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Search results 10571 - 10580 of 22819 matching essays
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10571: John Brown
Born in Torrington, Connecticut on May 9, 1800, John Brown was the son of a wandering New Englander. Brown spent much of his youth in Ohio, where he was taught in local schools to resent compulsory education and by his parents to revere the Bible and hate slavery. As a boy he ... became increasingly metaphysical and he began to brook over the plight of the weak and oppressed. He frequently sought the company of blacks, for two years living in a freedmen’s community in North Elba, New York. In time he became a militant abolitionist, a "conductor" on the Underground Railroad, and the organizer of a self-protection league for free blacks and fugitive slaves. By the time he was fifty, Brown ... of a slave insurrection, Brown returned to Ohio. There and during two subsequent trips to Kansas, he developed a grandiose plan to free slaves throughout the South. Provided with moral and financial support from prominent New England abolitionists, Brown began by raiding plantations in Missouri but accomplished little. IN the summer of 1859 he transferred his operations to western Virginia, collected and army of twenty-one men, planned to arm ...
10572: Federalist Party
... step evaluation of arguably the most important decade in American History. The time period covered in this paper is 1789-1801. These are the years in which the Federalists had the most influence in the new government. They accomplished an amazing amount in these 12 years. The Federalist Party was one of the first political organizations in the United States. The members of this party supported a strong central government, a ... that the central government could become more powerful. Also Hamilton, along with the other party members, believed that commerce and manufacturing were more important than agriculture. Financial Dilemma During the first two years of the new federal government the biggest problem was that of raising money. At first the Congress adopted a small tariff on imports. This was a start but not nearly enough. The government needed this money to maintain ... they turned to Alexander Hamilton with the dilemma. He soon proceeded to draw up a full report entitled "Report on Public Credit." In this paper Hamilton proceeded to show that the only way for a new government to establish credit was to deal honestly with its creditors -for in many cases they would be the people to whom the government must look to for future loans. This policy received strong ...
10573: The Y2k Bug
The Y2K Bug There is a problem confronting today’s society that could change the world as we know it. It is a problem that was initially caused by a lack of technology, but recently by an act of laziness. The problem is known as the “Year 2000 Bug” (Y2K bug ... bug could cause computer systems to fail when the year 2000 rolled around because computers might fail to recognize that it is the year 2000 versus 1900. The problem is going to affect the whole world. How does the Y2K bug affect the average person? It is possible that the electric companyies’ computers could crash, which could cause either blackouts or brownouts. It would mean no heat for your house and ... may lose their power so that all the nation’s communication could be down. This is the worst-case scenario of course; not even the experts know how this Y2K bug will truly affect the world. What they do know is that something is definitely going to go wrong. Approximately 95% of the world's population is dependent on computers in its everyday life. It is also estimated that the ...
10574: An Exploration Of Femininity I
... what it fed on" (143-5) . However, Hamlet is torn by the speech of his father between this idealisation, and the realisation of his father's shame and need for revenge. Love for Hamlet's world is synonymous with obedience, hence the Ghost's: If thou didst ever thy father love ... revenge his foul and most unnatural murder (1.5.23-5) Yet, there is an ignominious sexual aspect to the ... 45-6]). Yet, again Hamlet idealises his father, referring to him as Hyperion, Jove, Mars and Mercury, and describing his countenance in hyperbolic terms ("every god did seem to set his seal/ To give the world assurance of a man" [3.4.63-4]). This exaggeration of his father's stature and status allows Hamlet to blame Gertrude alone. Hamlet, dwelling upon the cuckoldry of the Ghost, turns on Gertrude's ... and so the reality of his father only conflicts with this belief and endangers the mother-son relationship in the domestic sphere. IV The presentation of femininity is inextricably linked to that of the male world; that is to say, as far as bonding and friendship are concerned, the purely male relationships determine the form and depth of the male-female ones. The idealisation of women as virginal or maternal ...
10575: Atomic Bomb 9
During wartime, horrible atrocities against all of humanity must be dealt with. Crimes against humanity, as never witnessed before, and hopefully to never be seen again, occurred during the course of World War II. America has always, and most likely will always place a high value on American lives. In order to protect these lives and to insure that the world is safe for democracy, American leaders had to make a very tough decision, whether or not to drop the atomic bomb on Japan. This act would essentially trade Japanese lives for American lives. The Japanese ... humans and on the environment in which they live in. The only two cities that have ever experienced having an atomic bomb being exploded on them were the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II. In Hiroshima, the casualties have been estimated between seventy-five and eighty thousand. In Nagasaki, the total number killed was estimated at more that thirty-five thousand. The total number severely injured ...
10576: Rap Vs Poetry
... are in the industry simply for the love. These artists are not “sellouts” that are only in the industry for the money and fame. Also, there are many artists out there in the hip hop world that promote positivit As time goes on hip hop culture is integrating many different racial and ethnic groups. It is now socially acceptable for people of all races to enjoy the many aspects of hip ... only with the following elements: sex, ugs, violence and racism. Mos Def and Talib Kweli are two very talented rappers who have stayed true to their underground roots while gaining stardom in the hip hop world. Their insightful lyrics reflect their intelligence. Their stories reflect everything from the day to day tr bles of living in NYC to the troubled state of the world today. They rap about astronomy and the ancient faiths of Christianity and Islam. The beats they use also show the heavy influence that jazz has had on hip hop. They tend to not use ...
10577: Candide-purposeful Satire
For a reader to have a true understanding of Candide, they must know the purpose of Voltaire s writing. Voltaire shows the flaws of Leibniz , a German philosopher of Voltaire s time, idea that the world they live in is the best of all possible worlds cause it is God s creation through the use of satire. Voltaire uses Pangloss and a contrasting character, Martin, to point out the shortcomings in Leibniz philosophy. Voltaire creates Pangloss, a firm believer of Leibniz philosophy, to show the fool hness in Leibniz ideas. While Martin is a pessimist that constantly shows Candide that the world is vicious and evil. Voltaire also uses events, such as the Lisbon earthquake and war to show that things are not always for the best. To make get his point clear in Candide, Voltaire creates ... For example, legs were created for the purpose of wearing stockings (2). Because of his "great knowledge," Candide at this point a very naive and impressionable youth, regards Pangloss as the greatest philosopher in the world, a reverence that will soon be challenged by the harshness of reality. A contrast to the views of Pangloss is the character Martin. Martin, a pessimist, is a friend and advisor to Candide whom ...
10578: Communism In Animal Farm
... the animals take over the farm in a great rebellion. This rebellion will give the animals freedom from not just Jones, but the horrible living conditions. The dream of old Major's rebellion is the new idea of running the farm. This new idea is the antithesis. After old Major's lifetime, the rebellion happens and the animals run Jones off the farm. With no human control, the pigs, being the most intelligent, make themselves the leaders. One ... things the pigs do is make the Seven Commandments for all animals on the farm to obey. Such laws as, "All animals are equal," and, "Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy," are the new values of Animal Farm. When the farm is first taken in the animals' possession, everyone works together and even fight in a victorious battle against the humans called "The Battle of the Cowshed." They ...
10579: Anne Frank Remembered: Review
... who helped the Frank family survive during their two years in hiding. Her book is a primary source or first hand account of the persecution of Jewish people in Nazi occupied Holland during the second world war. It is also the first hand account of the hiding of Jews such as the Frank family, the Van Daan family, and Dr. Albert Dussel during this time. In regard to the book's ... families put a risk on her own life; even providing them with her companionship was illegal. However, Miep and her husband became one of the only links the families in hiding had to the outside world. On the morning of August 4, 1944, the efforts of Miep and the families failed when their hiding place was raided by Nazi officials. The families were arrested and sent to prison camps. The only ... her and her husband. After receiving a letter confirming the death of Anne and her sister Margot, Miep gave Anne's diary to Mr. Frank. The diary was published and became popular all over the world. It was Anne's legacy to everyone who had suffered under Nazi rule. This story is the author's main evidence in her argument that under Nazi rule, "a slow strangulation was taking place, ...
10580: Max Planck
... small number(six and fifty-five hundredths times ten to the negative twenty-seventh power). The fact that Planck's constant was not zero and it was in fact a number made the unseen physical world indescribable by classical methods which sparked a revolution in physical theory. When Planck discovered the theory of quantum he was forty-two and then later won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1918. After his ... back up Einstein's theory of relativity. After he retired as a physicist which was around the time Hitler rose to power Planck focused on philosophical and questions of faith in his writings. During the World War I he stayed in Germany to preserve as much as he could of German physics. The later part of Max Planck's life is filled with sadness. In 1909 his first wife died after ... later Margarete one of his daughters died in child birth. Two years later, Emma his other twin daughter died the same death as her sister. As if the first war hadn't damaged him enough World War II destroyed his house completely and his younger son was painfully killed by the Gestapo for trying to assassinate Hitler in 1944. By the time the war ended Max Planck lost the will ...

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