President of the U.S. at ...
10644: The Return Of Martin Guerre
... village of Artigat. There the Daguerre family settled and started a tileworks business; a prosperous business in the sixteenth century. They eventually started businesses in wheat, millet, vines, and sheep. To be accepted in the new town the family had to make some changes such as speaking a different dialect, dropping the Da from their name thus pronouncing and spelling it Guerre, and also in style of dress. As for the ... drastic change. No longer could they push ahead of the men to make their offerings at parish mass or go about the church to collect for the vestry. The Guerre s seemed to like their new lives, their family grew, and they became successful in their trade. In 1538 the only son of the Guerre family, Martin, got married to Bertrande de Rols, the beautiful daughter of a well-off family ... and believed that it was natural for a man to fill out over the years. He was accepted as Martin, helped run the family business, and fathered children with Bertrande. What Bertrande had with the new Martin was unlike anything she and the old Martin had ever experienced. To cite sixteenth-century values, they lived in peace, friendship, and passion. Eleven years later, in 1559, the new Martin began to ...
10645: “Et Tu Brute?” Caesar Sputtere
“Et tu Brute?” Caesar sputtered before falling into the darkness known as death. But this was not the end of Caesar however. Caesar returns to this world as a “shade” or ghost form. In fact, in this form he exerts more influence over Brutus than he ever did in mortal form. “Caesar is more powerful in his spirit for to affect Brutus than in his mortal form. It is in this ghost form, Caesar full-fills his revenge on Brutus.” (netessays.net) Revenge did not occur in the ancient world only in plays and stories. Revenge was a way of life, an every day belief of the ancient times. In ancient times, the times of the Greeks and Romans to be precise, the inhabitants believed ... Odyssey, Poseidon avenges his sons’ (Polyphemus) death by making Odysseus’ return home next to impossible. In Hamlet, Hamlet avenges his father’s death by killing his father’s murderer, his uncle. In today’s “modern” world, the idea of revenge is generally frowned upon, but in the world of the Greeks and Romans revenge was not just a custom, but a way of life.
10646: Clinical Supervision In Todays
... and curriculum. Supervisors must be willing to set an example for teachers by showing that they are also willing to make changes in the way that they do things. Now that we are in a new millenium in education we see the education system in a state of constant change. Everything we do changes regularly. Teaching styles, the equipment that we use in schools, and even the schools themselves continuously go through new stages of development. It is no longer acceptable to simply achieve and maintain a status quo. Supervisors must recognize this and always be ready to lead their teachers into the future and new ways of educating students. The first way supervisors must lead their teachers is to make sure that they are aware of the legal aspects of education. In a recent article in Education magazine the ...
10647: Marilyn Monroe
... six mothers claim her and all wheeping when she marched down the aisle. The mothers all considered her their daughter because they were her foster mother’s at one time or another. In 1944, during World War II, Jim listed in the U.S. Merchant Marine. After his boot training he was stationed at Catalina Island, not far from where we had been living in Los Angeles. He was a physical training instructor there, and Marilyn enjoyed the fact that she was able to join him there. marilyn remembered it as being a world of men, all sailors with their wives and families. She said that Jim became jealous because all of the men would whistle at her as she passed by. He would lecture her on the type ... six mothers claim her and all wheeping when she marched down the aisle. The mothers all considered her their daughter because they were her foster mother’s at one time or another. In 1944, during World War II, Jim listed in the U.S. Merchant Marine. After his boot training he was stationed at Catalina Island, not far from where we had been living in Los Angeles. He was a ...
10648: The French Lieutenant’s Women: Sara As A Nonconformist
... them to be solitary before the evening hours.” (p. ) Victorian society is trapped within s realm from which the people cannot escape. Their perceptions of how life should be lived confines small area of the world, which does not allow them to search inside themselves for who they are and bring out that person that many of them can be. People such as Charles and Ernestina do not realize these hidden ... he understands why she chose to be an outcast of society and he too starts to change. Charles’ change can be cross referenced to the opening quote, “Every Emancipation is a restoration of the human world and of the human relationships to man himself” When Charles goes to the church after his sexual encounter with Sarah he realizes why Sarah was portraying the image of a hoer. He is able to ... He finally admits to himself that he is more concerned with appearances than his own inner self. Charles goes out into nature to search for Sarah. It is at this point Charles observes the large world around him and sees a "religion before religion" (p. 191). All of a sudden, Charles feels as if he is the intruder in the vast world. He notices all the flora and wild animals ...
10649: Aristotles Life
Aristotle s Life Aristotle (384-322 BC) was a Greek philosopher, educator, and scientist, and was also one of the most influential thinkers in Western culture (World Book 663). Through his writings, Aristotle considered, summarized, criticized, and helped to further develop many of these traditions from which he had learned from Plato, his teacher. He was born in Stagira, and both of his parents died when he was a boy. His legal guardian named Proxenus raised him (World Book 663). At the age of 18 years of age, Aristotle entered Plato s school in Athens called the Academy. When Plato died in 347 BC, Aristotle left the Academy to live with some of Plato s disciples who were living with Hermeias. In 334 BC, he returned to Athens and founded a school called the Lyceum (World Book 663). His school, philosophy, and his followers were called peripatetic, which is Greek for walking. The reason for this name was because Aristotle did most of his teaching while he was walking with ...
10650: The Caretaker by Pinter: A Play Can Be Confrontational, Challenging and Disturbing to the Values and Assumptions of An Audience. Discuss With close Reference
... 1960's disrupts the audiences perceptions of existence and their understandings of it. The play deconstructs perceived notions and conceptions of reality, and disturbs the audiences perception of their own identity and place within a world which is primarily concerned with the search and need for identity. Pinter was clearly influenced by the fashionable philosophic review of human condition that was prominent in the 1950's and 1960's – existentialism. The ... not true as Aston was forced to reveal his thoughts. This is a very disturbing idea, as it demonstrates that powerful institutions are able to force individuals into submission and minimise their individuality. Especially after World War Two the presentation of such ideas would be particularly disturbing as after this war the rights of a individual were strongly valued to a greater extent to ever before. The Caretaker discusses the illusory ... 1960's would have been only too well aware of the terror and fear that was generated by the knock at the door, because of the possibility of bearing bad news as a result of World War Two. Hence this idea of the home as not being a secure refuge may have been very disturbing to the audiences of this time, and this coupled with the idea that the apparently ...

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