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10401: T.S Eliot's View on Aesthetic Values
... that she acknowledges the writers and Eliot only sees the work itself. When the printing press was developed much of the oral tradition was lost. With the development of the press came many options for new writers to embark into the writing world. Woolf says in Anon, " The printing press brought the past into existence. It brought into existence the man who is conscious of the past the man who sees his time, against a background of the ... them. So when the printing press was developed, this was a stepping stone for many women. They could publish works and use an alias, preferably a man's name, to gain access to the writing world. This was much better than before when the women had no voice. Woolf says, " Yet during the silent centuries before the book was printed his voice was the only voice that was to be ...
10402: Appearance Is Everything To The Youth of America
Appearance Is Everything To The Youth of America Appearance is everything. The saying could be the foundation for a religious cult among American teens. Movies, music, and tv commercials create an Orwellian world where everyone think, acts, and looks the same. The youth of American is presently being exploited by large corporations that use tactful methods to get teens to fit the mold. MTV is a lifeline for ... loser”. First of all, it is obvious that the stories are fictional and the alleged couples are actors. But the real problem lies within the idea behind the show. Is that the biggest problem the world is facing today? Who to blame in some strange couples breakup? It is disturbing to know that the same audience members and at-home viewers that are voting on whom to place the blame, will ... popular girls give her “the chance of a lifetime”. They give her a makeover in return for her silence regarding the murder. The next day in school she receives instant popularity solely based on her new look. Appearance is everything. Another film entitles She’s All That hit theaters around the same time. In this movies, a “loser” girl is given a makeover because of a bet made by two ...
10403: The First Amendment: Sex, Laws, and Cyberspace
... the denouement, they pour gasoline on her and say good-bye with a lit match. Baker, a twenty year old sophomore at Michigan college posted this piece to Usenet under his own name. The “real world” Baker was a quiet kid who played with computers and drew little notice; but on the net he excited, offended, and garnered attention. The last contribution Baker made was January 9, 1995, and again included ... Half baked ideologies, dangerous ideas, and sordid fantasies can be posted, published, and circulated with virtually no restrictions on the Internet. The First Amendment allows this. The government's case against Baker collapsed when real world standards were applied. Without the CDA or equivalent legislation creating different rules for cyberspace, Baker's posting to Usenet was no different than if he had distributed his stories as leaflets on street corners. Judge ... not just a book written by Wallace and Mangan, but something that means a great deal to them. Johnathn Wallace is Vice President and General Counsel at a high-tech computer services company based in New York City. He is a graduate of Harvard Law School, he practiced computer law for ten years and has authored two books: Syslaw, the Sysops Legal Manual and Understanding Software Law. Mark Mangan works ...
10404: The Mexican U.S. Connection
... keeping a healthy connection. The first issue to deal with is illegal immigration. Doris Meissner, Immigration and Naturalization Service Commissioner, announced the INS would pump 185 more agents and an array of equipment, including two new helicopters, seven more infrared scopes, eight miles of fencing and 172 additional sensors to detect and deter illegal immigration traffic along a 16-mile stretch between Otay Mountain and the Tecate Port of Entry. The ... rejection of protectionist visions promoted by fear of competition. He said that the ratification of the NAFTA was one more step towards the creation of the largest free trade block among sovereign countries in the world. Trade Secretary Jaime Serra Puche gave a televised interview after Salinas' declaration in which he assured the Mexican public that the text of the NAFTA had not been re-opened at any point during the ... organizations of the Mexican private sector announced their "wholehearted approval" of what they considered to be "one of the culminating points of Mexican history in terms of its economic relations with the rest of the world." El Financiero interviewed several prominent businessmen who agreed that the first impacts of the approval of the NAFTA will be an increase in foreign investment in Mexico, the stability of monetary markets, job creation, ...
10405: To Have Or Have Not
... being shifted away from the center of wealth and being replaced by the already wealthy. It s a shame how a few people with large cheque books can run the most powerful country in the world, and yet the general public are being redirected to think this problem is a minimal and insignificant issue. The truth is that economic and social inequalities have been growing in the United States at an ... for example an executive building. You ll notice that everyone working there looks the same. Of course their opinions, value systems, and beliefs may differ, however they are almost always white and mainline protestant. This new and still growing oligarchy is about 20 percent of the population and is evenly spread across every state. What is even more amazing about the American oligarchy is that they pride themselves solely on their ... constantly get bigger. The two social status groups will find themselves segregated to the point in which they are either hiring help, or are hired help. Americans will not need to move to a third world country to be able to afford stay-in maids, gardeners, and chauffeurs, because they will be able to afford those luxuries at home in the United States. So until their corrupt political system makes ...
10406: Different Ideas Of What Is Tru
... weigh the evidence and decide upon the guilt or innocence of John and Patsy Ramsey. Time magazine concludes that the investigation of the parents has come to a halt, due to the fact that no new evidence has been brought forward for months. This information does nothing to clear the Ramseys of murder, but does nothing to encourage their punishment. In the Globe magazine, a mention of a nylon cord is ... of gossip by supermarket tabloids. With such cases as the JonBenet Ramsey murder investigation, in which little had happened since the death of the child, tabloids are known for twisting facts in order to pump new energy into a dying story. In the aftermath of Princess Diana¹s death there was a call upon the citizens of the world not to buy the supermarket ³rags², as a form of respect for to themselves. Reading from these ³headline grabbing² articles, insults not only those whose lives are spilled out among the pages, but those ...
10407: The Theme of Evil in Literature
... fuels the hate that people have for each other? Everyone has their individual views and answers to these questions, and their own definition of evil. Evil is an entity inside every living being in the world characterized by selfishness, torturing, and ultimately, the unjustifiable taking of others' lives. For many, selfishness is the beginning of evil. Macbeth is the perfect example of this. Macbeth, one of king Duncan's most popular ... 17) laying in his path, he is dumbfounded at how somebody can do that. Not only did Marlow deal with murder, but all the boys on the island had to deal with Jack's bloodthirsty new games and rules. His hunt for food turned into a ritual of dances and his chant of "Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood" (Golding 152). Next, he also turns killing a pig ... even the slightest bit of what evil is capable of accomplishing. Even if only a few people actually show their evil side, there is no doubt that evil exists. If there were no evil, the world would be a paradise, without war and hate, where everyone would be accepted for who they are, with no exceptions.
10408: Equal Human Rights
... office." After the Proclamation, the newest record of Thirteenth Amendment was signed onto the Constitution to abolish slavery in all states, and allowed only congress to apply slavery or any appropriate punishments according to the new Thirteenth Amendment. The Fourteenth Amendment has become a part of our Constitution despite the counting of votes for rejected states and the dishonesty put into voting for it. The Fourteenth Amendment is a mistaken belief ... were only 37 states in the Union, so ratification by at least 28 states was necessary to make the Amendment an integral part of the Constitution. Actually only 21 States legally ratified it"(U.S. New and World Report). Southern states also disagreed with the Amendment, but were urged to pass the Amendment, which it did in 1868. This Amendment was very important after the Civil War because the South States had ...
10409: Contrasting Views
... black leadership, of Booker T. Washington, was too submissive. Washington wanted blacks to try and get along with society "trying to fit in". He was encouraging blacks to become educated in the "white man's world". He tried to get blacks into working in agriculture, helping with industry and, to accepting that they get a second class status in American society. DuBois felt that Washington's plan would cause blacks to give up. While DuBois respected Booker T. Washington and his accomplishments, he felt that blacks needed political power to protect what they had and what they earned. DuBois called for a new plan of action. He felt that the greatest enemy of blacks was not necessarily whites but it was the ignorance of the whites concerning the capabilities of the black race. DuBois's answer was to ... follows: "Mr. Washington represents in Negro thought the old attitude of adjustment and submission..." According to DuBois, Washington broke the mold set by his predecessors: "Here, led by Remond, Nell, Wells- Brown, and Douglass, a new period of self-assertion and self- development dawned.... But Booker T. Washington arose as essentially the leader not of one race but of two--a compromise between the South, the North, and the Negro." ...
10410: Courtly And Uncourtly Views Of
... lyrics of the troubadours. Although there are many similarities, such as the woman’s high status, there are also many dissimilarities. One of the most obvious of these is these poets acceptance of the real world. It is difficult to find references to other women in the troubadours’ poetry let alone other relationships as one would find in the Middle English courtly lyric. An example of such a reference can be ... harmony of rhyme and alliteration. The above-mentioned conventions do not make the poetry dull and repetative though, in fact they have the opposite effect. Because the poets play with the conventions, every poem seems new and fresh. An example of variation on the common conventions can be found in the fourth lyric in Luria and Hoffman’s compilation, “Wormes woweth under cloude, / Wimmen waxeth wounder proude”. This poet is expressing ... fact that they were not allowed to be educated, women wouldn’t understand. This poet seems to rub women’s noses in the fact that they are dumb and can’t survive in the outside world. As I said earlier, many of these poems warn against marriage. They warn against young wives because they are chattery. They warn against old wives because they are insolent and disobedient. These poems take ...

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