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10421: Cigarette Smoking
... A substantial number of lung cancers that occur in non-smokers canbe attributed to involuntary smoking. There are some parts in the UnitedStates where you can smoke in public places, on the other hand in New Yorkthere are designated areas. While some people feel that smoking in publicplaces should remain since it is their right, smoking in public placesshould be banned because second-hand smoke will endanger non-smokers healthand it ... smoking in a public place is their right andshould be kept that, smoking in public places should not be legalizedbecause it will endanger non-smokers from passive smoke and it pollutes ourenviroment. The state of New York will remain restricting smoking todesignated areas. Cigarettes are the most deadly habit, affecting thegreatest number of people in the world today. A ban on public smoking wouldcreate a healthier country.
10422: Mp3 Audio
... known website such as mp3.com which specializes in the distribution of legal MP3 audio files. By doing this, the band is allowing their music to be heard easily, quickly, and inexpensively all over the world. For music lovers around the globe, MP3s allow easy access to new music. They can easily get on the Internet and find out about new bands and their music. They can also find songs by their favorite bands that had been previously been unreleased or bootlegs from concerts. When the MP3 standard was first developed, it was solely used ...
10423: Sir Gawain And The Green Knight
... a True Hero Is a hero the one who decides to stand up when everyone else is only thinking about it? Is a hero the one who retains integrity rather than give in to the world’s everyday temptations? Is a hero the picture of courage, or an example of morals? These are the questions that arise after reading the epic story of Beowulf by an anonymous author, and the romantic tale of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, also written by an anonymous author. The stories describe two very different heroes. Beowulf was undoubtedly a hero, but as time advanced and the world became more complicated, what constituted a hero became more shady; therefore, while he is not anything like Beowulf, Sir Gawain is also in fact a true hero. Beowulf is a hero. That is an undeniable ... full knowledge of his mortality, because the survival of his people depend on it. Beowulf does not expect to return from the battle with the dragon but he enters the battle. "Then Beowulf rose, still brave, still strong, and with his shield at his side, and a mail shirt on his breast, strode calmly, confidently, toward the tower, under the rocky cliffs: No coward could have walked there!" His loyalty ...
10424: Riches, Knowledge, and Power....
... had knowledge you wouldn't need to be rich. If i was extreamly smart, I could build an invention that would probably help mankind. I could maybe devolp a cure for dieases, or make a new transportation vehicle that would not be pollutive to the enviroment. I may even may make something that would help re-juvinate the depleted ozone layer or improve surgical technics. So if I could be smart then i could someday think of something that may help the world and to me that would be much better then being famous for being rich or to have a power. If I was smart I could also see some bad points to being extreamly smart. If ... life span would be a challenege. Everything would be so easy to finish or accomplish because i'd already know how to do it. Being smart would also be bad because you wouldn't learn new intreasting things like how a car works, or even being excited by going on your first roller coaster ride because you would already know the motion you would be going at and the velocity ...
10425: Lord Of The Flies Tracing The
... a plain, ordered fashion he raises several issues which he feels are central to their survival and well-being. They are practical matters which cause little argument and Ralph as elected chief, insists that the new rules which he has laid down are obeyed. The next item on Ralph s agenda however, is the fear or the beast . It is the only matter which Ralph allows any discussion and, understandably, the ... allow the beast to take on a form which Jack had originally discounted - a tangible thing which can therefore be hunted. Ten miles above them a battle is being fought and a sign ... from the world of grown-ups, comes down in the form of a parachutist. It lands on the mountain, near the fire where Samneric lie asleep. When they wake, they hear the sounds of the canopy against the ... boys recognition of evil, is embodied in the sacrificed they make after each kill. The pig s head symbolises all of this to Simon, and also the cynicism of adults and the superficiality of their world. It is Simon who sees the parachutist as personifying the capacity of adults for death and destruction. The beast was a creation of the boys own imaginations. Many people do not want to look ...
10426: Sir Gawain And The Green Knight
... courage. Gawain’s shift in faith from Mary to the Green Girdle at the end of the story dictates his downfall. Gawain’s temptation begins upon entering Bertilak’s court, which is a totally different world to him. Although he is initially in a serious mood, he drops his guard at the sight of Lady Bertilak. All he wants to do is to escort her down the aisle and admire her ... concept that flesh is evil and will lead to man’s downfall, which is highlighted by the contrast of Courtly love to Christian love. Works Cited Abrams, M.H. "The Norton Anthology of English Literature." New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1993. De Roo, Harvey. "Undressing Lady Bertilak: Guilt and Denial in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight." The Chaucer Review 27 (1993): 305-24. Warner, Marina. "Alone of all Her Sex: The Myth and the Cult of the Virgin Mary". New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1976.
10427: Freedom For The Slave: Who Decides & Why?
... out as unskilled workers. Despite the restrictions, the freed slaves did prosper. Some slaves obtained college education, while others were able to acquire sizeable amounts of real estate. Wesley reported that some freed slaves in New Orleans, in the year preceding the Civil War had accumulated approximately $15,000,000 worth of property. In conclusion, the slaves made such enormous progress. Overcoming what has been known as one of the worst ... as equals, and granting them their liberties, I believe freedom is here to stay for the African American. Works Cited Frank, Andre. The Birth of Black America: The Age of Discovery and The Slave Trade New York: Chelsea House Publishers,1996 Wesley, Charles. International Library of Afro American Life & History Cornell Heights, Pennsylvania: The Publishers Agency, Inc. "Declaration of Independence" The World Book Encyclopedia:1998 "Freedom" Webster's College Dictionary:1998 "Men" Webster's College Dictionary:1998
10428: Academic Discourse Vs. Popular Discourse
... white lettering across it that reads, "Are We Too High?" Flipping through the pages of URB I also noted the several bright, "trippy" advertisements that would easily catch the attention the reader. The magazine advertises new and upcoming record releases, d.j. equipment, different kinds of speakers and lights, and other computerized equipment. The article headings are in bold, flashy, computerized, new-age print. In American Psychologist, there are no adds, no fancy colors, and no exciting forms of print. The pages are all white, and the print is all black, page after page, after page. The ... influenced the field of psychology. I did not seem to notice either of those in URB magazine. In comparing the two discourse communities, I realized that to understand what is going on in the academic world, a lot of time and studying must be put into grasping and understanding the information that is covered in the specific field that interests you. Everyone wants to be able to show off their ...
10429: De Tocqueville
... anything outside of their sphere . He also claims that they are often disposed to forget themselves. . If aristocrats thought about anything besides themselves, then perhaps they would have eased some of the suffering in the world. They could not know or care about anything that was not in their immediate world. It is unlikely that they would be so out of their sphere that they could have possibly known the poor man s plight, or have cared. It does not hurt the aristocrat if families live ... upon which Democracy is based. De Tocqueville felt that Democracy brings about equality and breaks the social structure. Oddly enough, I must agree with him. De Tocqueville begins criticizing the stability of the democratic system, new families are constantly springing up, others are constantly falling away, . This creates opportunity for individuals to move up in social standing. The mobility of the democratic class system was designed to allow equal opportunity ...
10430: Against Capital Punishment
... if there is one” (Zimring, & Hawkins, 1986, p.1). Every Western Industrial nation has stopped executing criminals, except the United States. Most Western nations have executed criminals in this century, and many were executed after World War II. Then executions suddenly decreased (Clay, 1990, p.9). This is partly because the people in many European countries might have been tired of killing from the war. In most cases the countries and ... the problem than to keep it locked up for years and years. However, it is far more costly to execute an inmate than to have that person serve a life sentence. A 1982 study in New York concluded that the average capital murder trial and first stage of appeals costs U.S. taxpayers 1.8 million dollars (Bedau, 1999, November 10)(Robinson, 1999, October 7). This is more than the current ... Had there execution not been postponed for the legal battle, they would have been innocently put to death (Bedau, 1999, November 10). Just a few months later, after Pitts and Lee were released, authorities in New Mexico were forced to admit they had sentenced to death four motorcyclists from Los Angeles who were innocent. The jury’s verdict in this case was based on alleged eyewitnesses and a perjured testimony. ...

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