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Search results 1061 - 1070 of 22819 matching essays
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1061: Octavio Ocampo
... viewer to come back and look at it a second and a third time. The artist must expand his or her mind to engulf others. Octavio Ocampo has accomplished all this and more. Around the world millions of people have become enthralled with his innovative style. People are fascinated by his work. Everyone from the art connoisseur to businessmen and professionals are thrilled by the reactions they get when one of his pieces is on their walls. His works are “conversation pieces” done in a style which has been deemed Metamorphic art. Pictured here is Lupe. Metamorphic art is a new innovative style which blends Dali like surrealism with landscape realism. Each picture is a complete landscape in of itself. This technique “superimposes and juxtaposes realistic and figurative” details within images he creates. Only upon closer ... art flowers become faces. Mourners over coffins become the face of Christ, a bicycle becomes a pair of celebrity glasses. His works are full of symbolism. Each is endlessly fascinating, revealing something different to each new viewer. And each new viewer looks a second time, and a third. The longer a person stares at a painting, the more one sees. Faces come into focus at a distance and “metamorphose” into ...
1062: Understanding Holden Caulfield
... Catcher in the Rye J. D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye (Salinger 1953), is a novel told in an autobiographical manner which tracks Holden Caulfield on his two day sojourn through 1950’s New York City. This short twentieth century novel delves into the underlying problems that mire Caulfield to the point where it seems he will never enter the adult world. Holden's misguided morality brings about a dysfunctional personality that begs to be psychoanalyzed, not only in his interactions with the outside world, but also his internal motivation and language. However, his inability to relate to the rest of the world in any manner will leave the boy forever baffling. Caulfield’s apparent virtue helps to mask ...
1063: Abortion: Life or Death Who Chooses?
... unwanted children was permissible, but as out civilization has aged, it seems that such acts were no longer acceptable by rational human beings, so that in 1948, Canada along with most other nations in the world signed a declaration of the United Nations promising every human being the right to life. The World Medical Association meeting in Geneve at the same time, stated that the utmost respect for human life was to be from the moment of conception. This declaration was re-affirmed when the World Medical Association met in Oslo in 1970. Should we go backwards in our concern for the life of an individual human being? The unborn human is still a human life and not all the ...
1064: Modern Television Changing Ame
Television; Changing American Standards The year is 1999 and the entire world is looking toward the United States for leadership in technology. Since the end of the cold war, the nations of the world have agreed that the United States is the leader in defense and freedom, but what about technology in the household? Is it possible for the U.S. to remain the world leader if we fall so far behind other countries when it comes to the issue of advanced household technology? Has Japan become so much more technically advanced than America, that the mere idea of ...
1065: Self Expression
... to shape their own identity . Although this article is about the influence of urban styles on materialistic impressions, he makes a remarkably strong point about the historical transformation of individual identity. Ewen states The old world of the parents was rooted in a continuity the new world on the other hand, demanded a sense of self that was malleable, sensitive to the power of increasingly volatile surfaces. Addressing the historical transformation of individual identity, historian Warren Susman describes it as a ...
1066: Fordism And Scientific Managem
... Henry Ford s ideal types of Fordist production system included using fixed and dedicated machines in individuals work, rather than turning the employee into a machine. (Hollinshead 1995) With Taylor attempting to prove to the world that there was a science to management and that the quickest way was the best way, he attacked the incompetence of managers for their inefficiencies in running the railroads and factories. Using time and motion ... others: during a 1910 Interstate Commerce Commission hearing, Louis D. Brandeis argued that US railroads could save a million dollars a day if they introduced scientific management into their operations (Oakes, 1996). Taylor showed the world that the methodical and scientific study of work could lead to improved efficiency. He believed that by defining clear guidelines for workers many improvements could be made to the production of goods. Fordism like Scientific ... done in accordance with the principles of science like Taylor s ideas of scientific management did (Robbins,1997, p.40). Although Fordism borrowed many scientific management ideas, it then advanced upon them to produce a new form of management that included management having hierarchical authority and technical control. Fordism enabled managers to regulate production and safeguard their own position within firms as well as meeting the efficiency criteria set by ...
1067: Witchcraft
... constantly changing environment, people should be more aware and open-minded to things, especially to those that are rejected by our old traditional sets of values. We should get to know why does the Old World reject some beliefs by studying the original meanings behind those myths. The more we keep ourselves open to ideas, the more chances we have to explore ourselves and to advance our lives and our society ... religion that believes in Gods and the harmonic relationship between humans and the natural environment. This research paper is to redefine, in more accurate words, the truth of one of the oldest religion in the world. 2.0 Methods In this research paper, I have used information from the Internet such as some homepages built by some Coven and believers. I also used books that are mainly about the general structure ... Boyle, on the 14th of November 1998. I asked him general ideas and some specific details about the Craft and the religion. 3.0 Results 3.1 Brief historical background of the Witchcraft in the world. Scholars like anthropologists, archaeologists and historians believe that the practice of "Witchcraft" has been existed for the around 20,000 to 40,000 years (Johnson). In every society, practitioners' vocations vary, like midwives or ...
1068: Coco Chanel
The Life and Times of Coco Chanel There have been many women of great influence throughout the years, but in the world of fashion there was one above all the rest: Coco Chanel. After years of triumphs and failures, she gracefully stated, ³Nature gives you the face you have at twenty. Life shapes the face you have ... This is how Chanel met her first love and her first chance at fame. The man¹s name was Etienne Balsan. Not only was he her first romantic interlude, but he introduced her into a new world: one of riches and what would soon be fame. Although she seemed destined to be a fashion designer, Gabrielle Chanel had always aspired to be a singer despite her less than perfect voice. She ...
1069: Abortion: Who Really Cares
... unwanted children was permissible, but as out civilization has aged, it seems that such acts were no longer acceptable by rational human beings, so that in 1948, Canada along with most other nations in the world signed a declaration of the United Nations promising every human being the right to life. The World Medical Association meeting in Geneve at the same time, stated that the utmost respect for human life was to be from the moment of conception. This declaration was re-affirmed when the World Medical Association met in Oslo in 1970. Should we go backwards in our concern for the life of an individual human being? The unborn human is still a human life and not all the ...
1070: Abortion
... unwanted children was permissible, but as out civilization has aged, it seems that such acts were no longer acceptable by rational human beings, so that in 1948, Canada along with most other nations in the world signed a declaration of the United Nations promising every human being the right to life. The World Medical Association meeting in Geneve at the same time, stated that the utmost respect for human life was to be from the moment of conception. This declaration was re-affirmed when the World Medical Association met in Oslo in 1970. Should we go backwards in our concern for the life of an individual human being? The unborn human is still a human life and not all the ...

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