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10491: Mormons in Utah
... 1820 , Mormonism was founded by a teenage Joseph Smith during the 19th century United States religious movement known as the "Second Great Awakening". On April 6, 1830, The Book of Mormon was completed and a new religion was born. Mormonism attracted many people and the firs official home of the Mormons was in Fayette, New York. In 1831, the Mormons moved to Kirtland, Ohio, now known as Kirtland Hills. Other Mormon areas were being established, especially in Mississippi. Newly proclaimed Mormons were rushing to their new religious grounds, mainly in norttheastern Ohio and western Mississippi. Although the Mormons were thrilled with their "perfect" religion, there were many problems where they had established themselves. The people who were already present in ...
10492: Mind over Matter
... therefore nirvana, a Buddhist must first come to eradicate his sense of self, effectively destroying his ego. By doing this, "durkha," (pain and suffering), end and one can be at peace and harmony with the world and all who reside in it. A practice that helps monks achieve this enlightened state is meditation. By clearing the mind of mundane clutter and distractions, a monk can become in tune with his inner ... it was difficult calming my mind. While concentrating on my breathing, I was easily distracted by outside occurrences such as leaves falling and people walking by. The more I attempted to shut out the outside world, the more my mind focused on the little things around me. I gained immediate appreciation of the Buddhist monk's ability to shirk the outside world and focus on his inner self. When I had meditated before in my dojo, it was as a group and in silence. This greatly helped the exercise and I can see why this is ...
10493: In Search of Excellence: Review
... This has 7 S's (easy to remember) and a graphical representation to visualize. This shows the businessman that the intractable, irrational, intuitive, and informal organization can be managed. For example, anyone assuming that a new manager of a Taco Bell will perform exactly as the old manager did is ridiculous. The organization of workers must adjust and adapt to the new manager's way of business. Another more main topic of the novel is the Eight Basic Principles. Their research had shown that the excellent companies had been based on the basics. The companies had to ... Have a nice day and enjoy your meal!" The third principle is autonomy and entrepreneurship. This is the innovation principle. 3M is known for innovation and they welcome the changing and rearranging of old and new products. For example, my dad took 3M's basic arthroscopy pump and redesigned it into an in flow-out flow cannula. This innovation on his part temporarilly set 3M back on its feet in ...
10494: Mark's Theology Reflected In Writing
... will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and they will fast in those days." This blatantly shows that Mark held higher regard for the Old Traditions of Fasting rather than Jesus' new teachings! This is also an example of "ChristianizingJesus" according to traditions that have already earned respect from Jews in their tradition. (Wow, this is starting to sound like a fight between Today's Political Parties ... Isa, Mic & some Psalms) for his apocalyptic writing. We also saw this in Paul's letters years before. People regarded scripture as fact, therefore a perfect tool to give credit to Mark's & Paul's new writing! Our own culture today is wrapped-up in tradition and Bible quotes as undisputable fact, even though people twist these things to promote their own interests! My own family justifies their hatred for gays ... these quotes in grey & black, because they were very confusing to me in forming an opinion about Jesus. I have enjoyed this assignment because I really feel like I am getting to understand the Historical New Testament! I tested my knowledge of Jesus by reading his quotes from my New King James Version Bible, and tried to spot additions that were not Jesus', and by guessing the color of some ...
10495: On J.j. Thomson
... how far they traveled through various gases, he concluded that if these were particles, they had to be very small. Drawing on work by his colleagues, J.J. Thomson refined some previous experiments, designed some new ones, carefully gathered data, and then . . . made a bold speculative leap. Cathode rays are not only material particles, he suggested, but in fact the building blocks of the atom: they are the long-sought basic ... cathode rays must somehow be stuck together: you cannot separate the charge from the rays. All attempts had failed when physicists tried to bend cathode rays with an electric field. Now Thomson thought of a new approach. A charged particle will normally curve as it moves through an electric field, but not if it is surrounded by a conductor (a sheath of copper, for example). Thomson suspected that the traces of ... next two years yielded an independent measurement of the value of the charge and confirmed this remarkable conclusion. Thomson boldly announced his hypothesis that. He said that in the cathode rays, we have found a new state of matter, a state in which the subdivision of matter is carried beyond the ordinary gaseous state: a state in which all matter is of the same kind. This new form of matter ...
10496: Gaius Marius: Savior.. or Destroyer?
... way of life, whose army provided them with a steady source of food, and in themselves. Now that a large part of Marius' legions comprised of volunteers, he, along with Saturninus and Glaucia, constructed a new form of payment. The legionaries were paid (with money) for each day of service, but upon retirement they were settled on land in Southern Gaul or North Africa. Hence, the former soldiers would not return ... of socii unit into the legions caused problems. The urban mob found a dislike for the allies, to whom they did not want to share a piece of Rome's valor. The rise of the new class of soldiers did not ingratiate Marius with the ruling class. The senators felt rightfully threatened with a new mob which had wealth and military experience who could wrest power from the Senate at any time. The patricians found a distaste in the military and looked down upon these soldiers as nothing more ...
10497: The Dubliners: Summary
... are said to be about the moments of growth and of realizations of the boy-narrators. The three of them, in fact, conclude with the awareness of the protagonist of being trapped in the visual world of print. The first story, The Sisters, is about a boy who is constantly being trained by a priest, Father Flynn, to memorize and practice the mysteries of the ChurchΉs rituals. When the boy ... felt would be satisfying to the church which eventually led to his death. When The boy is finally able to see the priest he has a moment of truth and understanding. He understands that his world is the same as the priest, he relies on the books of the Church and his own eyes for information. He believes that it was the way the priest was living his life that made ... for the time he was able to spend with him. The second story titled, An Encounter is very similar to the the story Sisters. Again, the boy narrator is tired of being trapped in the world of books. He believes that there is much more to learn that what is learned inside the classroom. He believes the real lessons in life should be learned in the outside world. School for ...
10498: The Process of Mitosis
... Write a note underneath saying "They split apart by the centromere breaking into two. Each centromere divides into two so that each chromatid has its own centromere."] Telophase --------------------------------------- The chromatids are destined to become the new chromosomes of the daughter cells. Once the chromatids are at the poles of the cell they unwind into chromatin again, now becoming hard to see once again. The spindle fibres now disintegrate and new nuclear membranes form around the new groups of chromatin making two new nucleus'. The centrioles now also replicate and divide their numbers evenly around each nucleus. Now the cell is ready to divide. [Draw a diagram of Telophase stage.] Mitosis ...
10499: History of English Language
History of English Language English is a Germanic Language of the Indo-European Family. It is the second most spoken language in the world. It is estimated that there are 300 million native speakers and 300 million who use English as a second language and a further 100 million use it as a foreign language. It is the language of science, aviation, computing, diplomacy, and tourism. It is listed as the official or co-official language in 45 countries. English is well on its way to becoming the unofficial international language of the world. Even though Mandarin (Chinese) may be spoken by more people, English is by far the most widespread of the world's languages. The history of the language can be traced back to the arrival of three Germanic tribes to the British Isles during the 5th Century AD. Angles, Saxons and Jutes crossed the North ...
10500: Tae Kwon Do
"Momma always said don't take the easy way outta' life. The more you give the more you get." This common theme seems to ring true throughout the entire world. Ironically, Americans can be better described as trying to get by in life with doing the least amount of work, while still receiving as much as they possibly can. In other words, taking the easy ... smash with the foot, Kwon- to punch or destroy with the fist, Do- the art or way of." (http://www.itatkd.com/whatiskd.html) The philosophy of TaeKwon-Do is to create a more peaceful world, and to do this its foundation begins with the individual person. Trying to develop positive aspects of personality like respect, courtesy, goodness, trustworthiness, loyalty, humility, courage, patience, integrity, perseverance, self-control, an indomitable spirit and ... the tenets of TaeKwon-Do. I shall respect all instructors and seniors. I shall never misuse TaeKwon-Do. I shall be a champion of freedom and justice. I shall strive to build a more peaceful world." The five tenets of TaeKwon-Do are courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control, and an indomitable spirit. (http://www.itatkd.com/tkdphil.html). All these values are still held true and practiced daily in Korea. ...

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