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Search results 10481 - 10490 of 22819 matching essays
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10481: The Yellow Wallpaper 4
... of the house that symbolizes not only her potential but also her trapped feeling is the window. In literature, traditionally this would symbolize a prospect of possibilities, but now it becomes a view to a world she may not want to take part in. Through it she sees all that she could be and everything that she could have. But she says near the end, "I don t like to look ... not represent a gateway for her. She can not enter what she can see outside of the window, literally, because John will not let her, (there are bars holding her in), but also because that world will not belong to her, she will be oppressed like all other women. She will be controlled, and be forced to suffocate her self-expression. The only prospect of possibilities that this window shows are all negative. It shows a world in where she will be oppressed and forced to creep like all the other women. It is common to find the symbol of the house as representing a secure place for a woman's ...
10482: Floating Point Coprocessors
... F' in hexadecimal notation, so this bit pattern is often referred to as the F-line. Interface The 68882 FPC employs an entirely conventional asynchronous bus interface like all 68000 class devices, and absolutely no new signals whatsoever are required to connect the unit to an MC 68020 MPU. The 68882 can be configured to run under a variety of different circumstances, including various sized data buses and clock speeds. What ... memory mapped in CPU space, these registers are directly accessible to the programmer within the register space of the host MPU. In addition to the standard byte, word and longword operations, the FPC supports four new operand sizes: single precision real (.S), double precision real (.D), extended precision real (.X) and packed decimal string (.P). All on- chip calculations take place in extended precision format and all floating point registers hold ... registers are directly accessible to the programmer within the register space of the host MPU. In addition to the standard word, short and long (16, 32 and 64-bit) integer operations, the MCP supports four new operand sizes: single precision real, double precision real, extended precision real and packed binary coded decimal strings. All on-chip calculations take place in extended precision format and all floating point registers hold extended ...
10483: Go Ask Alice!
... old school. But she misses her old house and her grandparents who she calls gramp and gran. Alice has a brother called Tim and a sister Alexandria. The two are younger than Alice. At her new school it is horrible for her. Nobody speaks to her the first days. but her brother and sister like the new school. Finally she finds a friend at school. Her name is Gerda, but Alice’s mother and father don’t like her. Alice doesn’t feel happy in her family. She hates his sister and ... are always invited. At first Alice and Chris enjoy the parties, which are really fun but then. December the 3rd. ...Chris and Alice decide to leave this screwed up some. The two girls find their “new home” close to Berkeley. They work hard to make the apartment looking great. Kids often visit Chris and Alice and tell their problems, but the two girls have enough problems with their lives. Alice ...
10484: The First Crusade
The First Crusade As the year 1000A.D. was approaching the strength of Christianity in Western Europe was growing along with its population. The newly reformed and organized Church began to gain great power. A new Europe was being born with the Catholic Church as a force in every area of life. In Christian beliefs, the savior, Jesus Christ was to return to earth and bring judgment on its people. Many ... the Holy Land from the clutches of non-Christian rulers. They successfully carried out the wishes of the Pope and , more importantly, what they believed to be the " Will of God ." The crusading knights gained new powers through the conquest along with salvation. Economically, the First Crusade was a success for Western Europe. New ports on the Mediterranean were in the hands of Western lords, opening new gates for trade. On the other hand, the First Crusade could be seen to be a failure in many ways. Relations ...
10485: Analysis The Impact Of Shift W
... suggests that from the point of view of the economy as a whole, the introduction of shift work, by reducing the stock of capital required to produce a given output, can encourage the entry of new firms into an industry and thus makes the economy more competitive (Walker 81). However, despite the economy advantages, we must take human costs into account too. Shiftwork has side effect on worker in the physicalogical ... for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 1988 Maurice, Marc. SHIFT WORK: Economic advantages and social costs. Geneva: International labout Office, 1975. Morgan, David. Sleep Secrets for shift workers & people with off-bear schedules. New York: Labrary of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data, 1996. Perlow, Leslie. Finding Time: How Corporations, Individuals, and Families Can Benefit from New Work Practices. New York: Cornell University Press, 1997. Simon, B.L.. "Impact of shift work on individuals and families." Families in Society. 71(6):342-48, June 1990. Siroonian, Jason. Work arrangements. Ottawa: Statistics ...
10486: Human Evolution and the Fossil Record
... lines of descent for a particular organism - the "family tree" of a species. supraorbital - above the eye socket Works Cited Eldredge, Niles. Life Pulse: Episodes From the Story of the Fossil Record. pp. 233-240. New York: Facts On File Publications, 1987. Foley, Jim. "Hominid Species." The Fossil Hominids FAQ. 1996. On-line. Internet. 1 Jan. 1997. Available: http://earth.ics.uci.edu:8080/faqs/homs/species.html. Leaky, L.S.B. The Progress and Evolution of Man in Africa. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1961. Johanson, Donald and Edey, Maitland. Lucy: The Beginnings of Humankind. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1981. Rak, Yoel. The Australopithecine Face. New York: Academic Press, 1983. Stoner, Don. A New Look At An Old Earth. June, 1992. On-line. Internet. 11 Jan. 1997. Available: http://www.power.net /users/aia/newlook/NLCHPTR5.HTM#Top. Turnbaugh, William ...
10487: The Time Machine
... up and travels into the future. He doesn't travel too far but just enough to see if it works and it does. He decides to travel father and this time he travels through both World War 1 and World War 2. And finds out the world is all most destroyed by war. He finds himself trapped under layers and layers of molten rock and he keeps shooting through time hoping that time will ware away the rock and free him. ...
10488: Antigone Greek Ideals
Antigone - Analysis of Greek Ideals In Ancient Greece, new ideals surfaced as answers to life's complicated questions. These new beliefs were centered around the expanding field of science. Man was focused on more than the Gods or heavenly concerns. A government that was ruled by the people was suggested as opposed to a monarchy that had existed for many years. Freedom of religion was encouraged to be exercised in city-states. These new ideals, though good in intentions, often conflicted with each other creating complex moral dilemmas. Such was the case in Antigone a play written by Sophocles during this era of change. In the play, Antigone ...
10489: John Jake's Homeland: A Review
John Jake's Homeland: A Review Homeland, John Jake's formidable novel about the final explosive events of the nineteenth century, in the first in a series that will focus attention on a new "Jakes" family, the Crowns. Multiple characters and settings at the norm for Jakes; however, this story rivets primary attention on Paul Crown, a young German immigrant. Paul leaves behind a Germany of cholera, poverty, and ... focus, especially when compared to Paul's mature approach to life and work. Jades utilizes the character of Paul to introduce the reader to the fledgling business of moving pictures. Paul is fascinated with this new "art form;" which involves him in many adventures including war, a brush with death, and marrying his first love. This first novel of the Crown series does a creditable job in setting the stage for future adventures of Paul Crown and his budding new family. REFERENCE Jakes, John. Homeland. New York: Bantam Books, 1994. (Paperback Edition)
10490: The Life of Elizabeth Blackwell
... A few years later, she decided to do what no woman had ever done before... attend medical school. She applied to many schools. Twenty-nine of them denied her acceptance. But Geneva Medical School of New York accepted her. Unfortunately, it turned out that they only voted her in as a joke because they did not believe a woman was capable of being a doctor. After two years of hard studying ... did not take her seriously. She then decided to open her own hospital. Elizabeth had to buy a house as her office because no one would rent space to her. This house later became the New York Infirmary for Women and Children. It wasn’t long before Elizabeth started seeing many patients because the Society of Friends supported her accomplishment as a doctor and referred people to her. She also helped train nurses for the battlefront during the Civil War. After the war ended, Elizabeth pursued a new goal, which was to open a college for women. In 1868, she opened the New York Infirmary and College for Women, a hospital completely operated by women. In 1869, she decided to permanently move ...

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